Upgrading to PSA Winter 2024

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Winter 2024.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in This Feature section under each feature for details of items such as objects, fields, or buttons that have been added in this release.


Where new objects, fields, or buttons have been added for a feature, we recommend that you add them to any relevant page layouts, profiles, and permission sets. For information on how to do this, see the Salesforce Help.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Winter 2024, see New Features and Enhancements in PSA Winter 2024.

Lightning Experience

The following table explains the Lightning component types.

Lightning Component Types
Type Description Visualforce Buttons or Actions
Lightning app pages Direct replacements for existing pages or parts of pages. The equivalent existing Visualforce buttons or actions that any PSA Lightning component types replaced in this release have been removed from the object page layouts. If you are upgrading to any Lightning component types in this PSA release, you might need to manually remove any Visualforce buttons or actions from any page layouts that have not already been removed.
PSA Actions components Components that contain multiple PSA Lightning actions to open new Lightning windows or existing Visualforce pages. The components are included in the relevant default record pages.
PSA Lightning actions Actions that open new Lightning windows. These are included in the default object page layouts.
PSA Lightning components Components that deliver specific functionality. These are included in the relevant default record pages.

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade Lightning components to Winter 2024 for your users, take the following actions.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

Assign the PSA - Lightning Component Apex Class Access permission set to the user profiles of users who will use Lightning components.

Assigning and Removing Permission Sets

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help

To use the Certinia record pages instead of your own, activate the Certinia record pages in the Lightning App Builder. You have the following options:

  • Make the page the org default for the object.
  • Make the page the default object record page for specific Lightning apps.
  • Assign the page to a combination of Lightning apps, record types, and profiles.
  • Assign the page to a form factor, such as a desktop or phone.
For information on activating Lightning Experience record pages, see the Salesforce Help

To continue to use your own record pages, you can add the following to them:

  • PSA Actions components.
  • PSA Lightning components.
PSA Lightning Components
To use any new PSA Lightning actions, add them to your object page layouts. For information on adding quick actions to page layouts in Lightning Experience, see the Salesforce Help

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release for Lightning Experience.

Lightning Components

Lightning Components Added in Winter 2024




Further Information

PSA Resource Optimization Summary ro_optimisationSummary Shows the resource optimization results in summary cards for the selected group of Resource Requests. Resource Optimizer for Resource Requests

PSA ES Work Planner

rmwp_communityWorkPlanner You can make this component available to external users through PSA Experience Cloud sites.

Setting up the Work Planner for PSA Experience Cloud Sites

Experience Cloud Sites Overview

Lightning Components Updated in Winter 2024
Component Name Description Further Information
PSA Project Gantt gnt_communityGantt You can make this component available to external users through PSA Experience Cloud sites.

Setting up the Project Gantt Lightning Component

Experience Cloud Sites Overview

PSA Delivery Tracker pgm_projectOverview View and filter related projects, including project hierarchies and associated records.

Setting up the Delivery Tracker Component

PSA Project Task Board ptm_communityTaskBoard You can make this component available to external users through PSA Experience Cloud sites.

Setting up the Project Task Board Lightning Component

Experience Cloud Sites Overview

Lightning Pages

Lightning Pages Updated in Winter 2024
Component Name Description Further Information
Delivery Tracker Projects_Overview An app page where you can view and filter related projects, including project hierarchies and associated records. Setting up the Delivery Tracker Component
Work Event Work_Event__c An app page that contains the details of a work event.

Setting up External Calendars

Setting up Work Events

Enhancements to the PSA Mobile Application

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2024.

Included in this Feature


Buttons Renamed in Winter 2024

Previous Name

New Name

Further Information
I'm Interested Interested Expressing Interest in Upcoming Work Opportunities
Not for Me Not Interested
Remove Interest

Enhancements to Manage Skills and Certifications

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2024.

