![]() Accounting API Developer's Reference
c2g.BalanceUpdateServiceglobal with sharing class BalanceUpdateService The service class relating to Balance Update. Methods
BalanceUpdateServiceglobal BalanceUpdateService() updateBalancesForMergedAccountsAsyncglobal static void updateBalancesForMergedAccountsAsync(Set<Id> masterAccountIds) Update Reporting Balances or Budgets and Balances, depending on the selected mode in the application, based on the merged accounts received by the service call. The process will sum the information of balances which have exactly the same hash code. A batch job will be started and an email will be sent when the process has finished. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service does not return a value. rebuildBalancesAsyncglobal static void rebuildBalancesAsync(Id intersectDefinitionId, Id fromPeriodId, Id toPeriodId) Update Reporting Balances or Budgets and Balances from Transactions depending on the selected mode in the application. The corresponding process will start a batch job which will only update Balances for the criteria specified by the received parameters. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service does not return a value. runFullSynchronizationglobal static Integer runFullSynchronization() Runs a full synchronization of balances in accordance with the selected live balance mode in the application. The process will start a batch job if the number of processed records exceeds the customized threshold limit for the process. Return ValueThis service returns an Integer object. runIncrementalSynchronizationglobal static Integer runIncrementalSynchronization() Runs an incremental synchronization of balances in accordance with the selected live balance mode in the application. The process will start a batch job if the number of processed records exceeds the customized threshold limit for the process. Return ValueThis service returns an Integer object. |