SCM API Developer Reference


global with sharing class InventoryAPI

this class is used to support all the various actions that are performed on inventory.


Financial Force, Inc.



global static scmc.InventoryAPI getInstance()


global scmc__Inventory_Position__c miscellaneousReceipt(ID warehouseId, ID itemId, Double quantity, String lotNumber, String serialNumber, DateTime expirationDate, ID reasonId, ID conditionCodeId, Boolean inspectionRequired, Double value)

Receive an item into inventory. Use the Miscellaneous_Receipt_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method. Calls to this method from a batch process will prevent the backorder batch process (BackorderBatch) from running automatically. This is due to a validation that stops batch job chains of the backorder process. You can run the backorder process manually from the Backorders tab.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
warehouseId ID The Id of an SCM warehouse to put the received inventory.
itemId ID The Id of an SCM item master.
quantity Double The number of items to receive.
lotNumber String The lot number of the item to receive. Only applicable if the item is lot controlled. All items must have the same lot number.
serialNumber String The serial number of the item to receive. Only applicable if the item is serial number controlled. Quantity should be 1 if this is used.
expirationDate DateTime The shelf life expiration of the item. Only applicable if the item is shelf life controlled. Expressed as a DateTime.
reasonId ID The Id of an SCM reason code.
conditionCodeId ID The Id of an SCM condition code.
inspectionRequired Boolean Indicates if the item needs to be inspected after receipt.
value Double The current value of a single unit of the received item.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException If there is a validation issue or an error receiving the inventory.
SCMException If there is a serial number related issue.

Return Value

Inventory_Position__c The created inventory record.


global scmc__Inventory_Position__c miscellaneousReceipt(ID warehouseId, ID itemId, Double quantity, String lotNumber, String serialNumber, DateTime expirationDate, ID reasonId, ID conditionCodeId, Boolean inspectionRequired, Double value, ID ownerId)

Receive an item into inventory. Use the Miscellaneous_Receipt_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method. Calls to this method from a batch process will prevent the backorder batch process (BackorderBatch) from running automatically. This is due to a validation that stops batch job chains of the backorder process. You can run the backorder process manually from the Backorders tab.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
warehouseId ID The Id of an SCM warehouse to put the received inventory.
itemId ID The Id of an SCM item master.
quantity Double The number of items to receive.
lotNumber String The lot number of the item to receive. Only applicable if the item is lot controlled. All items must have the same lot number.
serialNumber String The serial number of the item to receive. Only applicable if the item is serial number controlled. Quantity should be 1 if this is used.
expirationDate DateTime The shelf life expiration of the item. Only applicable if the item is shelf life controlled. Expressed as a DateTime.
reasonId ID The Id of an SCM reason code.
conditionCodeId ID The Id of an SCM condition code.
inspectionRequired Boolean Indicates if the item needs to be inspected after receipt.
value Double The current value of a single unit of the received item.
ownerId ID The Id of a Salesforce user who will own the new inventory record.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException If there is a validation issue or an error receiving the inventory.
SCMException If there is a serial number related issue.

Return Value

Inventory_Position__c The created inventory record.


global scmc__Inventory_Position__c miscellaneousReceipt(ID warehouseId, ID itemId, Double quantity, String lotNumber, String serialNumber, DateTime expirationDate, ID reasonId, ID conditionCodeId, Boolean inspectionRequired, Double value, ID ownerId, ID ownership)

Receive an item into inventory. Use the Miscellaneous_Receipt_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method. Calls to this method from a batch process will prevent the backorder batch process (BackorderBatch) from running automatically. This is due to a validation that stops batch job chains of the backorder process. You can run the backorder process manually from the Backorders tab.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
warehouseId ID The Id of an SCM warehouse to put the received inventory.
itemId ID The Id of an SCM item master.
quantity Double The number of items to receive.
lotNumber String The lot number of the item to receive. Only applicable if the item is lot controlled. All items must have the same lot number.
serialNumber String The serial number of the item to receive. Only applicable if the item is serial number controlled. Quantity should be 1 if this is used.
expirationDate DateTime The shelf life expiration of the item. Only applicable if the item is shelf life controlled. Expressed as a DateTime.
reasonId ID The Id of an SCM reason code.
conditionCodeId ID The Id of an SCM condition code.
inspectionRequired Boolean Indicates if the item needs to be inspected after receipt.
value Double The current value of a single unit of the received item.
ownerId ID The Id of a Salesforce user who will own the new inventory record.
ownership ID The Id of an SCM ownership code who will own the new inventory.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException If there is a validation issue or an error receiving the inventory.
SCMException If there is a serial number related issue.

