![]() Accounting API Developer's Reference
c2g.InquiryTemplateServiceglobal with sharing class InquiryTemplateService
Encapsulates all service layer logic for the Inquiry Template functionality. For more guidelines and details see https://developer.salesforce.com/page/Apex_Enterprise_Patterns_-_Service_Layer Methods
loadglobal static List<c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate> load(set<ID> ids) Loads the specified inquiry templates. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a list of c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate objects. saveglobal static List<c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate> save(List<c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate> templates) Saves the specified inquiry templates. The rules here are that all fields must be provided as they are to be saved. This means that nulls will be saved as null, potentially wiping any previous value, i.e. partial updates are not supported. Also all child records (the InquiryTemplateColumns and InquiryTemplateFilters) must also be provided with all fields set, any existing child records not in this list will be deleted. The order of InquiryTemplateFilters is preserved on save. Return ValueThis service returns a list of the saved c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate objects. getAvailableForExportglobal static List<c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBaggage> getAvailableForExport() Returns a list of inquiry templates and dataviews, as baggage descriptors, that are available for export, one for each template available for export. Each baggage descriptor describes the template and its direct dependancies. Return ValueThis service returns a list of c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBaggage objects for available templates. exportBagglobal static c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBag exportBag(Set<Id> templatesToExport) Exports the specified inquiry templates and associated records for running action views. All IDs are removed as they are not Org portable (references are by name). Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBag object. importBagglobal static c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateImportsIgnored importBag(c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBag bag) Imports the inquiry templates and associated records in the specified bag. Any which already exist are ignored. No IDs should be present, so all references are resolved by name. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateImportsIgnored object containing any imports which were ignored (because they already existed). c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateglobal class InquiryTemplate Holds an inquiry template. See "What is an Inquiry Template?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. Properties
InquiryTemplateglobal InquiryTemplate() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template object. InquiryTemplateglobal InquiryTemplate(c2g__InquiryTemplate__c sObj, c2g.CommonService.Identity view) Creates an API version of an inquiry template object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__InquiryTemplate__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the inquiry template instance from its API version. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateColumnglobal class InquiryTemplateColumn Holds details of a column defined on an inquiry template. See "What is an Inquiry Template?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. Properties
InquiryTemplateColumnglobal InquiryTemplateColumn() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template column object. InquiryTemplateColumnglobal InquiryTemplateColumn(c2g__InquiryTemplateColumn__c sObj, c2g.CommonService.Identity aField, c2g.CommonService.Identity aDrill) Creates an API version of an inquiry template column object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__InquiryTemplateColumn__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the inquiry template instance from its API version. Return ValueThis service returns an InquiryTemplateColumn__c object. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateCommonNameglobal class InquiryTemplateCommonName Holds details of a common name override set on an inquiry template column. Properties
InquiryTemplateCommonNameglobal InquiryTemplateCommonName() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template common name object. InquiryTemplateCommonNameglobal InquiryTemplateCommonName(c2g__InquiryTemplateCommonName__c sObj) Creates an API version of an inquiry template common name object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__InquiryTemplateCommonName__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the inquiry template common name instance from its API version. Return ValueThis service returns an InquiryTemplateCommonName__c object. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilterglobal class InquiryTemplateFilter Holds details of the selection rule defined on an inquiry template. See "What is an Inquiry Template?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. Properties
InquiryTemplateFilterglobal InquiryTemplateFilter() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template filter object. InquiryTemplateFilterglobal InquiryTemplateFilter(c2g__InquiryTemplateFilter__c sObj, c2g.CommonService.Identity theField) Creates an API version of an inquiry template filter object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__InquiryTemplateFilter__c createSObject(Id fieldId) Creates an SObject version of the inquiry template filter instance from its API version. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns an InquiryTemplateFilter__c object. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateColumnFilterglobal class InquiryTemplateColumnFilter Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template filter object. Properties
