Rebate Fields

The Rebate object contains the overall details of the rebate. Here is a description of the fields on the Rebate object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only in all contexts

Field Name   Description
Active   Indicates whether you can associate this rebate with new items.
Amount   Amount of rebate to be given.
Applied Rebate Amount   The total amount from the applied rebates regardless of the rebate type.
Applied Rebates   Total number of rebates that have been applied to a customer quotation line, sales order line item, purchase order line item or an invoice line item.
Apply Rebate To   Indicates whether the rebate is to be applied to a sales order or a purchase order. When creating an incentive rebate, select Purchase Order.
Bundle?   Indicates whether the rebate is a bundle. When the rebate is a bundle, the Minimum Units to Qualify field determines the number of items you must buy from the rebate lines.
Combination Allowed?   Indicates whether the rebate can be combined with any other rebates or discounts being offered.
Currency   Currency of the rebate
End Date   Date on which the seller must stop offering the rebate.
Manufacturer   Lookup to the manufacturer who is offering the rebate. When a rebate is applied to customer quotation line, the manufacturer is set on that customer quotation line.
Maximum Number of Rebates   Maximum number of rebates that can be submitted per transaction.
Minimum Unit Threshold   When the rebate is not a bundle, determines the minimum number of units that must be purchased to receive one rebate. When the rebate is a bundle, determines the number of items you must buy from the rebate lines.
Outstanding Claim Amount   Total amount from outstanding rebate claims.
Preferred Rebate   Indicates whether this rebate is the rebate to be applied when there is more than one rebate and Combination Allowed? is not selected on each one.
Rebate Name   Id of the rebate being offered.
Rebate Promotion Description   Description of the rebate being offered.
Rebate Promotion Name * Manufacturer's name for the promotion.
Start Date   Date on which the seller can start offering the rebate.
Status   Status of the rebate. This is the status in the Salesforce approval process that your administrator has chosen. This can be New, Submitted, Reimbursed, Rejected or Expired.
Submit By Date   Last Date on which a claim can be received for the rebate.
Total Quantity Purchased   Total number of items from the purchase order line items to which the rebate has been applied.
Type   The type of rebate being offered. This can be Customer Submitted, Manufacturer Direct, Reseller Submitted or Incentive:
  • Customer Submitted – a rebate that a customer applies for once they have purchased the product.
  • Manufacturer Direct – a rebate that a customer receives from the reseller and that reseller receives an automatic rebate directly from the manufacturer without having to submit a claim.
  • Reseller Submitted – a rebate a customer receives from the reseller and that reseller must apply for reimbursement from the manufacturer.
  • Incentive – a rebate given to the reseller for achieving a goal such as achieving a certain volume of sales in a given time frame. This type of rebate is often tiered with variable incentives for escalating the volume of sales achieved.

Additional Information

These fields contain information on how you or a customer can claim the rebate.

Field Name Description
Instructions Instructions on how the rebate is to be claimed from the manufacturer.
Website Link Link to a public facing website that provides information about the rebate.

Rebate Line

The rebate line object contains the items to which the rebate applies. Here is a description of the fields on the Rebate Line object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only in all contexts; B – This field is only applied to the rebate when the Bundle? checkbox is selected.

Field Name   Description
Apply Rebate Amount from Bundle   Indicates whether the rebate amount is applied to this line when it belongs to a bundle.
Condition   Condition code to which the rebate applies. This is a lookup to the condition codes on the Codes tab. The conditions shown depend on the conditions that your administrator has created.
Item B When the rebate is a bundle, determines the item to which this rebate line applies.This is a lookup to the item masterClosed The record of a product or a service which is to be sold and/or stocked in a warehouse. An item master might also be referred to as a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)..
Rebate   Lookup to the rebate to which this rebate line applies.
Rebate Line Name   Id of the rebate line.
Required B When the rebate is a bundle, indicates whether you must purchase the item to qualify for the rebate. When you select this checkbox, the Bundle? checkbox is automatically selected on the parent rebate.

Additional Rebate Terms

The Additional Rebate Terms object enables you to manage rebates which have greater complexity. For instance, where there are several suppliers with specific minimum and maximum quantity and spend thresholds to qualify for the rebate. Here is a description of the fields on the Additional Rebate Terms object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only in all contexts; B – This field is only applied to the rebate when the Bundle? checkbox is selected; V – This field is used for volume rebates.

Field Name     Description
Additional Rebate Terms Name *   Id of the Additional Rebate Terms.
Amount V   Rebate amount to be applied for each unit that qualifies for the rebate. This field is used for volume rebates.
Currency     Currency of the amounts on these additional rebate terms.
Maximum Quantity V   Maximum number of purchased units that qualify for the rebate
Maximum Threshold     Maximum amount the buyer needs to spend to qualify for the rebate.
Minimum Quantity V B Minimum number of units to be purchased to qualify for the rebate.
Minimum Threshold     Minimum amount the buyer needs to spend to qualify for the rebate.
Rebate     Lookup to the rebate to which these additional rebate conditions apply.
Supplier     Lookup to the supplier to which the rebate applies.


Button Name Description
Submit for Approval Submits the rebate for approval.
Clone Rebate Clones the rebate and its lines.
Close Rebate Closes the rebate so that it is no longer offered.
New Rebate Line Adds a new rebate line to the rebate
New Additional Rebate Terms Creates new additional rebate terms, which enable you to add greater complexity to the rebate rules.