SCM API Developer Reference


global with sharing class SalesOrderAPI

this class is used to support all the various actions that are performed on a sales order.


Financial Force, Inc.




Name Type Description
batchID ID the batchid is used to check status on the batch. it is set when a batch process is launched.



global void allocate(List<ID> soIds, Boolean approve)

Allocate the specified sales orders. Sales orders are submitted for approval based on the approve parameter. This is all completed in a batch process, and the batch size is 3 sales orders.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
soIds List<ID> A list of sales order ids to be allocated.
approve Boolean A Boolean that indicates whether to submit the sales orders for approval.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
noException This method does not throw an exception. If there are errors they are logged in the Error Log. It is important to check the error log regularly if this method is used.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void allocate(List<ID> soIds, Boolean approve, Integer batchSize)

Allocate the specified sales orders. Sales orders are submitted for approval based on the approve parameter. This is all completed in a batch process, and the batch size is the number specified in the method call.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
soIds List<ID> A list of sales order ids to be allocated.
approve Boolean A Boolean that indicates whether to submit the sales orders for approval.
batchSize Integer The number of sales orders to include in a batch. If you make this number too large, the job will fail because the processing exceeds the Salesforce governor limits. If one salesorder in the batch fails, the entire batch is rolled back. For this reason you may want to consider a batch size of 1.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
noException This method does not throw an exception. If there are errors they are logged in the Error Log. It is important to check the error log regularly if this method is used.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void allocateLines(Id soId, Set<Id> solIds)

Allocate the specified sales order lines. Use this method if you want to allocate the sales order synchronously.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
soId Id The id of the sales order being allocated.
solIds Set<Id> A set of sales order lines being allocated.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
Exception An exception indicating problems associated with the allocation.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global scmc__Sales_Order__c clone(ID soid)

Clone a sales order. A dynamic query is used to read all of the fields defined on the Sales Order header, including custom fields added in your org. The following fields on the header are reset to their new state.
Sales_Order_Date__c Status__c Sales_Order_Date__c Status__c Shipment_Status__c Approval_Date__c Fulfillment_Date__c Revision__c Deposit_Amount__c Deposit_Consumed__c Applied_Rebate_Amount__c Total_Customer_Rebate_Discount__c Billed_Status__c
A dynamic query is also used to read all of the fields defined on the sales order line, including the custom fields added in your org. The following fields on the sales order line are reset to their new state.
Quantity_Allocated__c Quantity_Packed__c Quantity_Shipped__c Quantity_Backordered__c Quantity_Billed__c Applied_Rebate_Amount__c Customer_Rebate_Discount__c Serial_Numbers__c Purchase_Order_Line_Item__c Original_Sales_Order_Line_Item__c

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
soid ID The id of the sales order to clone.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
Exception An exception indicating a problem encountered while the new sales order is being created. There may be additional information in the Error Log.

Return Value

The newly created sales order.


global void reverseAllocate(Id salesOrderId)

Reverse allocate a sales order. All lines on the sales order that are eligible to be reverse allocated are included.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
salesOrderId Id The Id of the sales order to be reverse allocated.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
Exception An exception is thrown if a problem occurs while the sale order is reverse allocated.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global void reverseAllocate(Id salesOrderId, Set<Id> salesOrderLineIdSet)

Reverse allocate specific sales order lines. All lines on the sales order that are eligible to be reverse allocated are included.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
salesOrderId Id The Id of the sales order to be reverse allocated.
salesOrderLineIdSet Set<Id> A set of sales order line Ids to be reverse allocated.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
Exception An exception is thrown if a problem occurs during the reverse allocation process.

Return Value

Does not return a value.


global static Set<Id> bill(scmc__Sales_Order__c aSalesOrder, List<scmc__Sales_Order_Line_Item__c> salesOrderLineList, Decimal discountToApply)

Bill specific sales order lines.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
aSalesOrder scmc__Sales_Order__c The sales order containing the lines to be billed.
salesOrderLineList List<scmc__Sales_Order_Line_Item__c> A list of sales order lines to be billed.
discountToApply Decimal The discount value to be applied to the invoice.

Exceptions Thrown

Value Description
Exception An exception is thrown if a problem occurs during the billing process.

Return Value

The IDs of the generated invoices.

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