InquiryTemplateColumnFilterglobal InquiryTemplateColumnFilter() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template column filter object. InquiryTemplateColumnFilterglobal InquiryTemplateColumnFilter(c2g__InquiryTemplateColumnFilter__c sObj, c2g.CommonService.Identity theField) Creates an API version of an inquiry template column filter object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__InquiryTemplateColumnFilter__c createSObject(Id fieldId) Creates an SObject version of the inquiry template column filter instance from its API version. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns an InquiryTemplateColumnFilter__c object. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateColumnFormulaglobal class InquiryTemplateColumnFormula Holds details of the formula defined on an inquiry template column. See "Building Formulae for use in Action Views" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. Properties
InquiryTemplateColumnFormulaglobal InquiryTemplateColumnFormula() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template column formula object. InquiryTemplateColumnFormulaglobal InquiryTemplateColumnFormula(c2g__InquiryTemplateColumnFormula__c sObj) Creates an API version of an inquiry template column formula object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__InquiryTemplateColumnFormula__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the inquiry template column formula instance from its API version. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateSignFilterglobal class InquiryTemplateSignFilter Holds details of the reverse sign rule defined on an inquiry template. See "What is an Inquiry Template?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. Properties
InquiryTemplateSignFilterglobal InquiryTemplateSignFilter() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template sign filter object. InquiryTemplateSignFilterglobal InquiryTemplateSignFilter(c2g__InquiryTemplateSignFilter__c sObj, c2g.CommonService.Identity theField) Creates an API version of an inquiry template sign filter object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__InquiryTemplateSignFilter__c createSObject(Id fieldId) Creates an SObject version of the inquiry template sign filter instance from its API version. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns an InquiryTemplateSignFilter__c object. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateSortItemglobal class InquiryTemplateSortItem Holds details of sorting and grouping options defined on an inquiry template. Properties
InquiryTemplateSortItemglobal InquiryTemplateSortItem() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template sort item object. InquiryTemplateSortItemglobal InquiryTemplateSortItem(c2g__InquiryTemplateSortItem__c sObj) Creates an API version of an inquiry template sort item object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__InquiryTemplateSortItem__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the inquiry template sort item instance from its API version. Return ValueThis service returns an InquiryTemplateSortItem__c object. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateLedgerSettingsglobal class InquiryTemplateLedgerSettings Holds settings that are useful when the inquiry template is being used to inquire on ledger data. Properties
MethodsInquiryTemplateLedgerSettingsglobal InquiryTemplateLedgerSettings(Boolean showDocumentCount, Boolean columnFilterDrill) Creates an API version of an inquiry template ledger settings object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateExcludedActionglobal class InquiryTemplateExcludedAction Holds details of an action that the inquiry template excludes from the list of actions available to be performed at runtime. Properties
InquiryTemplateExcludedActionglobal InquiryTemplateExcludedAction() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template excluded action object. InquiryTemplateExcludedActionglobal InquiryTemplateExcludedAction(c2g__InquiryTemplateExcludedAction__c sObj) Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template excluded action object. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__InquiryTemplateExcludedAction__c createSObject(Id DataViewActionId) Creates an SObject version of the inquiry template excluded action instance from its API version. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns an InquiryTemplateExcludedAction__c object. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateTransposeDrillglobal class InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill Holds details of the drill template to use for each value of a transposed field in an inquiry template column. Properties
InquiryTemplateTransposeDrillglobal InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template transpose drill object. InquiryTemplateTransposeDrillglobal InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill(c2g__InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill__c sObj, c2g.CommonService.Identity fieldIdentity, c2g.CommonService.Identity drillTemplateIdentity) Creates an API version of an inquiry template transpose drill object using the specified parameters. Input Parameters
createSObjectglobal c2g__InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill__c createSObject() Creates an SObject version of the inquiry template transpose drill instance from its API version. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBaggageglobal class InquiryTemplateBaggage Holds a list of inquiry templates and dataviews that are available for export. Properties
MethodsInquiryTemplateBaggageglobal InquiryTemplateBaggage() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template baggage object. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBagglobal class InquiryTemplateBag Holds inquiry templates and associated records that you are exporting from one organization and importing into another organization. Properties
MethodsInquiryTemplateBagglobal InquiryTemplateBag() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template bag object. c2g.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateImportsIgnoredglobal class InquiryTemplateImportsIgnored Holds details of any dataviews, inquiry templates and summarization templates that were ignored by the import process. This happens when a dataview, inquiry template or summarization template with the same name already exists in the organization. Properties
MethodsInquiryTemplateImportsIgnoredglobal InquiryTemplateImportsIgnored() Creates an API version of an empty inquiry template imports ignored object. |