![]() Accounting API Developer's Reference
c2g.DocumentAmendServiceglobal with sharing class DocumentAmendService The service class relating to amending posted documents. Methods
amendInvoicesglobal static void amendInvoices(List<c2g.DocumentAmendService.Invoice> invoices) This service allows you to amend posted sales invoices that have custom fields set up for sub-analysis mapping. Input Parameters
amendCreditNotesglobal static void amendCreditNotes(List<c2g.DocumentAmendService.CreditNote> creditNotes) This service allows you to amend posted sales credit notes that have custom fields set up for sub-analysis mapping. Input Parameters
amendPurchaseInvoicesglobal static void amendPurchaseInvoices(List<c2g.DocumentAmendService.PurchaseInvoice> purchaseInvoices) This service allows you to amend posted purchase invoices that have custom fields set up for sub-analysis mapping. Input Parameters
amendPurchaseCreditNotesglobal static void amendPurchaseCreditNotes(List<c2g.DocumentAmendService.PurchaseCreditNote> purchaseCreditNotes) This service allows you to amend posted purchase credit notes that have custom fields set up for sub-analysis mapping. Input Parameters
amendJournalsglobal static void amendJournals(List<c2g.DocumentAmendService.Journal> journals) This service allows you to amend posted journals that have custom fields set up for sub-analysis mapping. Input Parameters
c2g.DocumentAmendService.Documentglobal abstract class Document Holds document details that can be amended after the document has been posted. Where the value for a field is null the c2g.DocumentAmendService will set that field's value to null on the document, so if you want a value to be unchanged you must populate that field with its current value. Properties
MethodsDocumentglobal Document() Creates an API version of an empty document object for use with the DocumentAmendService. c2g.DocumentAmendService.Invoiceglobal class Invoice extends Document Holds details that can be amended after the invoice has been posted. Where the value for a field is null the c2g.DocumentAmendService will set that field's value to null on the invoice, so if you want a value to be unchanged you must populate that field with its current value. This class extends - c2g.DocumentAmendService.Document Properties
MethodsInvoiceglobal Invoice() Creates an API version of an empty sales invoice object for use with the DocumentAmendService. c2g.DocumentAmendService.CreditNoteglobal class CreditNote extends Document Holds details that can be amended after the credit note has been posted. Where the value for a field is null the c2g.DocumentAmendService will set that field's value to null on the credit note, so if you want a value to be unchanged you must populate that field with its current value. This class extends - c2g.DocumentAmendService.Document Properties
MethodsCreditNoteglobal CreditNote() Creates an API version of an empty sales credit note object for use with the DocumentAmendService. c2g.DocumentAmendService.PurchaseInvoiceglobal class PurchaseInvoice extends Document Holds details that can be amended after the invoice has been posted. Where the value for a field is null the c2g.DocumentAmendService will set that field's value to null on the invoice, so if you want a value to be unchanged you must populate that field with its current value. This class extends - c2g.DocumentAmendService.Document Properties
MethodsPurchaseInvoiceglobal PurchaseInvoice() Creates an API version of an empty purchase invoice object for use with the DocumentAmendService. c2g.DocumentAmendService.PurchaseCreditNoteglobal class PurchaseCreditNote extends Document Holds details that can be amended after the credit note has been posted. Where the value for a field is null the c2g.DocumentAmendService will set that field's value to null on the credit note, so if you want a value to be unchanged you must populate that field with its current value. This class extends - c2g.DocumentAmendService.Document Properties
MethodsPurchaseCreditNoteglobal PurchaseCreditNote() Creates an API version of an empty purchase credit note object for use with the DocumentAmendService. c2g.DocumentAmendService.Journalglobal class Journal Holds details that can be amended after the journal has been posted. Where the value for a field is null the c2g.DocumentAmendService will set that field's value to null on the journal, so if you want a value to be unchanged you must populate that field with its current value. Properties
MethodsJournalglobal Journal() Creates an API version of an empty journal object for use with the DocumentAmendService. c2g.DocumentAmendService.Lineglobal class Line Holds line details that can be amended after the document has been posted. You only need to supply the values that you want to amend. Properties
MethodsLineglobal Line() Creates an API version of an empty line object for use with the DocumentAmendService. |