fferpcore.TransformSourceDataglobal abstract class TransformSourceData Data to be processed by the TransformService.
getMessagesglobal abstract List<fferpcore.DeliveredMessage> getMessages(fferpcore.TransformSourceData.Request request) Build the list of messages containing the source data to be processed. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe list of delivered messages containing the source data. getDataSourceRowglobal virtual fferpcore.DataSource.Row getDataSourceRow(fferpcore.DeliveredMessage message) If the source data is based on fferpcore.DataSource.Row rather than the standard VirtualDataObject.Record, this specifies how the fferpcore.DataSource.Row can be retrieved from a source data message. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe DataSource.Row corresponding to the message. fferpcore.TransformSourceData.Requestglobal class Request Data that can be used to support the generation of messages. Methods
Requestglobal Request(fferpcore.MessageDescription messageDescription, fferpcore.TransformErrorList errorList) Create a TransformSourceData.Request. Input Parameters
getMessageDescriptionglobal fferpcore.MessageDescription getMessageDescription() Return ValueThe message description containing the nodes that detail the source fields required by the mappings. getErrorsglobal fferpcore.TransformErrorList getErrors() Return ValueA collection of errors to allow error reporting throughout the transform operation. |