Retrieving New Data

To refresh the results or re-run the action view using a different selection rule, from the Action Views page, you can retrieve new data by clicking the icon in the toolbar.

To make a fresh selection:

  1. Click the Retrieve icon icon in the toolbar above the results grid to display the Retrieve panel. The current selection rule is displayed graphically as an expression. Initially this is the selection rule as defined on the action view template. If there is no selection rule, an empty AND container (shaded pale blue) is displayed and the words 'Drop zone' indicate where you should drop other containers and fields to start building the expression.
  2. If you want to modify the selection rule, you can:

    • Edit an existing selection criterion by clicking its pencil icon then adjusting the operator and values as required.
    • Add another selection criterion by dragging Field into the expression, then clicking its pencil icon and setting the field, operator and values as required. (Fields from relationship joins cannot be used in selection criteria.)
    • Remove selection criteria by clicking their Trash Can icon icon.
    • Add an AND or OR container by dragging it into the expression.
    • Remove AND and OR containers by clicking their Trash Can icon icon.
    • Rearrange containers and selection criteria by dragging and dropping them within the selection rule.

    For examples of how to build up selection rules, see Filter Statements.

  3. Click Retrieve Data when you are satisfied with your selection (click Reset to abandon your changes and revert to the selection rule as it was when you opened this panel).

The action view is re-run using the current selection rule. If any of the selection criteria are set to prompt, you will be prompted to supply the required values. For information about specifying soft periods, see Accounting Period Adjustments (Soft Periods).


Any changes you make to the selection rule are not saved back to the action view template. Nor are they saved when you save your view.