About Currency Overrides on Journals
We recommend that you read and understand the following information before attempting to override currency exchange rates or currency values as explained in Overriding Currency Values and Rates on a Journal.
General principles
- You must make sure that all related accounts have an account trading currency defined.
- You cannot set currency overrides at both header level and line level on the same document. By default, currency overrides can be applied at header level. To apply overrides at line level, your system administrator must enable the Override Currency Values on Journal Line custom setting (Accounting Settings) for your organization
A deployment of the Salesforce/Certinia applications with a defined set of licensed users. Your organization (org) includes all of your data and applications, and is separate from all other orgs.. Do not switch this custom setting while journals with currency overrides remain In Progress. If you need to change this custom setting from one level to another, post all journals with currency overrides first.
- All override currencies must belong to the current company
The company in which you are working. This is represented by the company queue to which you, and new instances of objects you create, are assigned..
- You cannot set an override currency value for document currency
The currency in which values are entered on a document..
- Any override currency values applied to a journal are inherited by any canceling or reversing journals that might be created from it.
- In addition to being able to override non-document currency values, you can override the exchange rates used to convert the journal value into home and dual currencies.
- Any overrides you make between document and home currency on a journal are applied to any tax values and taxable values on the journal lines. Tax values and taxable values are only stored on the transaction line item in document currency and home currency (not in dual or any other currencies), so currency overrides only apply between document currency and home currency.
Journal header level
- You must enter only positive (debit) override currency values at header level.
- You cannot specify the same currency more than once at header level.
- If the override currency specified at header level is not used on the current document, its override value is ignored.
- Override fields on the header are not dynamically updated as journal lines are added, edited or removed.
Journal line level
- If the same currency is repeated in more than one currency slot
Places on the transaction line item where currency values are stored. These are Home, Dual, Document, Dimension 1-4, Account, Bank Account, and General Ledger Account. The values are either calculated by the application using the stored exchange rates or entered by the user when creating or editing the source document., you only need to enter an override value once. The other currency slots associated with the same currency will automatically inherit this override value. You cannot save different override values for currency slots that share the same currency.
- If the Amount on the journal line item is negative, you must enter a negative override value. The same applies for positive values.
- If the Amount on the journal line item is zero or blank, you cannot enter an override.
- The override value is removed when:
– The journal amount is changed to zero or is blanked out.
– A currency slot is cleared.
– The currency associated with a currency slot is changed in some way.
- [Extended Edition] If you edit the journal Amount or the value of a currency slot after applying one or more overrides to the journal line, the override currency values are retained. This is also true when using the API.
- [Classic Edition] If you edit the journal Amount or the value of a currency slot after applying one or more overrides to the journal line, the override currency values are removed.
Editing dimensions after posting
The ability to edit dimensions on posted journals is controlled by a custom setting (Accounting). For more information, see Managing Custom Settings. However, irrespective of this setting, this ability is disabled when you override currency values or exchange rates on the journal.