global with sharing class ElectronicInvoicingService
Common functionality available for sending and receiving invoices electronically. In most circumstances, you should not have to call this directly - other APIs will provide more convenient services for using e-invoicing with particular documents.
The types of document supported by e-invoicing.
An invoice to be paid by the recipient. |
A credit note reflecting a credit to the recipient. |
global static fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.SendResponse send(List<fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.Document> documents)
Sends the given documents as electronic invoices. This will make callouts, so no DML can be performed in the same execution context before calling this method. Due to Salesforce limits around making callouts, it is possible that not all the requested documents will be sent. Documents that have not been sent will be returned on the response and will need to be processed in a separate execution context.
Input Parameters
Return Value
An object containing information about the execution of the request.
global static fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.SendAsyncResponse sendAsync(List<fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.Document> documents)
Sends the given documents as electronic invoices asynchronously. This uses a Queueable to start the process.
Input Parameters
Return Value
An object containing the ID of the AsyncApexJob started by this method.
global static String getProviderName()
Returns the name of the connector configured for this service.
Return Value
A string containing the name of the connector used for this service.
global static fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.ValidationResponse validateConnection()
Returns information about the validity of the connector. For example if the connector setup is correct.
Return Value
An object containing information about the validity of the connector, and whether there is any errors associated with it.
global static fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.ValidationResponse testConnection(fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.TestConnectionRequest testRequest)
Returns information about the validity of the connector. For example if the connector's URL and API key are correct.
Return Value
An object containing information about the validity of the connector, and whether there is any errors associated with it.
global with sharing class Document
An invoice or credit note.
AccountingCostCentre |
String |
Text identifying the customer’s accounting cost centre for this document.
AccountingSupplierParty |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.AccountingSupplierParty |
The person or company who is issuing this document.
AccountingCustomerParty |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.AccountingCustomerParty |
The person or company who should receive this document.
AllowanceCharges |
List<fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.AllowanceCharge> |
Additional charges or allowances that are applicable to the document as a whole.
DocumentTotal |
Decimal |
The total value of the document, including the tax. This is specified separately so that rounding differences can be taken into account. If this does not equal the sum of the line net values and the tax amounts, the difference will be included on the e-invoice so that it can be taken into account by the receiver.
Attachments |
List<fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.Attachment> |
Additional files to send with the document. Check with your e-invoicing provider for their limits on what can be sent.
CreatePrimaryImage |
Boolean |
Set to true to automatically include a PDF copy of the document, if one is not already present in the Attachments.
BillingReference |
String |
Reference to a previous document that is being corrected by this one.
ConsumerTaxMode |
Boolean |
Set to 'true' to use tax identifier for the sender from the receiver's country, rather than the default. Check with your e-invoicing provider before using this mode.
ContractDocumentReference |
String |
Reference to a contract to which this document relates, if one exists.
Delivery |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.Delivery |
Information about where and when the goods or services being invoiced were delivered.
DeliveryAddress |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.PostalAddress |
The address to which the supplied goods or services were delivered.
CustomerReference |
String |
A reference to allow the customer to identify this document.
DocumentCurrencyCode |
String |
Currency in which all monetary amounts in this document are expressed.
DocumentDate |
Date |
Date on which the document was created.
DocumentLines |
List<fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.DocumentLine> |
Breakdown of the individual charges or credits that make up this document.
DocumentIdentifier |
String |
Unique identifier for the document, in the form of a UUID. If the same document is re-sent, the DocumentIdentifier must be the same.
DocumentType |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.DocumentType |
Whether this is an invoice or a credit note. A negative invoice is equivalent to a positive credit note.
DueDate |
Date |
When the document is due to be paid.
InvoiceNumber |
String |
Sequential number identifying the document.
InvoicePeriod |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.InvoicePeriod |
The period of time for which the document is being charged.
IssueDate |
Date |
Date when the document was sent to the customer.
LegalEntityId |
String |
Identifies the legal entity issuing this document.
Note |
String |
Free text to add to the document.
PaymentMeans |
List<fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.PaymentMeans> |
Instructions for how to pay this document.
PaymentTerms |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.PaymentTerms |
Terms governing payment for this document.
PrepaidAmount |
Decimal |
How much has already been paid toward this document, if anything.
ProjectReference |
String |
Reference to the project to which this document relates, if one exists.
Routing |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.Routing |
Where the e-invoice is to be sent.
CustomerOrderReference |
String |
The customer's reference for the order to which this document relates, if one exists.
SalesOrderId |
String |
The seller's reference for the order to which this document relates, if one exists.
TaxPointDate |
Date |
Date used for calculating tax, if different from the document date.
