Project Versioning and Baselines

PSA Project Versioning and Baselines allows you to create and compare read-only data captures (called "versions") of a project as it progresses. Using these versions you can quickly review high-level changes to compare against different stages of your project and you can review more detailed changes for more thorough analysis. Using version comparisons, you have greater options for re-planning and re-scoping.

Tip: Tip Blue Lightbulb
You need a screen resolution of 1280 x 800 or higher to use Project Versioning and Baselines.

A project version includes the following project details:


A baseline is a project version identified as the agreed plan for the project, either as the initial project plan or at a future point in the progress of the project. You can set a project version as a baseline by selecting the Baseline field when you create the version.

Note: Note Notepad
You cannot delete a project version designated as a baseline.

For more information, see Creating Project Versions and Baselines.

Summary Comparison Overview

If you have been assigned appropriate permissions, you can compare project versions using Compare Version.

The version comparison is read-only and contains project details such as the project name, start date, end date, project manager name, project status, project phase, and stage. Differences between these details are highlighted for ease of view.

In a series of "headline cards" containing summarized project data, you can view comparisons of various project lookups such as assignments, budgets, resource requests, and other objects.

All comparisons display with the initially selected version on the left and the compared version on the right.

For information on comparing existing project versions, see Comparing Project Versions and Baselines.

Related Tasks

Creating Project Versions and Baselines

Comparing Project Versions and Baselines

Deleting Project Versions and Baselines

Viewing Project Version Details

Customizing the Project Versioning Quick Help Static Resource

Setting up Project Versioning and Baselines

Viewing Project Version Batch Jobs


About Project Version Permission Controls

Compare Version Fields

Create Project Version Fields

Project Version Detail Indicators

Project Versioning Global Settings

Project Versioning Settings

Version Fields

Version Batch Control Log Fields

Version Item Assignment Fields

Version Item Budget Fields

Version Item Estimates Vs Actuals

Version Item Milestone Fields

Version Item Phase Fields

Version Item Project Detail Fields

Version Item Resource Request Fields

Version Item Task Fields

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