Included in this Feature

Lightning Component Properties

Lightning Component Properties Added in Winter 2024
Property Description Further Information
Show View Experience Button Controls the visibility of the View Experience button in the Requested Skills section of the Contact Card. Contact Card Lightning Component Properties

Project Task Lightning Component Availability on PSA Experience Cloud Sites

This section contains upgrade steps and items added to or updated on Experience Cloud Sites in Winter 2024.

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade the following features to Winter 2024, take the action described.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

[Optional] Using Experience Builder, add the PSA Project Gantt Lightning component to your PSAExperience Cloud site.

Setting up the Project Gantt Lightning Component

PSA Lightning Components

Experience Cloud Sites Overview

[Optional] Using Experience Builder, add the PSA Project Task Board component to your PSAExperience Cloud site.

Setting up the Project Task Board Lightning Component

PSA Lightning Components

Experience Cloud Sites Overview

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.

Lightning Components

Lightning Components Updated in Winter 2024
Component Description Further Information
PSA Project Gantt You can make this component available to external users through PSAExperience Cloud sites.

Setting up the Project Gantt Lightning Component

Experience Cloud Sites Overview

PSA Project Task Board

Setting up the Project Task Board Lightning Component

Experience Cloud Sites Overview

Enhanced Privacy for Milestone Amount

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

On the Milestone object page layout under the Milestone Details section, in the Milestone Amount field properties, deselect the Required checkbox.

Milestone Fields

Work Planner in Experience Cloud

Work Planner in Experience Cloud

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

Ensure that relevant users have the correct permissions to use Work Planner.

Setting up Work Planners

Setting up the Work Planner for PSA Experience Cloud Sites

Ensure that relevant users have Read permission for the Utilization Target field on the Contact object.

Setting up Work Planners

Setting up the Work Planner for PSA Experience Cloud Sites

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.

Lightning Components

Lightning Components Added in Winter 2024


Further Information
PSA ES Work Planner Share Work Planner in Experience Cloud sites with partners to view or edit assignments and resource requests. Setting up the Work Planner for PSA Experience Cloud Sites

For more information on Lightning components and the Lightning App Builder, see the Salesforce Help.

Enhancements to Time Entry

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024:


Further Information

You must assign your user read/write permissions for the Daily Notes field to enable them to enter time in the Time Entry component. Permissions for the Time Entry Component
[Optional] To add the Reassign button to the Mass Approval Lightning component, you must select the Allow Reassign checkbox in Lightning App Builder. Approving and Rejecting Multiple Timecards

Included in this Feature


Buttons Included in Winter 2024:

Button Object
Reassign Timecards

Lightning Component Properties

Lightning Component Properties included in Winter 2024:

Property Description Further Information
Allow Reassign If selected, the Reassign button is displayed on the Mass Approvals component. Approving and Rejecting Multiple Timecards

Extension for Rollups, Billing and Timecard Processes

This section describes the upgrade steps and items added or updated in Winter 2024.

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2024.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.

Fields Added in Winter 2024
Field Object Further Information
Exclude from Monitor Rollup Project Project Fields
Exclude from EVA Calculation Assignment Assignment Fields
Project Project Fields
Exclude from Timecard Expense Rollup Assignment Assignment Fields
Milestone Milestone Fields

Exclude Zero Amount Records

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.

Fields Added in Winter 2024

Page Layout

Further Information
Exclude Zero Amount Records On the Projects Awaiting Billing tab, in the Mass Billing Event Generation and Schedule Billing Event Generation window. Schedule Generate Billing Events Fields
Permission Sets
Permission Sets Updated in Winter 2024


Permission Set

Further Information

Exclude from Monitor Rollup

Added Read/Write permission to the following permission sets on the Project object:

  • PSA - Create Projects
  • PSA - Manage Projects
  • PSA - Manage Create Project Mappings
  • Standard User

Added Read permission to the following permission sets:

  • Billing Event to Billing Document Integration
  • PS Cloud Analytics Integration User Read Access
  • PSA - Manage Project Tasks
  • PSA Resource API
  • PSA Resource API - Assignment

