Payment Proposal Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a payment proposal. Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Payment proposals are numbered automatically with the format PAY{autonumber}.

Note: If you select a numerical field, such as Discount or Document Value, when filtering for a payment of 400 euros in Payments Plus, you must enter -400 or click in the field. For more information, see Custom Filters.

Payment Criteria

Key:  * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only in all contexts

Field   Description
Bank Account * Company bank account used for payment or collection.
Company   Company that owns this record.
Created by Payments Plus R Indicates that this payment proposal was created by the Payments Plus process. It is maintained internally by the application code. If this checkbox is set, you can only modify this record by the Payments Plus process. If the checkbox is blank, you can only modify this record by the Classic Payments process. If this was set by the API, its default is true.
Currency Mode   Document or Account. Document mode is the default.
Currency Write-off * General ledger account updated when a currency write-offClosedGenerated when there is a difference in the exchange rate between the date of the invoice and the date of the payment. The invoice and the payment are each converted from the document currency to account, home, and dual currency on the date they are created. Differences are posted to a currency write-off account. is created by the matching process. Only mandatory in a multi-currency org.
Currency Write-off Local GLA * Local general ledger account updated when a currency write-offClosedGenerated when there is a difference in the exchange rate between the date of the invoice and the date of the payment. The invoice and the payment are each converted from the document currency to account, home, and dual currency on the date they are created. Differences are posted to a currency write-off account. is created by the matching process. Only mandatory in a multi-currency org.
Description   Description of this payment proposal.
Document Currency   Defaults to the payment currency.
Discount Date *

The date used to calculate any settlement discounts that can be deducted from the payment. This defaults to the payment date, but you can change it.

Dual Rate   The exchange rate used by this payment proposal for home to dual currency if the default rate has been overridden. (This field is blank if the default rate has not been overridden.) The exchange rate is applied to cash entries created by the payment process.
Due Date   Filter by accounts due date. Transaction lines with a due date on or before this date are included in the list of accounts to pay/collect.
General Ledger Account   Filter accounts by the accounts receivable/payable control account. The default (blank) indicates no filtering by general ledger accountClosedThe general ledger will normally include general ledger accounts (GLAs) for items such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and reserves.. The resulting cash entries are posted to this general ledger account too.
Local GLA   Filter accounts by the accounts receivable/payable control account. The default (blank) indicates no filtering by local general ledger accountClosedThe general ledger will normally include general ledger accounts (GLAs) for items such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and reserves.. The resulting cash entries are posted to this local general ledger account too.
Payment Currency * The currency used to select the documents for payment and in which payments are carried out. The default is the bank account currency but you can change this to another accounting currency before retrieving the list of accounts. You can override the exchange rates used to convert values in payment currency to home currency, and home to dual currency, by clicking the expander icon next to this field.
Payment Date * The actual date of payment. This date is used to select which discount to deduct (if any) from each transaction line included in the payment proposal. For example, when payable invoices and credit notes are posted, potential settlement discounts and dates are calculated using the document date and the vendor's credit termsClosedSet of terms used to determine due dates and discounts for the goods and services bought or sold. Terms can be set at account level for vendors and/or company level for customers. and stored on the transaction. Transactions after the payment date are not retrieved.
Payment Media * Do you want to issue this payment proposal by "Check" or by "Electronic" transmission? If this is a collection, set this to "Electronic". If you select "Electronic", only those accounts with the required bank details are retrieved. These are marked with D on the Custom Account Fields topic. This custom picklist must remain fixed. Do not add or amend its values.
Payment Method   Filter accounts by their payment method. The default (-None-) indicates no filtering by payment method. You can add custom values to this picklist.
Payment Rate   The exchange rate used by this payment proposal for payment currency to home currency if the default rate has been overridden. (This field is blank if the default rate has not been overridden.) The exchange rate is applied to cash entries created by the payment process.
Payment Template   Load predefined payment criteria from an existing payment templateClosedSet of default values used to generate a payment proposal..
Payment Type * Does this proposal contain payments or collections? For payments, only accounts that contain an accounts payable control account will be included. For collections, only accounts that contain an accounts receivable control account will be included.
Settlement Discount * General ledger account updated when a settlement discountClosedA discount agreed with the purchaser for payment within an agreed period of time. The value of the discount is posted to a settlement discount account. is deducted.
Settlement Discount Local GLA   Local general ledger account updated when a settlement discountClosedA discount agreed with the purchaser for payment within an agreed period of time. The value of the discount is posted to a settlement discount account. is deducted.
Status   Status of this payment proposal such as Selected, Matched, Error, Part Canceled, Canceling Error and so on. New is the default.

