Setting up Timecards

You can set up timecards if you have necessary permissions. There are several available timecard UIs. The set up for each timecard is different. For example, some use only one particular setting group. Others use a combination of setting groups. Settings that apply to each timecard UI are shown here by this indicator .

Description Help Link

Time Entry

New UI (Extended)

Task Time UI

Classic UI (Legacy)

Add additional fields to the UI. For example, Methodology, Milestone, or Phase. Adding Additional Fields to a Timecard Line  
Control general behavior of timecard entry pages using configuration settings. Timecard Configuration Group Settings  
Display a daily popup on timecards to enter supporting information. Configuring the Easy Entry Popup Mode
Specify which timecards are included in Estimates versus Actuals calculations. est vs actuals timecard status
Use field sets to control the fields that display on time entry and time approval pages. Timecard Field Sets  
Calculate missing timecards and notify resources and their managers when this occurs. Missing Timecards        
Specify whether you want users to be able to enter negative hours. Allow timecard with negative hours
Specify whether you want users to enter time against tasks. Task Time Entry Mode and Task Time Field Sets    
Manage the buttons that are displayed on the Timecard UI. Timecard UI Buttons
Specify whether you want to configure timecards using the Timecard configuration groupA collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature. or Timecard Entry UI Global and Timecard Entry UI Personal custom settings. Timecard Entry UI Switch    
Control general behavior of timecard entry pages using the Timecard Entry UI Custom Global Setting. Timecard Entry UI Global Settings  
Control general behavior of timecard entry pages using the Timecard Entry UI Custom Personal Setting. Timecard Entry UI Personal Settings  
Specify whether you want to enable users to save or submit zero-hour timecards. Save timecard with zero hours and Submit timecard with zero hours

Related Concepts

Administrator Guide

Custom Columns Overview

Managing Configuration

Setting up Accounts and Opportunities


App Log

About Contacts and Resources



Permission Controls

Rate Cards

Regions, Practices and Groups

Managing Profiles, Security and Sharing

About Time Periods, Work Calendars and Holidays

Work Queue Manager

Field Sets

Related Tasks

Configuring the Easy Entry Popup Mode

Custom Fields on Timecards Best Practices

Adding Additional Fields to a Timecard Line


Configuration Settings

PSA Administration

Timecard Settings

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