fferpcore.ImportDatabaseRequestContainerglobal class ImportDatabaseRequestContainer This class contains the ImportDatabaseRequests grouped by new, existing and errors. Users can select the option for each request before writing to the database with writeRequests Methods
getNewRequestsglobal List<fferpcore.ImportDatabaseRequest> getNewRequests() Returns a copy of the list of requests to import records that do not exist Return ValueThe list of requests for records that do not exist on the org getExistingRequestsglobal List<fferpcore.ImportDatabaseRequest> getExistingRequests() Returns a copy of the list of requests to import records that already exist Return ValueThe list of requests for records that already exist on the org getErrorRequestsglobal List<fferpcore.ImportDatabaseRequest> getErrorRequests() Returns a copy of the list of requests for records that cannot be imported Return ValueThe list of requests for records that cannot be imported |