In the PSA Permissions window, select Permission Changes from the Contents pane. Scroll down to the Updates to Permission Sets table and click the link in the View Changes column for the relevant permission set. A list of all changes made to this permission set in this release is displayed.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

Exclude from EVA Calculation

Added Read/Write permission to the following permission sets on the Assignment object:

  • PSA Resource API
  • PSA Resource API - Assignment
  • PSA - Manage Project Assignments
  • Standard User

Added Read permission to PSA Resource API - Assignment permission set and Read/Write permission to the following permission sets on the Project object:

  • PSA - Manage Create Project Mappings
  • PSA - Manage Projects
  • PSA - Create Projects
  • Standard User
Exclude from Timecard Expense Rollups

Added Read/Write permission to the following permission sets on the Assignment object:

  • PSA - Manage Project Assignments
  • PSA Resource API
  • PSA Resource API -Assignment

Added Read permission to the PS Cloud Analytics Integration User Read Access permission set.

Added Read/Write permission to the PSA - Manage Projects permission set and added Read permission to the PS Cloud Analytics Integration User Read Access permission set on the Milestone object.

Enhancements to the Project Task Board

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

If you are using a custom page layout for the Project Lightning page, you must add the Project Task Board component to the Project Lightning page manually using the Lightning App Builder. There is no need to do this if you are using the packaged page layout.


If you have previously added the Project Task Board component to the Project Lightning page in PSA Summer 2023 and are using a custom page layout, you must remove the component from the page and then re-add it using the Lightning App Builder.

Setting up the Project Task Board Lightning Component

Permissions for the Project Task Board Lightning Component

Using the Project Task Board

Project Task Board Lightning Component Properties

[Optional] If you have previously added the Project Task Board component to the Project Lightning page or to an app page and you want tasks on the Project Task Board to change color based on their end date and whether they are complete:

  1. Deselect and then reselect Use Task Colors in the Properties panel for the Project Task Board component in the Lightning App Builder.
  2. Click Save.
Add the Completed, Start Date & Time, and End Date & Time fields on the Project Task object to any custom permission sets you are using for the Project Task Board. These fields are present in the following packaged permission sets:
  • PSA - Manage Gantt and Project Tasks
  • PSA - Manage Project Tasks

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.

Lightning Component Properties

Lightning Component Properties Added in Winter 2024
Lightning Page


Further Information
Record ID Only applies to Experience Cloud sites.
The ID of the record to display in the component

Setting up the Project Task Board Lightning Component

Project Task Board Lightning Component Properties


Task Details Custom Fields Field Set

The field set on the Project Task object that contains the custom fields you want to display in the record details panel.

Use Task Colors If selected, tasks on the Project Task Board change color based on their end date and whether they are complete.

Lightning Pages

Lightning Pages Updated in Winter 2024
Lightning Page


Further Information
Project Lightning Page The Project Task Board Lightning component is now available on the Project Lightning page by default.

PSA Lightning Components

Setting up the Project Task Board Lightning Component

Hiding the Equal Split Allocation Type in the Gantt Task Editor

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

[Optional] Deselect the Show Equal Split Button setting in the Gantt Global Settings custom setting so that users no longer have access to the Equal Split allocation type on the Task Assignments tab in Gantt. The Hours allocation type becomes the default instead.

Managing Resources and Roles

Configuring Gantt Custom Settings

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.

Custom Settings

Custom Settings Added in Winter 2024
Custom Setting Custom Setting Field Further Information
Gantt Global Settings Show Equal Split Button

Configuring Gantt Custom Settings

Gantt Buttons, Controls, and Fields

Improved Project Planner Access from a Project or RPG Record

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2024.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Winter 2024
Permission Set


Further Information
PSA - Use Project Planner

We have added access for the following Apex classes:

  • ProjectPlannerForGroup
  • ProjectPlannerForPractice
  • ProjectPlannerForProject
  • ProjectPlannerForRegion

In the PSA Permissions window, select Permission Changes from the Contents pane. Scroll down to the Updates to Permission Sets table and click the link in the View Changes column for the relevant permission set. A list of all changes made to this permission set in this release is displayed.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

Enhancements to Project Collections and Portfolios

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to summer, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

You must assign your users Read permission for the relevant time period fields, to enable them to select different time period views in Delivery Tracker.

Setting up the Delivery Tracker Component

[Optional] To customize the filters in the filter panel, you must set up a custom field set in Setup. Then, you can select your field set in Lightning App Builder for the filter panel, in the Custom Filters property. Your custom filters are displayed below the default filter fields, at the bottom of the filter panel.

Included in this Feature


Buttons Added in Winter 2024


Page Layout

Further Information
Project Currency Delivery Tracker Delivery Tracker Component Fields and Buttons
Filter Delivery Tracker
Settings Delivery Tracker Filter Panel
Show Menu
Save As


Fields Added in Winter 2024
Field Object Further Information
Account Delivery Tracker Filter Panel Delivery Tracker Component Fields and Buttons
Include Full Project Hierarchy
Period Type
Saved Filters


Fields Renamed in Winter 2024
Field Object Further Information
Individual Billed Project Actuals - Revenue Actuals Project Fields
Individual Billings
Individual Bookings
Individual Expense Budget
Individual Internal Budget
Individual Invoiced
Individual Margin
Individual Pass-Through Billing
Individual Pre-Billed
Individual Revenue
Individual Internal Costs Project Actuals - Cost Actuals
Individual External Costs
Individual Expense Costs
Individual Other Costs
Individual Total Costs
Individual Billable Hours (External) Project Actuals - Time Actuals
Individual Billable Hours (Internal)
Individual Credited Hours
Individual Excluded Hours
Individual Non-Billable Hours (External)
Individual Non-Billable Hours (Internal)

Lightning Pages

Lightning Pages Updated in Winter 2024
Lightning Page


Further Information
Delivery Tracker View and filter related projects, including project hierarchies and associated records. Using the Delivery Tracker

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Winter 2024
Permission Set


Further Information

Edit permissions are now required on the following fields:

  • Filter_Set_c.Feature_c
  • Filter_Set_c.Filter_Set_Name__c
  • Filter_Set_c.Filters__c
  • Filter_Set_c.IsDefault__c
  • Filter_Set_c.Related_SObject_ID__c
Assigning Gantt Permissions and Controlling Sharing Access
PSAManageProjects Project Configuration Group Options and Custom Settings
PSAUseProjectPlanner Resource and Project Planners Settings and Preferences

User Experience Enhancements in Work Planner

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

Ensure that relevant users have the correct permissions to use Work Planner. Setting up Work Planners
Ensure that relevant users have Read permission for the Utilization Target field on the Contact object. Setting up Work Planners

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.


Buttons Added in Winter 2024

Page Layout

Further Information
Work Planner Work Planner Lightning Component Fields
Save As Work Planner
Filter Set Controls Work Planner

Support for Online Meetings in Work Events

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2024.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.


Fields Added in Winter 2024


Further Information
Is Online Meeting (Is_Online_Meeting__c) Work Event Work Event Fields and Buttons
Description (Rich_Description__c) Work Event Work Event Fields and Buttons
Fields Updated in Winter 2024


Further Information
Short Description (Description__c) Work Event Work Event Fields and Buttons

Utilization Analytics Improvements

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.


Further Information

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app

Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App in Creating an App from the PS Cloud Core Analytics Template

Deprecated Fields

Fields Deprecated from Utilization Results in Winter 2024
Field Further Information

DEPRECATED: Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours

These fields have been deprecated from the Utilization Results object. However, they might display in your org if you are an existing Customer.

Note: You can update the page layout to remove the deprecated fields.

