SCM API Developer Reference


global with sharing class RequisitionAPI

global class to support creating requisitions from an external system


Financial Force, Inc.



webservice static List<scmc.RequisitionAPI.Requisition> addRequisitions(List<scmc.RequisitionAPI.Requisition> requisitions)

Create SCM Requisition and Requisition Line records.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
requisitions List<scmc.RequisitionAPI.Requisition> A list of Requisition objects representing the requisitions and lines to be added.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
RequisitionException If item is not provided on a line.
SCMException If specified lineType is invalid.

Return Value

List of Requisition objects that were created.


global with sharing class RequisitionLine

class to hold requisition line information.


Name Type Description
Budget Double requestor's budget established for the buyer to use when placing the purchase order line.
ChargeNumber String the authorized charge number used for this purchase.
ConditionCode String the condition of the item to purchase.
DPASRating String defense priorities and allocations system rating for government contract.
Description String not currently used.
DropShipCity String drop ship address information.
DropShipCountry String drop ship address information.
DropShipLine1 String drop ship address information.
DropShipLine2 String drop ship address information.
DropShipName String drop ship address information.
DropShipState String drop ship address information.
DropShipZip String drop ship address information.
ItemDescription String a description of the item being requested. used only when the requested item is not set up in the item master.
ItemNumber String the name of the item being requested.
LineType String the developer name of the requisition line record type to create. defaults to 'item'.
Quantity Double the number of units being requisitioned.
RequestedDate Date the date the item is required to be delivered.
ServiceBeingRequested String a description of the service being requested.
SuggestedSupplier String a suggested supplier for sourcing of this requisition.
SupplierCatalogueItem String the id of an scm supplier catalog item that is being requested.
Taxable Boolean whether taxes are applicable to this line.
DeliverWarehouse String the warehouse where the goods are to be shipped. if populated this overrides the requisition deliver warehouse field.


global with sharing class Requisition

class to hold requisition information.


Name Type Description
lines List<scmc.RequisitionAPI.RequisitionLine> list of requitision line objects.
RequestorDepartment String name of the department requesting the requisition.
NotesToBuyer String additional information that you would like the buyer to be aware of.
RequisitionName String a name for the requisition.
Status String not currently used.
DeliverWarehouse String the warehouse where the goods are to be shipped.
requisitionId ID id of the newly added requisition. this is populated after addrequisitions is called.
reqName String not currently used.
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