Version Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Version object.

Key: R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Baseline R When selected, indicates the project versionA read-only data capture of the project in a particular moment in time. is the baselineA static data capture of the original or re-planned project against which changes are compared. for the project.
Batch Apex Job Id R The ID for the Apex job executing the Versioning batch process.
Batch Process R The related record for the related Versioning batch process.
Batch Process Status R The status for the related Versioning batch process.
Batch Process Name  R The name of the related Versioning batch process.
Items Left to Process R Indicates there are items left to process in the project versionA read-only data capture of the project in a particular moment in time..
Project R The project related to the project versionA read-only data capture of the project in a particular moment in time..
Error Message R If there is an error during project versionA read-only data capture of the project in a particular moment in time. generation or deletion, this field indicates the specific error condition.
Status R The status of the project versionA read-only data capture of the project in a particular moment in time.. When the status is Processing, this indicates processes are modifying the project version. When the status is Complete, the project version data is fixed and ready for use in a comparison.

Related Concepts

Project Versioning and Baselines

Related Tasks

Creating Project Versions and Baselines

Comparing Project Versions and Baselines

Deleting Project Versions and Baselines

Viewing Project Version Details

Customizing the Project Versioning Quick Help Static Resource

Setting up Project Versioning and Baselines

Viewing Project Version Batch Jobs


About Project Version Permission Controls

Compare Version Fields

Create Project Version Fields

Project Version Detail Indicators

Project Versioning Global Settings

Project Versioning Settings

Version Batch Control Log Fields

Version Item Assignment Fields

Version Item Budget Fields

Version Item Estimates Vs Actuals

Version Item Milestone Fields

Version Item Phase Fields

Version Item Project Detail Fields

Version Item Resource Request Fields

Version Item Task Fields

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