fferpcore.FeatureConsoleServiceglobal with sharing class FeatureConsoleService Retrieve and activate Feature Console features and steps. Methods
readFeaturesglobal static List<fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.Feature> readFeatures() Reads all available features from the database and whether or not they are enabled. Return ValueThe list of all features readFeaturesglobal static List<fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.Feature> readFeatures(Set<String> qualifiedFeatureNames) Reads the specified features from the database and whether or not they are enabled. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe list of features for the given names. readFeatureStepsglobal static List<fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.Step> readFeatureSteps(Set<String> qualifiedFeatureNames) Reads all feature steps from the database for a given set of features and whether or not they have been marked as completed. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe list of all feature steps for the given features. readFeatureStepsglobal static List<fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.Step> readFeatureSteps(Set<String> qualifiedFeatureNames, fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.ReadFeatureStepsOptions options) Reads all feature steps from the database for a given set of features and whether or not they have been marked as completed. Input Parameters
Return ValueThe list of all feature steps for the given features. enableglobal static fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.ActivationResponse enable(Id recordId) Marks a given feature or feature step as enabled or completed.
To check whether a second call is required, use the PleaseResubmit property in the ActivationResponse. Input Parameters
Return ValueWhether the enable request was successful and if not any errors encountered. enableglobal static fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.ActivationResponse enable(Id recordId, String options) Marks a given feature or feature step as enabled or completed.
To check whether a second call is required, use the PleaseResubmit property in the ActivationResponse. Input Parameters
Return ValueWhether the enable request was successful and if not any errors encountered. runglobal static List<fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.ActivationResponse> run(List<fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.RunRequest> requests) Run multiple steps using the specified step types and configurations. Input Parameters
Return ValueA list of ActivationResponse, one per request. Each indicating success or failure and any associated errors. disableglobal static fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.ActivationResponse disable(Id recordId) Marks a given feature or feature step as disabled or not completed. Input Parameters
Return ValueDetails of whether the request was successful and any associated error messages. disableglobal static fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.ActivationResponse disable(Id recordId, String options) Marks a given feature or feature step as disabled or not completed. Input Parameters
Return ValueDetails of whether the request was successful and any associated error messages. skipglobal static fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.ActivationResponse skip(Id recordId) Marks a given feature step as skipped. Input Parameters
Return ValueDetails of whether the request was successful and any associated error messages. revertSkipglobal static fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.ActivationResponse revertSkip(Id recordId) Marks a given feature step that has been skipped as not completed. Input Parameters
Return ValueDetails of whether the request was successful and any associated error messages. isFeatureEnabledglobal static Map<String, Boolean> isFeatureEnabled(Set<String> qualifiedFeatureNames) Determines whether a given set of features have been enabled. Input Parameters
Return ValueA map of the qualified API names of the passed in features against whether they are enabled. isFeatureStepEnabledglobal static Map<String, Boolean> isFeatureStepEnabled(Set<String> qualifiedFeatureStepNames) Determines whether a given set of feature steps have been enabled. Input Parameters
Return ValueA map of the qualified API names of the passed in feature steps against whether they are enabled. getLogLinesglobal static List<fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.LogLine> getLogLines(Set<String> qualifiedFeatureNames) Reads all of the LogLines associated with the given set of features. Input Parameters
Return ValueA list of requested LogLines. markAsPerformedglobal static void markAsPerformed(Boolean isEnable, Id recordId, LoggingLevel severity) Mark a feature or step as performed. Input Parameters
markAsPerformedglobal static void markAsPerformed(Boolean isEnable, Id recordId, LoggingLevel severity, String memento) Mark a feature or step as performed. Input Parameters
markAsErrorglobal static void markAsError(Boolean isEnable, Id recordId, Exception e) Mark a feature or step as having had an error. Input Parameters
markAsErrorglobal static void markAsError(Boolean isEnable, Id recordId, LoggingLevel severity, String error) Mark a feature or step as having had an error. Input Parameters
markAsSuccessglobal static void markAsSuccess(Boolean isEnable, Id recordId) Mark a feature or step as successful. Input Parameters
logglobal static void log(fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.LogRequest request) Log a message against the running of a particular feature or step. Input Parameters
fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.Featureglobal class Feature Wrapper for a Feature Console feature and information about whether it is visible and has been enabled. Properties
MethodsFeatureglobal Feature() getCanToggleglobal Boolean getCanToggle() fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.Stepglobal class Step Wrapper for a Feature Console feature step and whether it has been marked as completed. Properties
MethodsStepglobal Step() fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.ActivationResponseglobal class ActivationResponse Response returned when enabling or disabling a step or feature. Properties
MethodsActivationResponseglobal ActivationResponse() fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.LogLineglobal class LogLine A line of logging generated when performing a feature or step Properties
MethodsLogLineglobal LogLine() fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.StepRunnerConfigglobal class StepRunnerConfig The information passed to a custom Apex runner when running a feature step. Properties
MethodsStepRunnerConfigglobal StepRunnerConfig() getMementoDeserializedUntypedglobal Map<String, Object> getMementoDeserializedUntyped() Deserialize the Memento as an untyped JSON string. If the memento is blank or null then an empty Map is returned. Return ValueThe Memento as a Map of String to Value. fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.LogRequestglobal class LogRequest Wrapper for the information required to log a message against the running of a step or feature. Properties
MethodsLogRequestglobal LogRequest() fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.StepDescriptionLineglobal class StepDescriptionLine fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.ReadFeatureStepsOptionsglobal class ReadFeatureStepsOptions A wrapper for the options used when reading feature steps. Properties
MethodsReadFeatureStepsOptionsglobal ReadFeatureStepsOptions() fferpcore.FeatureConsoleService.RunRequestglobal class RunRequest An object to hold a Step Type and its relevant configuration, used when running steps without the use of custom metadata records. Properties
MethodsRunRequestglobal RunRequest(String stepType, String configuration) |