![]() Accounting API Developer's Reference
c2g.DataViewServiceglobal with sharing class DataViewService Encapsulates all service layer logic for the Dataview functionality. For more guidelines and details see https://developer.salesforce.com/page/Apex_Enterprise_Patterns_-_Service_Layer Methods
createNewDataViewglobal static c2g.DataViewService.DataView createNewDataView() Creates a dataview object with no input parameters. Return ValueThis service returns a c2g.DataViewService.DataView object. getDataViewglobal static List<c2g.DataViewService.DataView> getDataView(Set<ID> dataViewIds) Retrieves the specified dataviews. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a list of c2g.DataViewService.DataView objects. getDataViewglobal static List<c2g.DataViewService.DataView> getDataView(Set<ID> dataViewIds, Boolean isDataviewMaster) Retrieves the specified dataviews. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a list of c2g.DataViewService.DataView objects. saveglobal static List<ID> save(List<c2g.DataViewService.DataView> dataViews) Saves the specified dataviews. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a list of ID objects. getDataViewMetadataglobal static Map<String, c2g.CommonService.ObjectMetadata> getDataViewMetadata(Set<Id> dataViewIds) Retrieves all the metadata required by the specified dataviews. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a map of String, CommonService.ObjectMetadata objects. getDataViewMetadataglobal static Map<String, c2g.CommonService.ObjectMetadata> getDataViewMetadata(Set<Id> dataViewIds, Boolean throwException) Retrieves all the metadata required by the specified dataviews. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a map of String, CommonService.ObjectMetadata objects. getAllFieldsglobal static List<c2g.CommonService.Identity> getAllFields(Set<ID> dataviewIds) Retrieves a list of all the fields on the specified dataviews. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a list of CommonService.Identity objects. deleteDataViewglobal static void deleteDataView(Set<Id> dataViewIds) Deletes the specified dataviews. Input Parameters
getActionClassesglobal static List<String> getActionClasses() Input Parameters
Return Valuec2g.DataViewService.DataViewglobal class DataView Holds a dataview. See "What is a Dataview?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. Properties
MethodsDataViewglobal DataView(c2g__DataView__c sObj) Creates an API version of a dataview object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__DataView__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the dataview instance from its API version. c2g.DataViewService.Fieldglobal class Field Holds details of a field that has been added to a dataview. See "What is a Dataview?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. Properties
Fieldglobal Field(c2g__DataViewField__c sObj) Creates an API version of a dataview field object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__DataViewField__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the dataview field instance from its API version. c2g.DataViewService.TransposeItemglobal class TransposeItem Holds a transpose mapping of value to field. Properties
TransposeItemglobal TransposeItem(c2g__DataViewTransposeItem__c sObj) Creates an API version of an empty transpose item object. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__DataViewTransposeItem__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the dataview transpose item instance from its API version. c2g.DataViewService.DataViewJoinglobal class DataViewJoin Holds details of a dataview join. See "What is a Dataview?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. Properties
DataViewJoinglobal DataViewJoin(c2g__DataViewJoin__c sObj, Schema.DescribeSObjectResult relatedObj) Creates an API version of a dataview join object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__DataViewJoin__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the dataview join instance from its API version. c2g.DataViewService.DataViewJoinFilterglobal class DataViewJoinFilter Holds details of a join filter that has been applied to a relationship join. See "What is a Dataview?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. Properties
DataViewJoinFilterglobal DataViewJoinFilter() Creates an API version of an empty dataview join filter object. DataViewJoinFilterglobal DataViewJoinFilter(c2g__DataViewJoinFilter__c sObj) Creates an API version of a dataview join filter object using the specified parameters. createSObjectglobal c2g__DataViewJoinFilter__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the dataview join filter instance from its API version. c2g.DataViewService.Actionglobal class Action Holds details of an action that has been configured on a dataview. See "What is a Dataview?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. Properties
Actionglobal Action(c2g__DataViewAction__c sObj, Boolean singleSelect, List<c2g.DataViewService.ParameterMetadataType> metadataList) Creates an API version of an action object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__DataViewAction__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the dataview action instance from its API version. c2g.DataViewService.SelectionOptionglobal class SelectionOption Holds details of any selection options offered for a parameter. Properties
MethodsSelectionOptionglobal SelectionOption() Creates an API version of an empty selection option object. SelectionOptionglobal SelectionOption(String key, String label) Creates an API version of an empty selection option object. Input Parameters
c2g.DataViewService.ParameterMetadataTypeglobal class ParameterMetadataType Holds a parameter that the user needs to complete at runtime when invoking an action from within Online Inquiries. Properties
ParameterMetadataTypeglobal ParameterMetadataType() Creates an API version of an empty parameter metadata object. ParameterMetadataTypeglobal ParameterMetadataType(String key, String label, String type) Creates an API version of a parameter metadata object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
ParameterMetadataTypeglobal ParameterMetadataType(String key, String label, String type, String value, Boolean readOnly, List<c2g.DataViewService.SelectionOption> selectionOptions) Creates an API version of a parameter metadata object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters