Creating Recurring Journals

If there are some journals that you have to create regularly, you can save time by creating them as recurring journals. The journal that you base the recurring journals on must be a manual journal with the status "Complete" or "In Progress". You simply specify the number of recurrences you want then FinancialForce Accounting generates that number of journals at regular intervals, copying the details and line items from the source journal. You can change each journal's date, period and description before saving.

Note: Note
You must ensure that all required periods exist in the current company before attempting to create recurring journals. For example, if you intend to create six recurring journals at monthly intervals, periods must exist for the next six months.

To create recurring journals:

  1. Locate the journal that will be the source for the recurring journals, then display its journal detail page.
  2. Click Create Recurring Journals. The Recurring Journals page is displayed with the Source Journal Detail section showing details from the source journal.
  3. Choose the number of recurrences you want to create (1-26) and the frequency at which you want the journals to recur. The page refreshes to display a separate row for each recurring journal; the first row is populated by the source journal if its status is "In Progress". The journal line items that will be repeated on each journal are displayed in a read-only list.
  4. [Optional] Edit the journal date and period for each recurring journal. If you edit the date on the first row, you can click to recalculate the dates and periods of the subsequent recurring journals relative to the edited date.
  5. [Optional] Edit the description for each recurring journal. Clicking Copy to Lines copies the description on the current row to all other rows. The total debit amount cannot be edited.
  6. Click Save if you want to review the journals and make further edits to them before posting. If you are happy to post the journals right away, click Save & Post.

Additional Information

The recurring journals are created as regular manual journals. You can work with them in the same way as other journals.

You can use the Recurring Journals list view on the Journals tab to view a list of journals that have been created in this way.

If you create recurring journals in error, you can cancel them using the Create Canceling Journals button in the Journals list view. See Canceling Multiple Journals for details.

Note: Note
When creating recurring journals, if the total number of journal lines exceeds the Manual Journal Line Limit then the journals are created in batches. The maximum number of journals per batch is determined by the Cancel And Recurring Journals Batch Size. Both these limits are held in the Document Line Volume Settings custom setting.