Contact Card Lightning Component Fields

The following fields are available on the PSA Contact Card component on the Contact Lightning record page and on the Resource Request Lightning record page when you select a resource.

Section Button or Field Description
Header Image Image for the Salesforce user record associated with the resource from their Contact record. If there is no image, a standard resource icon is displayed. When there is no associated user, a generic icon is displayed. If a user does not have read access to the Salesforce user Id field on the Contact record, they only see a resource icon and not an image even when one has been added.
Resource Name Name of the resource from the Contact record associated with the resource.

If you are viewing the Resource Request Lightning page, click the resource name hyperlink to view the contact's record page.
Resource Role Role for the resource.
Details - You can add additional read-only fields to a field set on the Contact object, and select the field set to display these fields in the Details section of the PSA Contact Card component. For more information, see Contact Field Sets and Contact Card Lightning Component Properties. Any additional lookup fields that you add to the PSA Contact Card component using a Contact field set must also be added to your Contact record page layout.
Availability -

Availability for each day in the month selected for the resource. Availability information is updated accordingly when a resource is held or assigned. For more information, see Availability.

Resource Schedule Hide Zero Hour Commitments If selected, assignments or resource requests containing zero hours within the date range are not displayed.
Resource Requests List of resource requests for the selected resource that fall fully or partially within the date range. Resource requests are displayed when Show Resource Requests is selected for the PSA Contact Card component in the properties pane in Lightning App Builder.

You can configure the PSA Contact Card component in the Lightning App Builder to use a Resource Request field set so that useful information is displayed when you hover over a resource request. For more information, see Contact Card Lightning Component Properties.

Assignments List of assignments for the resource that fall fully or partially within the date range.

You can configure the PSA Contact Card component in the Lightning App Builder to use an Assignment field set so that useful information is displayed when you hover over an assignment. For more information, see Contact Card Lightning Component Properties.

Scheduled Time (%) The percentage of the resource's available time that is scheduled for each assignment or resource request within the date range. The value is calculated using the resource's work calendar and the date range.
Tip: The percentage value is shown by default. Alternatively, you can configure the scheduled time to be shown in hours by selecting Show Scheduled Time in Hours on the PSA Contact Card component in the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Contact Card Lightning Component Properties.
Note: When a resource's scheduled time is shown as a percentage, Available Hours, Assigned Hours, and Held Hours fields always show the values as hours.
Scheduled Time (hours) The amount of time in hours the resource is scheduled to work on each assignment or resource request within the date range. The value is calculated using the assignment or resource request's schedule and the date range.
Tip: You can configure the scheduled time to be shown as a percentage by deselecting Show Scheduled Time in Hours on the PSA Contact Card component in the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Contact Card Lightning Component Properties.
Available Hours Hours available to schedule for a selected resource's assignments and resource requests within the date range.
Assigned Hours Assigned hours for a selected resource's assignments and resource requests within the date range.
Held Hours Held hours for a selected resource's assignments and resource requests within the date range.
Matching Skills Aspiration Indicates that the resource wants to learn this skill or acquire additional knowledge of it.
Certified Indicates that the resource's skills certification record is accredited and active.
Rating A numerical rating for the skill or certification the resource has that matches those selected in the Resource Filter.
Skills and Certifications List of skills and certifications the resource has that match those selected in the Resource Filter. These are not necessarily all skills and certifications the resource has.
View Experience View details of the selected resource's skills experience. For more information, see Managing Skills, Certifications, and Experience for Resources.