Return Value

Inventory_Position__c The created inventory record.


global scmc__Inventory_Position__c miscellaneousReceipt(ID warehouseId, ID itemId, Double quantity, String lotNumber, String serialNumber, DateTime expirationDate, ID reasonId, ID conditionCodeId, Boolean inspectionRequired, Double value, ID ownerId, ID ownership, String comments)

Receive an item into inventory. Use the Miscellaneous_Receipt_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method. Calls to this method from a batch process will prevent the backorder batch process (BackorderBatch) from running automatically. This is due to a validation that stops batch job chains of the backorder process. You can run the backorder process manually from the Backorders tab.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
warehouseId ID The Id of an SCM warehouse to put the received inventory.
itemId ID The Id of an SCM item master.
quantity Double The number of items to receive.
lotNumber String The lot number of the item to receive. Only applicable if the item is lot controlled. All items must have the same lot number.
serialNumber String The serial number of the item to receive. Only applicable if the item is serial number controlled. Quantity should be 1 if this is used.
expirationDate DateTime The shelf life expiration of the item. Only applicable if the item is shelf life controlled. Expressed as a DateTime.
reasonId ID The Id of an SCM reason code.
conditionCodeId ID The Id of an SCM condition code.
inspectionRequired Boolean Indicates if the item needs to be inspected after receipt.
value Double The current value of a single unit of the received item.
ownerId ID The Id of a Salesforce user who will own the new inventory record.
ownership ID The Id of an SCM ownership code who will own the new inventory.
comments String Comments added to the resulting perpetual inventory tranaction record.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException If there is a validation issue or an error receiving the inventory.
SCMException If there is a serial number related issue.

Return Value

Inventory_Position__c The created inventory record.


global scmc__Inventory_Position__c miscellaneousReceipt(ID warehouseId, ID itemId, Double quantity, String lotNumber, set<String> serialNumbers, DateTime expirationDate, ID reasonId, ID conditionCodeId, Boolean inspectionRequired, Double value, ID ownerId, ID ownership, String comments)

Receive an item into inventory. Use the Miscellaneous_Receipt_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method. Calls to this method from a batch process will prevent the backorder batch process (BackorderBatch) from running automatically. This is due to a validation that stops batch job chains of the backorder process. You can run the backorder process manually from the Backorders tab.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
warehouseId ID The Id of an SCM warehouse to put the received inventory.
itemId ID The Id of an SCM item master.
quantity Double The number of items to receive.
lotNumber String The lot number of the item to receive. Only applicable if the item is lot controlled. All items must have the same lot number.
serialNumbers set<String> A set of Strings representing the serial numbers of the items to receive. Only applicable if the item is serial number controlled. This allows for more than one quantity to be received.
expirationDate DateTime The shelf life expiration of the item. Only applicable if the item is shelf life controlled. Expressed as a DateTime.
reasonId ID The Id of an SCM reason code.
conditionCodeId ID The Id of an SCM condition code.
inspectionRequired Boolean Indicates if the item needs to be inspected after receipt.
value Double The current value of a single unit of the received item.
ownerId ID The Id of a Salesforce user who will own the new inventory record.
ownership ID The Id of an SCM ownership code who will own the new inventory.
comments String Comments added to the resulting perpetual inventory tranaction record.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException If there is a validation issue or an error receiving the inventory.
SCMException If there is a serial number related issue.

Return Value

Inventory_Position__c The created inventory record.


global void miscellaneousIssue(Id inventoryPositionId, Id reasonId, Double quantity, String comments)

Issue an item out of inventory. Use the Miscellaneous_Issue_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
inventoryPositionId Id The ID of an SCM inventory position record to issue.
reasonId Id The ID of an SCM reason code.
quantity Double The number of items to issue.
comments String Comments added to the resulting perpetual inventory transaction record.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException An exception is thrown if there is a validation error while issuing the inventory.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void miscellaneousIssue(Id inventoryPositionId, Id reasonId, Double quantity)

Issue an item out of inventory. Use the Miscellaneous_Issue_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
inventoryPositionId Id The ID of an SCM inventory position record to issue.
reasonId Id The ID of an SCM reason code.
quantity Double The number of items to issue.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException An exception is thrown if there is a validation error while issuing the inventory.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void miscellaneousIssue(Id inventoryPositionId, Id reasonId, Double quantity, set<String> serialNumbers, String comments)

Issue an item out of inventory. Use the Miscellaneous_Issue_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
inventoryPositionId Id The ID of an SCM inventory position record to issue.
reasonId Id The ID of an SCM reason code.
quantity Double The number of items to issue.
serialNumbers set<String> A set of strings representing the serial numbers of the items to issue. Only applicable if the item is serial number controlled.
comments String Comments added to the resulting perpetual inventory transaction record.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException An exception is thrown if there is a validation error while issuing the inventory.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void receivePO(Id poId, scmc.InventoryAPI.POReceiptLine[] poRecLines)

