Exporting and Importing Action Views
When you have created the dataviews and action view templates you need to run an action view, you can export them to a file which can then be imported into another organization. The exported file contains the dependencies needed for running the action view except for the custom actions you have created.
The export and import facilities are accessible in two ways:
- Click the Export Action Views or Import Action Views tab.
- Click Export or Import on the action view template home page.

- Click the Export Action Views tab or click the Export button.
- Enter a name for the file you are creating. The name can consist of letters, numbers, or underscore characters only. A file extension of .json is automatically appended to the name.
- Select the action view templates from the list, if necessary. As you select an action view template, its dependent dataviews, action view templates, and summarization templates (if used) are shown to the right of the screen. The complete list of items to be exported is built up at the bottom of the screen as action view templates are selected.
- Click Download to export the action view to a local drive. A popup appears enabling you to choose where to save the file.
A file containing the definition of the action view templates, dataviews, and summarization templates, if used, is saved on your local drive ready for import. You can also distribute the file to colleagues, who can store their copy locally.

You must have permission to view the location of the file you are importing.
- Click the Import Action Views tab or click the Import button.
- Click Choose File.
- Browse to the location of the file you want to import and click it. The contents of the import file are shown at the bottom of the screen. If there is more than one action view template definition in the file, you can deselect any that you do not want to import.
- Click Upload to import a file from a local drive. If any items with the same name already exist in your organization, the import of those files is skipped. Items that have not been imported are marked with a warning icon.
The action view templates you have imported are listed on the Action Views tab. Run an action view by clicking the appropriate action view template.