Handling Errors in Cancel Payments

The process to cancel checks or electronic payments is made up from a series of sub-processes. New canceling journals and payment refund cash entries are created and posted, matches are undone and new matches made. If any of these sub-processes fail, so will the cancel payments process.

If the cancel payment process fails, you are told what happened and you are given the opportunity to resubmit the job.

See Cancel Payment Control and Log Fields for related information.

If an error occurs, the status of the payment account line is set to "Canceling Error" and you are sent a notification.

To view the details of the error:

  1. Go to the notification email and click the View link, or go to the payment detail page and click the View link in the Errors column. The related cancel payment control record is displayed.
  2. On the Cancel Payments Log related list, review the list of payment logs. There is one log record for each payment account line that has failed.
  3. Click the log name to display the related cancel payment log details. This record contains a detailed message and lookups to records that could contain the source of the error.

To resubmit any payment account lines that have failed with an error:

  1. Correct the error described in the log message.
  2. Display the cancel payment control record as described earlier.
  3. Click Resubmit.
Note: Note
If you have resubmitted the same job more than once and it has failed both times, contact Customer Support.