Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class EInvoiceAutoSend

Interfaces and data structures used to automatically send documents (Invoice/Credit Note) as an electronic invoice and automatically notifying the updates of received documents(Invoice/Credit Note).
To automatically send documents (Invoice/Credit Note), implement the interface IEInvoiceAutoSendService and add an fferpcore__Plugin__mdt record where fferpcore__ClassName__c points to your class and fferpcore__ExtensionPoint__c is set to 'fferpcore.EInvoiceAutoSend.IEInvoiceAutoSendService'.
To automatically notify the status updates of received documents(Invoice/Credit Note), implement the interface IEInvoiceNotificationService and add an fferpcore__Plugin__mdt record where fferpcore__ClassName__c points to your class and fferpcore__ExtensionPoint__c is set to 'fferpcore.EInvoiceAutoSend.IEInvoiceNotificationService'.



global EInvoiceAutoSend()


global interface IEInvoiceAutoSendService

To be implemented by systems that care about automatic sending of documents(Invoice/Credit Note) as electronic invoices.



AutoSendResponse autoSendDocuments()

This will be called by the Scheduler service to trigger automatic sending of documents(Invoice/Credit Note) as electronic invoices.


global interface IEInvoiceNotificationService

To be implemented by systems that care about notifying the updates of received documents(Invoice/Credit Note).



AutoSendResponse notifyReceivedDocumentsUpdate()

This will be called by the Scheduler service to trigger notification for the updates on received documents(Invoice/Credit Note).


global with sharing class AutoSendResponse

Response to a request to the autoSendDocuments method and notifyReceivedDocumentsUpdate. This contains information about what has happened when executing autoSendDocuments and notifyReceivedDocumentsUpdate.


Name Type Description
InvoiceAsyncJobId Id Id of the AsyncApexJob that has been created to send an invoice as an electronic invoice. This can be used to track the progress of the job.
CreditNoteAsyncJobId Id Id of the AsyncApexJob that has been created to send a credit note as an electronic invoice. This can be used to track the progress of the job.
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