You can further analyze the selected general ledger account by entering the relevant analysis dimensions on the adjacent expander panelClosedPanels that are initially hidden when the page is loaded. They allow you to enter, and subsequently view, additional attributes of the related field or line item, such as further analysis or a line description..

Key:  * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Currency Write-off Dimensions 1–4 X Name of the dimension record by which you want to analyze currency write-offs.
Settlement Discount Dimensions 1–4 X Name of the dimension record by which you want to analyze settlement discounts received.

Account Lines

Field   Description
Account   Lookup to the related account.
Payment Reference   Lookup to the related check for a check payment or the word "Electronic" for an electronic payment. If the check or electronic payment has been canceled it is set to "Canceled". In this case, look at the cash entry for the original check number.
Outstanding Value   Original sum of the outstanding values of all transaction lines, in payment currency, before any refinements. This value is fixed.
Gross Value   Sum of the outstanding values of all transaction lines, in payment currency.
Discount   Sum of all settlement discounts for all transaction lines, in payment currency. These are calculated based on the payment date and the potential discounts and dates calculated when the documents were posted.
Payment Value   Sum of gross values of all transaction lines minus all discounts, in payment currency.

Transaction Lines

R – Read-only in all contexts

Field   Description
Document Number R Number of the originating document.
Transaction ID R Lookup to the related transaction details. Hover over to view key information such as due date and transaction type.
Document Date R Date of the transaction.
Outstanding Value R Sum of the outstanding values of all transaction lines, in payment currency. This field updates automatically as payments are made.
Gross Value R Original sum of the values of all transaction lines, in payment currency.
Discount R Sum of all settlement discounts for all transaction lines, in payment currency. These are calculated based on the payment date and the potential discounts and dates calculated when the documents were posted. Discounts are only applied when the payment value plus discount equals the outstanding value.
Payment Value   Sum of gross values of all transaction lines minus all applicable discounts, in payment currency. Editable to allow you to part pay. If edited, the new value must have the same sign as the original and be less or equal to the outstanding value.


The following buttons may display. The availability or validity of these buttons varies according to many factors, including org configuration. See the list of related topics for more information.

Button Description
Cancel Cancels the current session without saving.
Cancel All Cancels all active (uncanceled) checks and payments that exist on the payment proposalClosedList of the accounts and transactions you are planning to pay or collect subscriptions from, on a specified date, using a specified bank account.. The payment status is set to "Canceled". Only visible when there are account lines ready to be canceled.
Cancel Selected Cancels the checks or electronic payments associated with the selected account lines. Only visible when there are account lines ready to be canceled.
Clear History Deletes the payment history of matched or discarded payments. This feature should not be used routinely. See Clearing Payment History for more information. Note: This functionality is only available in Classic Payments, not Payments Plus.
Discard, Save The action of these buttons vary in response to the status of the payment.
Pay The action of this button varies in response to the payment status and media type.
Remittances Sends remittances to your vendors. See Vendor Remittances for more information.
Resubmit Resubmits a batch of unprocessed transactions in a failed payment. Failed payments have a status of "Error".
Retrieve Accounts Retrieves accounts and transactions that meet the payment criteria.

In the Payment Criteria section:

Button Description
Change Currency Helps you select a different payment currency to the one displayed. Click Apply to confirm your selection.
Button Description
Displays an expander panelClosedPanels that are initially hidden when the page is loaded. They allow you to enter, and subsequently view, additional attributes of the related field or line item, such as further analysis or a line description. that is hidden and closes any other panels that are open. Blue indicates existing content.
Hides the selected panel.
Indicates an error on the related expander panel. If hidden, click to show the item in error.

In the Accounts section:

Button Description
Displays the list of transactions for this account.

In the Transactions dialog box:

Button Description
OK Closes the Transactions dialog box, saving any changes you have made.