DEPRECATED: Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours 

DEPRECATED: Utilization Excluded Unheld RR Hours 

DEPRECATED: Utilization Excluded Timecard Hours 

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Added in Winter 2024
Permission Set Description Further Information

PS Cloud Analytics Integration User Read Access

Added Read permission for the following new fields on the Utilization Run object:


  • Utilization Run object permission
  • Threshold Value 1
  • Threshold Value 2  
  • Threshold Value 3  
  • Threshold Value 4  
  • Threshold Value 5  
  • Threshold Value 6

Added Read permission for the following new fields on the Utilization Results object:

  • Unheld Resource Request Weighted Hours  
  • Hours at Threshold Value 1  
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 1  
  • Hours at Threshold Value 2  
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 2  
  • Hours at Threshold Value 3  
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 3  
  • Hours at Threshold Value 4  
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 4  
  • Hours at Threshold Value 5  
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 5  
  • Hours at Threshold Value 6  
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 6
  • Last Updated Run

In the PSA Permissions window, select Permission Changes from the Contents pane. Scroll down to the Updates to Permission Sets table and click the link in the View Changes column for the relevant permission set. A list of all changes made to this permission set in this release is displayed. For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

Dataset Enhancements

In this release, we have made several enhancements to the following:

Utilization Results Dataset

The following fields have been added to the Utilization Results Output Dataset:

Measures Type Fields

  • Unheld Resource Request Weighted Hours
  • Hours at Threshold Value 1
  • Hours at Threshold Value 2
  • Hours at Threshold Value 3
  • Hours at Threshold Value 4
  • Hours at Threshold Value 5
  • Hours at Threshold Value 6
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 1
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 2
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 3
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 4
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 5
  • Weighted Hours at Threshold Value 6

Dimension Type Field

  • Last Updated Run

For more information about PS Cloud Core Analytics, see Upgrading to PS Cloud Analytics Winter 2024

Enhancements to Resource Optimizer

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2024.

Improved Expense Entry User Experience

Upgrade Steps

Assign the following Lightning App Builder properties by editing the page with the Expense Entry Lightning Web Component and selecting Expense Entry LWC from Lightning App Builder:

  • Set showReimbursementInformation = True, to display the reimbursement section.
  • Set showBillableInformation = True, to display the Billable Information section.
  • If you want to add fields in the main layout above Description field using a field set:
    • Set editableFieldSetApiName = ExpenseHeaderRowEditableColumns
    • Set readOnlyFieldSetApiName = ExpenseHeaderRowReadOnlyColumns
  • If you want the Additional Information section to display with fields in a field set:
    • Set editableNotesFieldSetApiName = ExpenseNotesFieldsEditableColumns
    • Set readOnlyNotesFieldSetApiName = ExpenseNotesFieldsReadOnlyColumns

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.


Fields Added in Winter 2024
Field Location Further Information

Billable Amount

Expense Entry Lightning Page

Expense Entry Lightning Component Fields

Currency Conversion Rate

Exchange Rate

Incurred Tax

Incurred Tax Non-Billable

Non-Billable Incurred Amount


Reimbursement Amount

Tax Type


Buttons Added in Winter 2024
Button Object Further Information

Save and New

Expense Entry Lightning Component

Expense Entry Lightning Component Fields

Save and Copy

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Winter 2024
Permission Set Description Further Information

PSA - Enter Expenses Against Projects and Assignments

Added Read and Edit permission for the following new fields in the PSA - Enter Expenses Against Projects and Assignment permission set:

  • Billable Amount
  • Incurred Tax
  • Incurred Tax Non-Billable
  • Non-Billable Incurred Amount
  • Non Reimbursable
  • Reimbursement Amount
  • Tax Type
  • Exchange Rate


Added Read-only permission for the following new fields in the PSA - Enter Expenses Against Projects and Assignment permission set:

  • Project Practice
  • Project Region
  • Project Group
  • Contact Group
  • Contact Practice
  • Contact Region

