Matching an AP Voucher Before Receipt

Custom Setting

You can match an AP voucher before it has been received if you have a prior arrangement with the supplier and the Payment Term Allows Match Before Receipt custom setting is enabled.

The following conditions must exist before you can match an AP voucher before receipt:

If the quantity received is equal or more than the purchase order line quantity then there is no quantity that can be matched before receipt.

Purchase Order Line Types

When the conditions above are met, AP vouchers can be matched before receipt for the following purchase order line types:

The following purchase order line types can be matched before receipt provided no receipt has been created. (Receipt quantity is equal to zero):

When the AP voucher is matched the associated purchase invoice is posted to FinancialForce Accounting via the SCM FFA Connector. For more information on the SCM FFA Connector, see FinancialForce SCM Documentation in Community.

A user with System Administrator access can define a Purchase Order Payment Term to use to allow a match before receipt. The default setting prevents AP voucher matching before receipt.

Payment Terms

Payment terms are created from the PO Payment Terms tab. The appropriate PO payment Term can then be selected from a lookup on a supplier site and its Terms Name is populated on the Payment Term allows match before receipt custom setting. The PO Payment Terms Name is auto generated by the system and cannot be changed. The Terms Name for the PO Payment Terms is editable.


We advise you avoid the use of commas in the Terms Name. Commas are used as delimiters in the "Payment Terms Allow Match Before Receipt" custom setting. If you use a comma in a payment term name and you intend to use the payment term in the "Payment Terms Allow Match Before Receipt" custom setting, you must prefix the term name comma with a backslash "\" when you add it to the custom setting field. This will ensure the system does not interpret a comma in your payment term name as a delimiter in the custom setting field when you add more than one payment term.


When you associate a PO Payment Term with the "Payment Terms Allow Match Before Receipt" Custom Setting you must enter the Terms Name in the Custom Setting text box exactly as it appears in the Terms Name field in the PO Payment Terms Detail section. If you want to specify multiple payment terms in the custom setting, use a comma as the delimiter.

When a purchase order is created and a supplier for the purchase order is selected, the payment terms on the purchase order are derived from the linked Supplier Site Detail section. If the supplier does not have payment terms defined, or the payment terms for the supplier need to be changed for a specific purchase order, the user can override the PO Payment Terms field in the Purchase Order Information section.

You can create a purchase order without payment terms if required. You must have System Admin access to create payment terms.

Setup and workflow

The setup process to match an AP Voucher before receipt is:

The workflow for matching before receipt is:

When the AP voucher is matched the associated purchase invoice is posted to FinancialForce Accounting via the SCM FFA Connector. The supplier can now be paid for the items listed on the purchase order.

When the items are received, the received quantity is validated against the AP voucher line quantity. If the quantities don't match a Chatter message and e-mail is sent to the purchaser to advise that there is an issue matching the AP Voucher. See Enable Chatter Feed

If feed tracking is not enabled on the AP voucher object, the warnings regarding the receipt and voucher not being aligned will not be sent. If you intend to voucher before receipt, the Match Before Receipt checkbox must be left unchecked.