fferpcore.ArchiveServiceglobal with sharing class ArchiveService This class is the main entry point for the Foundations Archive Engine. Methods
summarizeglobal static fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeResponse summarize(fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeRequest request) Schedules in the asynchronous process to summarize the Archive Items in one or more Archive Sets. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe response object describing the result of the Summarization process. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeRequest request = new fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeRequest(); request.ArchiveSetIds = new Set<Id>{ 'a006F00002gD3JJQA0' }; fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeResponse response = fferpcore.ArchiveService.summarize(request); summarizeglobal static fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeChunkResponse summarize(fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeChunkRequest request) Runs the synchronous process to summarize the Archive Items in a single Archive Set Chunk. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe response object describing the result of the Summarization process. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeChunkRequest request = new fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeChunkRequest(); request.ChunkId = 'a0g6F00000Vsjt7QAB'; fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeChunkResponse response = fferpcore.ArchiveService.summarize(request); fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeRequestglobal class SummarizeRequest Summarize request object. Properties
fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeChunkRequestglobal class SummarizeChunkRequest Summarize Archive Set Chunk request object. Properties
fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeResponseglobal class SummarizeResponse Summarize response object. Properties
fferpcore.ArchiveService.SummarizeChunkResponseglobal class SummarizeChunkResponse Summarize Archive Set Chunk response object. Properties