Accounting API Developer's Reference


global with sharing class CODAAPICompany_2_0

This service allows you to retrieve a list of your current logged in companies.


Name Type Description
VERSION_STRING string The API version of this service class.
SERVICE_NAME string The service name of this service class.
LOGICAL_VOCAB_PREFIX string For internal use only.



webservice static string GetAPIVersion()

Used to get the latest API version.


webservice static string GetServiceName()

Used to get the name of the service.


webservice static List<String> GetCurrentCompanies(c2g.CODAAPICommon_2_0.Context context)

This service allows you to retrieve a list of your current logged in companies.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_2_0.Context This parameter is obsolete for this operation, and can be ignored.

Return Value

This web service returns a list of String objects.