Payment Numbering Fields

Here is a description of the standard fields on the check numbering page.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts

Field   Description
Vendor Name R Name of the vendor to be paid by check.
Payment Amount R Amount to be paid.
Check Number   Automatically allocated check number. Taken sequentially from the active check range. You can edit this allocated value by entering the next available check number in the active check range.

Void Checks

Field Description
Number Number of the check.
Range Name of the check range to which this check belongs.
Void Indicates that this check number was associated with a canceled, damaged, lost, or otherwise spoiled check.
Cash Entry Indicates that this check number was used during a cash entryClosedA record of money received from, or refunded to, your customers, often in the form of cash or a check. Also used to record payments to and refunds from vendors. payment process.


Button Description
Renumber Down Renumbers the remaining check numbers in the list starting with the edited check number.

The following buttons are displayed on the button bar.

Button Description
Confirm & Pay Confirms that payment has been made using the listed check numbers and immediately posts and matches the payment proposal. The check numbers in the list of void checks become permanently unavailable.
Cancel Cancels the current session without saving. Releases any allocated check numbers.