![]() Accounting API Developer's Reference
c2g.RecurringJournalServiceglobal with sharing class RecurringJournalService The service class relating to Recurring Journals. Methods
buildJournalListglobal static List<c2g__codajournal__c> buildJournalList(List<c2g.RecurringJournalService.RecurringJournal> recurringJournalList) This service builds a list of journal objects based on the source journal. The number of journals produced is determined by the number of objects in the recurringJournalList. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a list of codajournal__c objects. buildAndPostJournalListglobal static List<c2g__codajournal__c> buildAndPostJournalList(List<c2g.RecurringJournalService.RecurringJournal> recurringJournalList) This service builds a list of journal objects based on the source journal and posts them. The number of journals produced is determined by the number of objects in the recurringJournalList. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a list of codajournal__c objects. cancelRecurringJournalsglobal static List<Id> cancelRecurringJournals(List<c2g__codajournal__c> recurringJournals) This service allows you to create canceling journals for multiple manual and reversing journals. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a list of Id objects. cancelAndPostRecurringJournalsglobal static List<Id> cancelAndPostRecurringJournals(List<c2g__codajournal__c> recurringJournals) This service allows you to create and post canceling journals for multiple manual and reversing journals. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns a list of Id objects. buildJournalsInBatchglobal static Id buildJournalsInBatch(List<c2g.RecurringJournalService.RecurringJournal> recurringJournalList, boolean postTheJournals) This service saves and posts recurring journals in batch. Input Parameters
Return ValueThis service returns an Id object. c2g.RecurringJournalService.RecurringJournalglobal class RecurringJournal This class contains the methods you need to get and set details used to create recurring journals. getJournalAmount/setJournalAmount getJournalDate/setJournalDate getJournalDescription/setJournalDescription getJournalPeriod/setJournalPeriod getRecurringDetails/setRecurringDetails getSourceJournal/setSourceJournal getSourceJournalId/setSourceJournalId - used when building and posting recurring journals in batch. Methods
getSourceJournalglobal c2g__codajournal__c getSourceJournal() This service retrieves the source journal being used to create a group of recurring journals. Return ValueThis service returns a codajournal__c object. setSourceJournalglobal void setSourceJournal(c2g__codaJournal__c sourceJournal) This service sets the source journal that will be used to create a group of recurring journals. The source journal must be of Type 'Manual Journal' and Status 'Complete'. Input Parameters
getRecurringDetailsglobal List<c2g.RecurringJournalService.RecurringJournalDetails> getRecurringDetails() This service retrieves the details being used to create a group of recurring journals. Return ValueThis service returns a list of c2g.RecurringJournalService.RecurringJournalDetails objects. setRecurringDetailsglobal void setRecurringDetails(List<c2g.RecurringJournalService.RecurringJournalDetails> recurringDetails) This service sets the details that will be used to create a group of recurring journals. Input Parameters
equalsglobal Boolean equals(Object obj) Compares this object to the specified object. Input Parameters
Return ValueTrue if the given object represents a RecurringJournal equivalent to this RecurringJournal, false otherwise. hashCodeglobal Integer hashCode() Compares this object to the specified object. Return ValueReturns a hash code for this RecurringJournal. c2g.RecurringJournalService.RecurringJournalDetailsglobal class RecurringJournalDetails This class stores the following details for each of the recurring journals: JournalAmount JournalDate JournalDescription JournalPeriod Methods
getSourceJournalIdglobal Id getSourceJournalId() This service retrieves the sourceJournalId used with RecurringJournalDetails when building and posting recurring journals in batch. Return ValueThis service returns an Id object. setSourceJournalIdglobal void setSourceJournalId(Id sourceJournalId) This service sets the sourceJournalId for use with RecurringJournalDetails when building and posting recurring journals in batch. Input Parameters
getJournalDescriptionglobal String getJournalDescription() This service retrieves the description being applied to each journal in a group of recurring journals. Return ValueThis service returns a String object. setJournalDescriptionglobal void setJournalDescription(String journalDescription) This service sets the description that will be applied to each journal in a group of recurring journals. Input Parameters
getJournalAmountglobal Decimal getJournalAmount() This service retrieves the amount being applied to each journal in a group of recurring journals. Return ValueThis service returns a Decimal object. setJournalAmountglobal void setJournalAmount(Decimal journalAmount) This service sets the amount that will be applied to each journal in a group of recurring journals. Input Parameters
getJournalPeriodglobal Id getJournalPeriod() This service retrieves the period being applied to each journal in a group of recurring journals. Return ValueThis service returns an Id object. setJournalPeriodglobal void setJournalPeriod(Id journalPeriod) This service sets the period that will be applied to each journal in a group of recurring journals. Input Parameters
getJournalDateglobal Date getJournalDate() This service retrieves the date being applied to each journal in a group of recurring journals. Return ValueThis service returns a Date object. setJournalDateglobal void setJournalDate(Date journalDate) This service sets the journal date that will be applied to each journal in a group of recurring journals. Input Parameters
equalsglobal Boolean equals(Object obj) Compares this object to the specified object. Input Parameters
Return ValueTrue if the given object represents a RecurringJournalDetails equivalent to this RecurringJournalDetails, false otherwise. hashCodeglobal Integer hashCode() Compares this object to the specified object. Return ValueReturns a hash code for this RecurringJournalDetails. |