scmc.CustomerQuotationAPIglobal with sharing class CustomerQuotationAPI this class is used to support the various actions that are performed on a customer quotation. AuthorFinancial Force, Inc. Methods
CustomerQuotationAPIglobal CustomerQuotationAPI() Class constructor. Exceptions Thrown
Return ValueDoes not return a value. deepCopyglobal scmc__Customer_Quotation__c deepCopy(Id quoteId) Create a copy of the specified customer quotation including all lines, option lines, and groups. All fields are cloned, including custom fields. The following fields on the header are reset: Sales_Order__c Sales_Order_Date__c Service_Order__c Applied_Rebate_Amount__c Total_Customer_Rebate_Discount__c Status__c = 'Open' Approval_Status__c = 'New' Quotation_Expires_On__c = + Organization_Settings__c.DefaultNumDaysTillQuoteExpire__c Input Parameters
Exceptions Thrown
Return ValueThe new Customer Quotation record. createSalesOrderglobal Id createSalesOrder(Id quoteId) Create a sales order from the specified quote Id. If OrganizationSettings Convert_Lead_To_Account__c is enabled, the lead record specified on the quote is converted to an account and used on the sales order. If Service Contracts is installed and OrganizationSettings Auto_Create_Service_Contract__c is enabled, a service contract will be created for quote lines that require it. Input Parameters
Exceptions Thrown
Return ValueThe Id of the new sales order record. |