Version Item Milestone Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Version Item Milestone object.

R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Actual Date R The actual date of the milestone referenced in the project version.
Approved R The approved status of the milestone referenced in the version.
Approved for Billing R The approved for billing status of the milestone referenced in the version.
Bill Date R The bill date for the milestone referenced in the project version.
Billed R The billed status for the milestone referenced in the project version.
Include in Financials R The Include in Financials checkbox for the milestone referenced in the project version.
Log Milestone Cost As External R The log milestone cost as external checkbox for the milestone referenced in the project version.
Milestone Amount R The milestone amount referenced in the project version.
Milestone Cost R The milestone coast referenced in the project version.
Milestone Name R The milestone name referenced in the project version.
Original Created By Id R The created by user ID for the milestone referenced in the project version.
Original Created By Name R The created by user name for the milestone referenced in the project version.
Original Created Date R The original created date for the milestone referenced in the project version.
Original Id R The original ID of the milestone referenced in the project version.
Original Last Modified By Id R The modified by user ID for the milestone referenced in the project version.
Original Last Modified By Name R The modified by user name for the milestone referenced in the project version.
Original Last Modified Date R The original last modified date of the milestone referenced in the project version.
Original Owner Id R The owner ID for the milestone referenced in the project version.
Original Owner Name R The owner name for the milestone referenced in the project version.
Planned Hours R The planned hours for the milestone referenced in the version.
Project Task Hours R The project task hours for the milestone referenced in the version.
Status R The status referenced in the project version.
Target Date R The target date of the milestone referenced in the project version.
Total Number of Tasks R The total number of tasks of the milestone referenced in the version.
Version R A lookup to the project version.

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