In the PSA Permissions window, select Permission Changes from the Contents pane. Scroll down to the Updates to Permission Sets table and click the link in the View Changes column for the relevant permission set. A list of all changes made to this permission set in this release is displayed.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

Expense Entry Lightning Component Properties

Expense Entry Lightning Component Properties Added in Winter 2024
Component Property Location Further Information

Billable Amount

Expense Entry Lightning Page

Expense Entry Lightning Component Properties

Currency Conversion Rate

Exchange Rate

Incurred Tax

Incurred Tax Non-Billable

Non-Billable Incurred Amount


Reimbursement Amount

Tax Type

Expense Lightning Component Configuration Options

Expense Lightning Component Configuration Options Added in Winter 2024

Component Property Location Further Information

Expense Lightning Web Component

Expense Lightning Web Component Configuration Options


Time Entry


Buttons Added in Winter 2024
Button Object Further Information

Save and New

Time Entry Lightning Component

Time Entry Lightning Component Fields

Enhancements to Expense Management

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024:


Further Information

[Optional] To add the Reassign button the Mass Approval component, you must select the Allow Reassign checkbox in Lightning App Builder.

Approving and Rejecting Multiple Expense Reports

Included in this Feature


Buttons Included in Winter 2024:

Button Object
Reassign Expense Reports

Lightning Component Properties

Lightning Component Properties included in Winter 2024:

Property Description Further Information
Allow Reassign If selected, the Reassign button is displayed on the Mass Approvals component.

Approving and Rejecting Multiple Expense Reports

Improved Accuracy in Services Revenue Forecasting

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.


If you have previously installed the Fall 2019 version of PSA, you must ensure that the Project ID field on the Revenue Forecast Batch Lock object has been deleted.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

Create a new section called General Settings on the Revenue Forecast Setup Layout page layout above the existing Project Settings section and move these existing fields from the Project Settings section into the new section:

  • Exclude from Forecast RR Field
  • Resource Request Bill Rate Field
Revenue Forecast Setup Fields

Setting up Forecasting

[Optional] To exclude past scheduled hours from revenue forecast calculations for the current monthly time period to improve forecasting accuracy:

  1. Add the Use Mid Month Forecast Calculations checkbox, the Actuals Cutoff Day picklist, and the Exclude Actuals After Cutoff Day checkbox to the Project Settings section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Layout page layout.
  2. On the active revenue forecast setup record, select Use Mid Month Forecast Calculations and select a day of the week from the Actuals Cutoff Day drop-down.
  3. On the active revenue forecast setup record, select Exclude Actuals After Cutoff Day if you are using the % Complete recognition method and you do not want actuals that are after the cutoff day to be included in forecast calculations.

Calculating Accurate Mid Month Forecasts

Calculating Accurate Mid Month Forecasts (Deliverable)

Calculating Accurate Mid Month Forecasts (% Complete)

[Optional] To include resource request records in opportunity revenue forecasts:

  1. Add the Include RRs on Opportunities checkbox to the Opportunity Settings section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Layout page layout.
  2. Select Include RRs on Opportunities on the active revenue forecast setup record.
  3. Add an extra picklist value with the following details to the Revenue Source picklist on the Revenue Forecast Type object:
    • API Name: Deliverable: Resource Request
    • Label: we recommend using the same as the value but you can use your own label, for example, if you need to translate it into another language.

Including Resource Requests in Opportunity Revenue Forecasts

Running Opportunity Revenue Forecasts

Resource Request

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.


