Posting Journals

The Post button on the journal detail page allows you to manually post an "In Progress" journalClosed A document that enables you to make corrections or adjustments to your existing accounting data. for any of the currently selected companies. You do not need to change the current company. Administrators can post journals for any of their user companies, regardless of their current company selection. All transactions created by the journal must be posted to an open periodClosed An accounting period to which a user can save documents and post transactions.. In Classic EditionClosed The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package., the Save & Post button first saves the document then posts it in the same way as if you had clicked the Save and Post buttons separately.

The Post button is also available on the Journal Lightning Experience page.

Cash matching, canceling, reversing and income schedule journals are posted automatically.

Do not post any documents to a period that is being revalued. Wait for the whole currency revaluation process and all related batch jobs to complete before continuing to post documents.


You can only manually post a journal if its Journal Total is zero in document currency and the combination of account/bank account/product/tax code and general ledger account on each line is valid.

If successful, the relevant transaction line items are posted to the relevant company's general ledger and the journal is assigned a transaction number. The sum of these transaction line items is zero in document, home and dual currency. The posted journal is now "Complete" and can no longer be discarded.

If a journal containing a tax line is posted, it creates an equivalent tax line item on the resulting transaction. Any tax values and taxable values are converted to home currency and stored on the transaction in both document and home currency.

If the journal contains intercompany journal line items, a corresponding intercompany transferClosed Object used as a staging location for data used when transferring costs to other companies in the same organization. record is automatically created at the same time. When this happens, a lookup to the related intercompany transfer is added to the corresponding transaction line items (and to the header where appropriate and the intercompany transfer is unique).

If you are using chart of account mappings to produce financial reports for different statutory bodies and you discover that a corporate GLA has been mapped to the wrong local GLA, you can use a manual journal to correct the error by overriding the local GLA mappings. For more information, see Mapping Corporate and Local GLAs.

The only way to cancel a posted journal is to create a canceling journalClosed Type of journal used to cancel out the transactions a previous journal posted in error..

Posting Journals Through Mass Action

To post journals from a list view:

  1. Navigate to the Journals list view page.
  2. Select one or more journals to post. If you are posting a single journal from the Journal Lightning page, see Posting Journals.
  3. Click Post. Once the journals are posted, an email is sent to the user that the journals are posted. The Email notification will have the ID of all the posted journals. If any journal does not meet the criteria, then it is not included in the list and is not posted. The logs in the email will list the reason why the journals were not included.
Note: If you have enabled the background scheduler, then the journals are not posted directly. The process happens in the background and the journals are classified as “Ready To Post” and will be considered for posting based on the defined criteria.

Once posted, the document status changes to “Complete” and the corresponding transactions are created. All the transactions created by the journals must be posted in an open period.

Note: You can only manually post “In Progress” journals if its Journal Total is zero in document currency and the combination of account/bank account/product/tax code and general ledger account on each line is valid.

Background Posting

When posting journals, if a journal exceeds the line limit set for that journal type in the Document Line Volume Settings custom setting its status is set to "Ready to Post" and it is batched up for posting by a scheduled job. For information on how to set up the scheduled job, see Setting up the Background Posting Scheduler.

If you do not want to wait for the next scheduled job, you can click Background Post in the journal list view to start the Background Posting Scheduler right away. Any journals with the status "Ready to Post" in companies that you are currently logged into will be posted in the background. The Background Post button is only available if you have been given the necessary permissions for Background Posting.


The Document Line Volume Settings custom setting is a protected setting; you will need to contact Customer Support to change the limits. For more information, see Document Line Volume Settings.

Bulk Posting

You can use the FFA Journal DataView to create an action view that allows you to bulk post more than 200 journals at a time. When you create the action view, add a filter to view only "In Progress" journals and assign the Schedule Journals For Posting action.

For more information, see About Action Views.

If the FFA Journal DataView is not available, you must create it by clicking Create Standard Dataviews in the Dataviews tab.

You can then select all the journals and apply the action. The journals are updated to "Ready To Post", and are processed by the Background Posting Scheduler when it runs. If you have been assigned the FDN AsyncApi - Process permission set you can monitor the progress of the Schedule Journals For Posting action on the Process Runs tab. You should ensure the job has completed successfully before you run the Background Posting Scheduler to post the journals.

The scope size for bulk posting of journals is controlled by the Scope Size - Schedule Journal Post setting in the Accounting Settings custom setting. If you are posting journals that have a large number of lines, we recommend that you reduce the scope size from the default of 200.

Trigger-Posting Journals using Datastream

The Trigger Posting feature enables you to automatically post a document either synchronously or asynchronously by updating its header using Datastream.

  • Read Trigger-Posting Documents for some very important preparation notes and prerequisites.
  • Before you use the Trigger Posting feature, we recommend enabling it in the Feature Console to automatically add the Trigger Posting and Trigger Posting Error fields to the related page layouts. If you use other page layouts, you must add these fields manually. For more information, see Enabling the Trigger Posting of Documents Feature.

To trigger-post documents using Datastream: