Payment Selection Fields

This topic describes the interface elements on the Payment page.

Filter Criteria

The Filters button shows or hides the filter criteria panel.

When entering a From/To range, if the From value is left blank, the selection will include values less than or equal to the To value. If the To value is left blank, the selection will include values greater than or equal to the From value.

Key:  * – Mandatory field

Filter Criteria Options   Usage Notes
Document currency Single selection   Select a value from the drop-down list. This defaults to the home currency in multi-currency organizations, and cannot be changed in single-currency organizations.
Due Date From/To   Enter a From/To date range.
General Ledger Account Multi-select
* Select multiple GLAs from a drop-down list, search for GLAs that contain a particular string, or enter a From/To range. By default only GLAs of type "Balance Sheet" where Trial Balance 1 = Balance Sheet and Trial Balance 2 = Current Liabilities or Long Term Liabilities are retrieved, but you can modify this behavior using the custom setting GLA Filtering in Payment Selection (Accounting Settings). See Accounting Settings for more information.
Local GLA Multi-select
* Select multiple local GLAs from a drop-down list, search for local GLAs that contain a particular string, or enter a From/To range. By default only local GLAs of type "Balance Sheet" where Trial Balance 1 = Balance Sheet and Trial Balance 2 = Current Liabilities or Long Term Liabilities are retrieved, but you can modify this behavior using the custom setting GLA Filtering in Payment Selection (Accounting Settings). See Accounting Settings for more information.
Payable Invoice Number Equal
  Enter a specific number, or enter a From/To range.
Payment Method Single selection * Select a value from the drop-down list. Only vendors with the specified payment method will be retrieved.
Vendor Account Name Multi-select
  Select multiple vendors from a drop-down list, search for vendor account names that contain a particular string, or enter a From/To range. Only vendors that have an Accounts Payable Control account will be retrieved.

If you have encryption enabled in your org, you will only be able to use Multi-select. See Shield Platform Encryption for more information.

Vendor Invoice Number Equal
  Enter a specific number, search for numbers that contain a particular string, or enter a From/To range.

Click the gear icon to see the options that are available to you.

Tip: If you find retrieval by using a particular filter field is slow, your administrator can ask Salesforce to add a custom index to that field. This could improve performance.


Button Description
Clear Filters Clears any values you have entered for the selected filter criteria, so that you can start again.

Retrieve Documents

When you click Retrieve Documents all transactions that meet your filter criteria and are available for payment are listed in a grid. The controls available in the grid are:

As you select and deselect transactions, the Payment Total updates to show the latest payment value.

Note that the Payment Total does not include discount values; discounts cannot be applied until a Payment Date has been specified.

Create Payment

Click Create Payment to create payments for the selected transactions. A dialog box is displayed where you must enter the payment details.

Key: D – These general ledger accounts can be sub-analyzed by entering up to four analysis dimensions.

Field   Description
Bank Account   The bank account from which payment will be made.
Currency Write-Off D The general ledger account (GLA) to which write-offs will be posted.
Dimension 1–4   Two sets of up to four analysis dimensions to sub-analyze the currency write-off and settlement discount general ledger accounts.
Local Currency Write-Off D The general ledger account (GLA) to which write-offs will be posted.
Local Settlement Discount D The general ledger account (GLA) to which settlement discounts will be posted.
Payment Currency   The currency in which payment will be made.
Payment Date   The date when payment will be made.
Payment Media   Choose whether payment will be made electronically or by check. This defaults to Electronic unless you have filtered on Payment Method=Check.
Settlement Discount D The general ledger account (GLA) to which settlement discounts will be posted.


Button Description
Create Launches a process to retrieve the selected transactions and create a payment proposal. You are given the chance to decide where to go next. See Using the Payment Selection Tab for more details.
Cancel Returns you to the grid listing the transactions that have been retrieved.
Maximizes or restores the page in your browser window.