Fields Added in Winter 2024
Field Object Further Information
Actuals Cutoff Day Revenue Forecast Setup Revenue Forecast Setup Fields
Exclude Actuals After Cutoff Day
Include RRs on Opportunities
Use Mid Month Forecast Calculations

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Winter 2024
Permission Set Description Further Information
PSA - Configure Forecast Setup

Added Edit permission for the following fields on the Revenue Forecast Setup object:

  • Actuals Cutoff Day
  • Exclude Actuals After Cutoff Day
  • Include RRs on Opportunities
  • Use Mid Month Forecast Calculations

In the PSA Permissions window, select Permission Changes from the Contents pane. Scroll down to the Updates to Permission Sets table and click the link in the View Changes column for the relevant permission set. A list of all changes made to this permission set in this release is displayed.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

Enhancements to Revenue Forecast Versions and the Review Forecast Version Page

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.


If you have previously installed the Fall 2019 version of PSA, you must ensure that the Project ID field on the Revenue Forecast Batch Lock object has been deleted.

Upgrade Steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

[Optional] To copy adjustments made to revenue forecast versions into future versions:

  1. Add the Persist Adjustments Across Versions checkbox to the Forecast Version Settings section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Layout page layout.
  2. Select Persist Adjustments Across Versions on the active revenue forecast setup record.

Adjusting and Locking a Revenue Forecast Version

Copying Adjustments into Future Revenue Forecast Versions

[Optional] To customize the number of rolling months covered by revenue forecast versions:

  1. Add the Version Forecast Period Override field to the Forecast Version Batch Settings section of the Revenue Forecast Setup Layout page layout.
  2. Enter the number of months you want to use in the Version Forecast Period Override field on the active revenue forecast setup record.
Scheduling Revenue Forecast Versions

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.


Fields Added in Winter 2024
Field Object Further Information
Persist Adjustments Across Versions Revenue Forecast Setup Revenue Forecast Setup Fields
Version Forecast Period Override
Adjusted By Revenue Forecast Version Adjustment Revenue Forecast Version Adjustment Fields
Adjustment Date
Expiration Date

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Winter 2024
Permission Set Description Further Information
PSA - Adjust Forecast Version

Added Edit permission for the following fields on the Revenue Forecast Version Adjustment object:

  • Adjusted By
  • Adjustment Date
  • Expiration Date

In the PSA Permissions window, select Permission Changes from the Contents pane. Scroll down to the Updates to Permission Sets table and click the link in the View Changes column for the relevant permission set. A list of all changes made to this permission set in this release is displayed.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

PSA - Configure Forecast Setup

Added Edit permission for the following fields on the Revenue Forecast Setup object:

  • Persist Adjustments Across Versions
  • Version Forecast Period Override
PSA - View Forecast

Added Read permission for the following fields on the Revenue Forecast Version Adjustment object:

  • Adjusted By
  • Adjustment Date
  • Expiration Date
PSA - View All Forecasts

Added Read permission for the following fields on the Revenue Forecast Version Adjustment object:

  • Adjusted By
  • Adjustment Date
  • Expiration Date

Improved Stability in Services Revenue Forecasting

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2024.

Unlock Actuals

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2024.

Advanced Lookup

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2024.

Horizontal Alignment of App Page KPI Cards

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Winter 2024.

Certinia Help Is Now Available from help.certinia.com

No steps are required to upgrade this feature. The Help links are automatically updated when you upgrade PSA.

For more information, see Certinia Help URL.

Release Content

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Winter 2024, take the following action.

Upgrade steps for Winter 2024


Further Information

Reset the metrics of the Release Overview prompt to ensure that users see this prompt again with its updated content if they have previously dismissed or completed it.

Monitor In-App Guidance in Lightning Experience in the Salesforce Help

PSA In-App Guidance

Activate the Time Entry Page TH prompt.  Managing Certinia In-App Guidance
Deactivate any deprecated prompts that are active in your org.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release.

In-App Guidance

PSA In-App Guidance Updated in Winter 2024







Release Overview PSA Home Docked Yes Fall 2020
Time Entry Page TH PSA Time Entry Floating Yes Fall 2020
PSA In-App Guidance Deprecated in Winter 2024







Mass Approvals Timecards VF PSA Approve Multiple Timecards Docked No Spring 2021