Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global interface ApplyMappingRequest2

A request to apply a mapping to a target object. A fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping object accepts an fferpcore.ApplyMappingRequest2 in the performImmediateActions method. The request contains the target object to be updated as well as the message.



TargetObject getTarget()

Return Value

The target object of the request.


SubscriptionDescription.Value getLatestValue(List<String> path)

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path List<String> The location of the value in the message.

Return Value

The value at the given key in the most recent message.


List<SubscriptionDescription.Value> getLatestValues(List<List<String>> paths)

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
paths List<List<String>> The locations of the values in the message.

Return Value

The values at the given keys in the most recent message.


void respondError(fferpcore.ErpErrorBody e)

Mark the messages with the given error.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
e fferpcore.ErpErrorBody An error body containing the error messages.


Boolean hasError()

Return Value

True if any errors are associated with the request.

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