Resource Filter Lightning Component Fields

The Resource Filter component incorporates a Skills filter and enables you to filter a list of resources.


You can show or hide standard fields, control field behavior, and add your own custom fields to the Resource Filter. For more information, see Resource Filter Lightning Component Properties.

Resource Filter Fields

The following fields are displayed.

Key: * – Mandatory field.



End Date * The end date, as specified on the resource request, or the value selected in this field. The Start Date and End Date fields are used to determine resource availability, calculated as a percentage value. For more information, see Availability (Percentage).
Group   The group the resource is assigned to, as specified on their contact record.
Include Recommended Resources  

When selected and a search is applied, Intelligent Staffing sorts resource results by rank ascending order. Resource attributes and specified weightings are considered. Results might include resources who do not match all filter criteria when an attribute is not considered an essential match.


Select Include Recommended Resources Default in the component properties in Lightning App Builder for Include Recommended Resources to be selected by default in the Resource Filter. For more information, see Resource Filter Lightning Component Properties.

When selected, the Rank column is also displayed. When deselected, the Rank column is not displayed, and resources are sorted by availability. For more information about how the rank is calculated, see Intelligent Staffing for a Resource Request and see Resource Search Service Settings.

Include Sub-Groups  

Include resources in all sub-groups belonging to the selected parent group.


Include Sub-RPGs filter fields display when you filter a parent RPG filter field in the Resource Filter. For example, a selected Group. Include Sub-Groups is displayed by default. When Group is blank, Include Sub-Groups is not displayed. This behavior matches Include Sub-Practices and Include Sub-Regions.

Include Sub-Practices   Include resources in all sub-practices belonging to the selected parent practice.
Include Sub-Regions  

Include resources in all sub-regions belonging to the selected parent region.


Select Include Sub-Regions by Default in the Lightning App Builder for Include Sub-Regions to be selected by default in the Resource Filter. For more information, see Resource Filter Lightning Component Properties.

Minimum Availability (%)  

The minimum availability percentage threshold value a resource must have to be returned in the resource list. Resources below this minimum threshold, and resources without a % availability value, are not returned.


To configure default behavior for the Minimum Availability (%) field in the Resource Filter, see Resource Filter Lightning Component Properties.

Practice   The practice the resource is assigned to as specified on the resource's contact record.
Region   The region the resource is assigned to as specified on the resource's contact record.

Filter by resource name. Enter one or more characters in this field. The search is not case sensitive. Resources associated with an account beginning with the same characters as those you enter for the resource name search are also returned in any results.

For example, the following results return as matches when you enter "Sam":
  • Samantha Bullgrass
  • SamBul
  • Kim Asam
Resource Role   The role of the resource as specified on the resource's contact record. This value defaults to the role on the resource request.
Start Date *  The start date, as specified on the resource request, or the value selected in this field. The Start Date and End Date fields are used to determine resource availability calculated as a percentage value. For more information, see Availability (Percentage).
Worked With Customer   Filter resources with assignments for a particular customer.
  No Resources are excluded from filter results when they have assignments on a project, which has an account that matches the account linked with the current resource request.
  No Preference This filter is not considered when filter criteria is applied.
  Yes Resources are included in filter results when they have assignments on a project, which has an account that matches the account linked with the current resource request.

Resource Filter Buttons

The following buttons are available in the Resource Filter.



Apply Updates the list of resources using the filter criteria specified.

Clears the filter criteria values, with the exception of Start Date and End Date, as they are required fields. Clicking Clear does not update the value for Include Recommended Resources.


After clicking Clear, Include Sub-Regions determines its default value from the Include Sub-Regions by Default component property. For more information, see Resource Filter Lightning Component Properties.

Reset Returns the filter criteria to the default values.

Resource Skills Filter Buttons and Fields

The following buttons and fields are available in the Resource Skills filter.

Key: Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.



All Skills   Returns resources that match all of the selected skills at the minimum rating specified.
All Essential Skills  

Returns resources that match all the selected essential skills at the minimum rating specified.


Your administrator must select the Enable Desirable Skills in the Skills Management custom setting to use this option.

To see this option you must have more than one essential skill.

Any Skill   Returns resources that match at least one of the selected at the minimum rating specified.
Any Essential Skill  

Returns resources that match at least one of the selected essential skills at the minimum rating specified.


Your administrator must select the Enable Desirable Skills in the Skills Management custom setting to use this option.

To see this option you must have more than one essential skill.

Consider Expiration Date  

Excludes resources with certifications that expire before the end date specified in the resource filter. This uses the End Date field in the Resource Filter component and the Expiration Date field on the skill / certification rating record.


You must have Read permission for the Expiration Date field to use this option.

Edit Skill Filters   Opens the Edit Skill Filters window for you to edit the filters.

Edit Skill Filters Button and Fields

The following buttons and fields are available in the Edit Skill Filters window.



Add   Adds the selected skill / certification and skill set to the respective grids.
All Skills   Returns resources that match all of the selected skills at the minimum rating specified.
All Essential Skills  

Returns resources that match all the selected essential skills at the minimum rating specified.


Your administrator must select the Enable Desirable Skills in the Skills Management custom setting to use this option.

To see this option you must have more than one essential skill.

Any Skill   Returns resources that match at least one of the selected at the minimum rating specified.
Any Essential Skill  

Returns resources that match at least one of the selected essential skills at the minimum rating specified.


Your administrator must select the Enable Desirable Skills in the Skills Management custom setting to use this option.

To see this option you must have more than one essential skill.


Closes the Edit Skill Filters window.

|Remove Skill   Removes the skill from the grid.
|Remove Skill Set   Removes the skill set.
Skill / Certification  

Filter by skill or certification. Enter one or more characters in this field. The search is not case sensitive and the characters can appear anywhere in the search results.

For example, if you enter "ex", you could select from

  • Apex
  • ExtJS
Skill Set   Filter by skill set. Enter one or more characters in this field. The search is not case sensitive and the characters can appear anywhere in the search results.
Update   Updates the filters edited in the Edit Skill Filters window.