Receive one or more lines on a purchase order. Use the Receive_PO_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
poId Id The salesforce Id of the Purchase Order to receive.
poRecLines scmc.InventoryAPI.POReceiptLine[] A list of instances of the InventoryAPI.POReceiptLine class.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
ReceiptException An exception that describes an error receiving the purchase order.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void inspect(scmc__Receiving_Inspection__c[] inspections, String stampNumber)

Complete a receiving inspection. Use the Inspect_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
inspections scmc__Receiving_Inspection__c[] A list of Ids of SCM receiving inspection records.
stampNumber String A user's stamp number.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
ReceivingInspectionException If there is a validation issue or an error completing the inspection.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void locate(scmc__Inventory_Position__c[] origPosns, String locn)

Put away inventory positions into a specific inventory location. This will also complete associated put away action queue entries. Use the Locate_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
origPosns scmc__Inventory_Position__c[] A list of SCM inventory position records.
locn String The name of an SCM inventory location. All specified inventory positions will be put in the same location. Location must be in the inventory's current warehouse.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException If there is an error completing the locate transaction.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void locate(scmc__Inventory_Position__c origPosn, String locn)

Put away inventory positions into a specific inventory location. This will also complete associated put away action queue entries. Use the Locate_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
origPosn scmc__Inventory_Position__c An SCM inventory position record.
locn String The name of an SCM inventory location. Location must be in the inventory's current warehouse.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException If there is an error completing the locate transaction.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void issueKit(scmc__Item__c item, Double quantity)

Complete a miscellaneous issue action for all items in the bill of material of a specified item. Use the Issue_Kit_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
item scmc__Item__c An SCM item record.
quantity Double How many of the kit item to issue. This will be multiplied by the quantity per assembly of each of the BOM items.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
KitIssueException If the BOM is not found for the specified item.
InventoryPositionException If there is an error completing the issue transaction.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void AdjustValue(scmc__Inventory_Position__c origPosn, Double value, Id reasonId, String comments)

Adjust the current value of the inventory position passed in. Use the Adjust_Value_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
origPosn scmc__Inventory_Position__c The existing inventory position.
value Double The new current value for the inventory position.
reasonId Id The ID of the reason code for this transaction.
comments String The comments to associate with the change.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException An exception that describes the error adjusting the current value.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void AdjustCondition(scmc__Inventory_Position__c origPosn, Id conditionCodeId, Id reasonId, String comments)

This method is not supported in this version.


global void AdjustOwnership(scmc__Inventory_Position__c origPosn, Id ownership, Id reasonId, String comments)

This method is not supported in this version.


global void massTransfer(Id picklistId, Id toLocation, Id reasonCodeId, String comments)

Transfer an inventory position from an existing picklist to a warehouse. Use the Mass_Transfer_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
picklistId Id The Id of an SCM picklist.
toLocation Id The Id of an SCM inventory location.
reasonCodeId Id The Id of an SCM reason code.
comments String Comments added to the resulting perpetual inventory tranaction record.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
PicklistException If there is an error transferring the inventory.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void move(Map<ID, Double> ipIdToMoveQuantity, Id toLocation, Id reasonCodeId, String comments)

Move inventory positions to a specific inventory location. The current location of the inventory cannot be Receiving or Receiving Inspection. Use the Move_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
ipIdToMoveQuantity Map<ID, Double> A map with an SCM inventory position as the key and a quantity indicating how much to move for the value.
toLocation Id The Id of an SCM inventory location. This must be in the same warehouse as the existing inventory.
reasonCodeId Id The Id of an SCM reason code.
comments String Comments added to the resulting perpetual inventory tranaction record.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException If there is an error moving the inventory.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void confirmPullParts(Id picklistId)

Confirm the pulling of the items on a picklist. Use the Confirm_Pull_Parts_API custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
picklistId Id The Id of the picklist to be confirmed.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
InventoryPositionException with message indicating the the reason for the failure to confirm the picklist

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global with sharing class POReceiptLine

class to hold purchase order receipt line information.


Name Type Description
poLineId Id the id of the purchase order line.
qtyReceiving decimal the quantity to receive. this parameter is required when the purchase order line is received by quantity.
amountReceiving decimal the amount to receive. this parameter is required when the purchase order line is received by amount.
lotNumber String the lot number of the item to receive. this parameter is required when the item on the purchase order line is lot controlled.
serialNumbers String[] a list of strings representing the serial numbers to receive. this parameter is required when the item on the purchase order line is serial number controlled.



global POReceiptLine()

Simple constructor.


global with sharing class KitIssueException extends Exception }

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