Task Management Classic
Task Management Classic consists of a grid view where you can :
Add a parent summary task or child task.
Assign a to a .
Make one task dependent on another.
Edit the details of a project task.
View project tasks.
Display detailed and summary task information .
Sort tasks by column.
Behind the scenes, Task Management Classic uses the PSA project task records. When you use Task Management Classic , the project task records are updated.
In Task Management Classic , you apply actions to an item by selecting the item that you want to carry out the action on and then selecting the option you want.
Project Task Gantt displays and formats numbers and dates according to the locale of your Salesforce user. If you have not changed this, the default locale of your Salesforce organization is used. We recommend that you set the same time zone on your computer and the Salesforce User Time Zone field. If you do not do this, Start and End dates of project tasks may change in ways that you do not expect. To change the locale of your Salesforce user, from Setup click My Personal Information | Personal Information .
If you use Project Task Gantt and create or edit tasks in Salesforce or Task Management Classic , you must ensure that the Start Date & Time field of a task always starts at 8AM and the End Date & Time field of a task always finishes at 5PM. If the task is a , ensure that the Start Date & Time and End Date & Time fields contain the same value. If you do not do this, Project Task Gantt may display task durations that you were not expecting.