Using the Timer

The Timer is an additional way for you to enter time against records such as assignments, cases, milestones, projects, project tasks, and custom objects.

Timer sessions are split into the following:

  • Timer sessions, which are your overall recorded sessions for one day.
  • Timer session events, which are the individual sessions logged for one day.

To log time using the Timer:

  1. Select a record from the drop down selector. Only records that are valid for the current date are available to select.
  2. Click Start Timer.
  3. When you have finished recording time for your assignment, click Stop Timer.
  4. [Optional] Log notes against your timer session events. To do this, click the ID of your timer session to access the timer record in the Timer Sessions tab. On the Related list, click the name of the timer session you’d like to enter notes for, and enter your notes in the Notes field.

Your timer sessions are shown in the list view for the days they are recorded for. If the Enable Timecard Sync option is selected, your recorded time and notes are logged against a timecard in Time Entry. For more information, refer to the Enabling Timecard Sync on the Timer topic.

  • It is not possible to have more than one timer session event running at one time. If you start a new timer session event while one is currently running, the first timer session event will automatically stop and the new one will start.
  •  To record a timer session, your selected record must be valid for time entry. When logging time against a project or task, your selected record must:
    • Be active.
    • Be open to time entry.
    • Have start and end dates that encompass the date you are recording time on. For example, it is not possible to record time against a project running from September 1. 2022 to September 3. 2022, when the current date is October 1. 2022.
  • To use timecard sync, tasks must have associated Project Task Assignments (PTAs), or be assigned to a Global project.
  • To record time against summary tasks, you must:
    • Have a resource.
    • Have tasks added into the supported lookup field set for the record you want to record time against.

To resume a timer session, select the checkbox next to the session you’d like to resume and click Resume. You can also resume your most recent timer session by selecting Resume Timer from the Current Timer view.
You can resume and stop timer sessions from the list view as needed, to record more time against your assignments.

Currently running timer sessions are indicated by the stop button in the list view, and the Total Time field updates live as your timer session runs.

To access the assignment, project, project task, or case you are recording time against, click its name in:

  • The relevant list view.
  • The Current Timer section of the timer, when the timer session is running.

To delete a timer session, select the relevant timer sessions and click Delete from Show menu .

To edit a timer session, select the relevant timer session and click Edit. This opens the Edit window, where you can make the necessary changes to your timer session. It is only possible to edit one timer session at a time.

Viewing Previous Timer Sessions

To view timer sessions for previous days or weeks, first select Show Sessions in the Timer list view. You can now amend the filter dates to view timer sessions recorded on your required dates.

Filtering Timer Sessions

To filter timer sessions on the timer list view, first select Filter to open the filter toolbar.

You can filter your timer sessions by the:

  • Start Date
  • End Date

Click Reset to reset the filters, or Apply to apply your filters. Click Filter again to return to the timer list view.

The list view updates to reflect the filters that are applied.


Only timer sessions that were recorded in the time entry mode you're currently using are displayed. For example, if you are currently using Day mode, only timer sessions recorded in Day mode are displayed.

Editing Timer Sessions

You can edit your timer sessions where required. The Edit window is divided into Timer Session and Timecard Sync, to allow you to view and edit the different fields associated with your timer session, and the timecard context fields.

To edit timer sessions, select the relevant timer session from the list view and select Edit.
In the Edit Timer Session window, you can:

  • Amend the length of time recorded.
  • Amend the date the timer session is recorded against.
  • Give your timer session a customized display name.
  • View the current number of timer session events, and their total duration
  • Add comments to your timer session.
  • Delete timer session events.
  • Amend the timecard context fields associated with your timer session.
  • Control whether sessions are automatically synced to timecards, by selecting or deselecting the Sync to Timecard field.

You can also edit the timecard context in the Timecard Sync tab. The timecard context is comprised of the assignment, milestone, project and project tasks associated with your timer session. You can only select assignments, milestones, and project tasks that belong to the same project from the lookup fields.

For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.

Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.


If Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org, the records in the Resource, Account, and Opportunity search lookup window are filtered using only the Name field in the grid.

Where possible the context fields are automatically populated in the Timecard Sync window, otherwise they are blank.

Click Save to close the window and save your amendments.

  • It is possible to search for a timer session by the amended display name in the Timer search field, as well as by the assignment name and project name. Searching for tasks will also show the project name, and searching for cases will show the subject.
  • Timer session events are displayed in the order they were recorded when opened in the Edit modal, and can be amended individually. Deleting a timer session event is permanent, selecting Cancel on the Edit window will not undo the delete action.
  • You can edit most of the fields of a currently running timer session, however you are not able to change the end time and date of a currently running session.
  • You cannot amend the timecard context fields once a timecard is created for a timer session.