fferpcore.ErpCurrencyServiceglobal with sharing class ErpCurrencyService Returns or activates Foundations currencies. Methods
getActiveCurrenciesglobal static Set<String> getActiveCurrencies() Get the Foundations currencies that are active. Return ValueA set of currency ISO codes. activateCurrenciesglobal static fferpcore.ErpCurrencyService.ActivateCurrenciesResult activateCurrencies(Set<String> isoCodes) Activate a set of Foundations currencies. During the activation process, Foundations automatically activates all Salesforce currencies that relate to active Foundations currencies to ensure the details are synchronized. Input Parameters
Return ValueAn instance of ActivateCurrenciesResult, which provides information about the result of the request. fferpcore.ErpCurrencyService.ActivateCurrenciesResultglobal class ActivateCurrenciesResult Information relating to a Foundations currency activation request. Properties
MethodsActivateCurrenciesResultglobal ActivateCurrenciesResult() |