Journal Line Items

In this topic you must choose your edition of our application. If you are unsure, contact your administrator.

For a description of the standard fields that make up a journal line item, see Journal Fields. For details on how many lines can be attached to a journal, and how many lines can be attached to a journal before it is batched up for posting by a scheduled job, see Document Line Volume Settings.


If you want the journal to appear on a bank reconciliation, you must select a line type of "Bank Account" and then provide the name of the related bank account.

When adding journal line items in either Classic or Extended Edition, if a Debit/Credit picklist is available enter the line value as a positive amount then specify whether it is a debit or credit by selecting the appropriate option from the picklist. If there is no Debit/Credit picklist, credits must be entered with the minus sign (–). If there is no Debit/Credit picklist but you would like to turn it on, see Accounting Settings for information about the Show Debit Credit Indicator custom setting.


If Services Resource Planning (SRP) is installed in your org, you can create PSA miscellaneous adjustments from eligible journal line items. For more information, see Journal Line Items to Miscellaneous Adjustments Integration.

Lightning Edition

When creating a new line item, or editing, or amending the dimension fields on the line item, you can assign a dimension only when the period start date and end date of that journal are within the posting effective dates of that dimension.

Once the journal is posted, you cannot make any changes to the GLA fields on the line items. When creating a new line item, or editing the GLA fields on the line item, you can assign a GLA only when the period start date and end date of that journal are within the posting effective dates of that GLA. For more information, see Managing Analysis Dimensions and Managing General Ledger Accounts.


When creating or editing line items, we do not recommend changing any default values that are applicable to those line items. The fields in the Line Items grid might be editable regardless of the field accessibility settings in your org. For more information, see Field-Level Security.

The value in the Line Reference field in the Transaction Line Items is derived from the Account Reference field on the Journal Line Item.
The value in the Account Reference field is used when matching the journal line to other documents, such as, credit notes, invoices, and cash entries in the background. This value can either be a customer reference or a document number. For more information, see About Document Matching Sequence in Background Matching.

Cloning Line Items

To clone lines:

  1. Select the checkboxes of the lines you want to clone.
  2. Click Clone Lines above the grid.
  3. [Optional] Modify the cloned lines as required.
  4. Click Save.
Note: When you clone a journal line and modify the Line Type, all fields in the line appear blank. This is an expected behavior.

Deleting Line Items

To delete lines:

  1. Select the checkboxes of the lines you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete Lines above the grid.
  3. Click Save.