fferpcore.ChainedMappingglobal abstract class ChainedMapping extends SubscriptionDescription.Mapping Implements a decorator pattern for SubscriptionDescription.Mapping. Allows data to be transformed before being passed to the final Mapping. This Mapping performs its Immediate and Bulk actions before calling the next Mapping. This class extends fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription.Mapping Properties
ChainedMappingglobal ChainedMapping(fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription.Mapping nextMapping) Constructs a ChainedMapping. Input Parameters
getTargetFieldsglobal override virtual Set<String> getTargetFields() Implements Mapping.getTargetFields(). This implementation delegates to the next mapping. performImmediateActionsglobal override void performImmediateActions(ApplyMappingRequest request) Implements Mapping.performImmediateActions(). This implementation collects messages for each record and calls processImmediateRequest() once for each record. performBulkActionsglobal override void performBulkActions() Implements Mapping.performBulkActions(). Calls the processRequests() method, then calls the next Mapping with one request for each record containing the result for that record. disableFieldsglobal virtual override void disableFields(Set<String> fieldNames) Implements Mapping.disableFields(). This implementation delegates to the next mapping. isDisabledglobal virtual override Boolean isDisabled() Implements Mapping.isDisabled(). This implementation delegates to the next mapping. fferpcore.ChainedMapping.CollectedRequestglobal interface CollectedRequest Aggregation of message requests. Methods
getLatestValueSubscriptionDescription.Value getLatestValue(List<String> path) Return the value from the most recent message to contain data in the JSON path. getLatestValuesList<SubscriptionDescription.Value> getLatestValues(List<List<String>> paths) Return the values from the most recent message to contain data in any of the JSON paths. setResultvoid setResult(fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription.Value value) Sets the result to be passed to the next fferpcore.SubscriptionDescription.Mapping in the chain. |