Creating a Rebate

To create a rebate:

  1. Click the Rebates tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select one of these rebate types:
    • Customer Submitted – a rebate that a customer applies for once they have purchased the product.
    • Manufacturer Direct – a rebate that a customer receives from the reseller and that reseller receives an automatic rebate directly from the manufacturer without having to submit a claim.
    • Reseller Submitted – a rebate a customer receives from the reseller and that reseller must apply for reimbursement from the manufacturer.
    • Incentive – a rebate given to the reseller for achieving a goal such as achieving a certain volume of sales in a given time frame. This type of rebate is often tiered with variable incentives for escalating the volume of sales achieved.
  4. Select whether you want to apply the rebate to a sales order or a purchase order.
  5. Enter the start and end dates to which the rebate applies.
  6. Enter the last date on which the rebate claim must be submitted.
  7. Enter the amount of rebate to be applied.
  8. Enter the minimum quantity of units to qualify for the rebate.
  9. Select the Manufacturer to which the rebate applies.
  10. If the rebate is to be applied to a bundle of items where it is mandatory to purchase a particular item to qualify for the rebate, select the Bundle? checkbox
  11. Complete the remaining fields and click Save. For information about rebate fields, see Rebate Fields.

To apply the rebate to items, the rebate must contain one or more rebate lines. To create a rebate line:

  1. Click New Rebate Line in the Rebate Lines related list.
  2. In the Item field, select an item master to apply the rebate to.
  3. Select the Required checkbox if the item must be purchased to qualify for the rebate, otherwise clear the checkbox.
  4. Complete the remaining fields. and click Save. See Rebate Line.

Additional Rebate Terms

If different rebate amounts are to be applied depending on quantity purchased or amount spent, you can do so by creating additional rebate terms. You can also apply different rebates for different suppliers by creating additional rebate terms.

To create additional rebate terms:

  1. Click New Additional Rebate Terms in the Additional Rebate Terms related list.
  2. Enter the Amount of rebate to be applied.
  3. [Optional] Enter the minimum and maximum quantity to which the Amount applies.
  4. [Optional] Enter the minimum and maximum spend to which the Amount applies.
  5. [Optional] Enter the Supplier to which the Amount applies.
  6. Complete the remaining fields and click Save. See Additional Rebate Terms.

Submitting Rebates for Approval

Depending on the approval processes in your organization, rebates become active when they are approved. Rebates are only applied to sales orders, purchase orders and invoices when their status is Approved. To submit a rebate for approval, click Submit for Approval.

Note: Note Notepad icon
The default approval process approves the rebate when you submit it for approval, Your organization may have created a specific approval process for rebates that requires more steps than described here.