TaxSubtotals |
List<fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.TaxSubtotal> |
The subtotals for each different tax applied to this document. If not specified, it will be worked out automatically from the taxes on the document lines and allowances/charges.
UblExtensions |
List<String> |
UBL extensions for this document.
global Document()
Constructs a document. List properties are initialised to an empty list, all other properties begin as null.
global with sharing class AccountingSupplierParty
A person or company capable of sending e-invoices.
ContactName |
String |
Name of an individual within a company.
EmailAddress |
String |
The email address by which this party can be contacted.
Telephone |
String |
The telephone number by which this party can be contacted.
global with sharing class AccountingCustomerParty
A person or company capable of receiving e-invoices.
AccountId |
String |
Id of the customer assigned by the seller.
CompanyName |
String |
Name of the company.
ContactId |
String |
Id of an individual contact within a company.
ContactName |
String |
Name of an individual within a company.
EmailAddress |
String |
The email address by which this party can be contacted.
PublicIdentifiers |
List<fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.Endpoint> |
Unique identifiers that can be used by the e-invoicing network to identify the party.
PostalAddress |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.PostalAddress |
Physical address of the party.
Telephone |
String |
The telephone number by which this party can be contacted.
global AccountingCustomerParty()
Constructs a party with an empty list of endpoints. All other properties begin as null.
global with sharing class AllowanceCharge
A discount or surcharge. Should be negative for discounts.
NetValue |
Decimal |
Amount being charged, net of tax.
Reason |
String |
Text describing the reason for the charge or discount.
TaxBreakdown |
List<fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.Tax> |
Taxes applicable to this charge or discount.
global AllowanceCharge()
Constructs an AllowanceCharge with an empty list of TaxBreakdown. All other properties begin as null.
global with sharing class Attachment
Files that can be attached to the document.
Document |
String |
The contents of the attachment, using base64 encoding.
Filename |
String |
The name of the file being attached.
MimeType |
String |
The format of the attachment. Check with your e-invoicing provider for which types are supported.
PrimaryImage |
Boolean |
If true, indicates that this attachment is a visual copy of the document.
global Attachment()
Constructs an Attachment with no fields set.
global with sharing class Delivery
Information about what has been or will be delivered for this document.
ActualDate |
Date |
The date on which the delivery takes or took place.
Location |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.Location |
Codes for quick identification of a location, for example a Global Location Number.
Quantity |
Decimal |
The quantity that has been or will be delivered.
global Delivery()
Constructs a Delivery with no fields set.
global with sharing class Location
Codes for quick identification of a location, for example a Global Location Number.
Id |
String |
Identifies the location.
SchemeAgencyId |
String |
ID of the agency that issues the Id (e.g. 'ZZZ')
SchemeId |
String |
The scheme that the Id conforms to (e.g. 'EAN')
global Location()
Constructs a Location with no fields set.
global with sharing class Endpoint
A unique identifier for an Endpoint on the e-invoicing network, to allow routing of documents to the correct place.
Id |
String |
Identifier for an Endpoint. This may be in one of many formats, as described by the scheme.
Scheme |
String |
Identifies the type of id that describes the company. Valid values can be obtained from your e-invoicing provider.
global Endpoint(String id, String scheme)
Constructs an Endpoint. All arguments are required.
Input Parameters
id |
String |
Identifier for an Endpoint. This may be in one of many formats, as described by the scheme. |
scheme |
String |
Scheme that describes how the id is to be interpreted, e.g. as a VAT Id. |
global Endpoint()
Constructs a Endpoint with no fields set.
global with sharing class PaymentMeans
Instructions for how to pay this document.
Account |
String |
The bank account number.
BranchCode |
String |
SWIFT or BIC code used to identify the bank. Not required if using an IBAN number for the Account.
Code |
String |
Identifies the type of payment being used. Different types of payment will require different information. Consult your e-invoicing provider for the available values, and what data is needed in each case.
Holder |
String |
Name of the holder of the bank account.
Mandate |
String |
Direct debit mandate code, if paying by direct debit.
Network |
String |
Name of the card or other payment network, e.g. VISA, PayPal.
PaymentId |
String |
ID to be used when paying that you can use to associate the payment with the document.
global PaymentMeans()
Constructs a new PaymentMeans with no fields set.
global with sharing class PaymentTerms
The terms under which a document is to be paid.
Note |
String |
Text describing the payment terms.
global PaymentTerms()
Constructs a new PaymentTerms with no fields set.
global with sharing class PostalAddress
A physical address that can receive post.
AddressLine1 |
String |
Street Address / P.O Box / Company Name.
AddressLine2 |
String |
Apartment Suite / Unit / Building / Floor.
CityName |
String |
Town / City.
County |
String |
County / state / province / region.
Country |
String |
Name of the country.
CountryIdentificationCode |
String |
Code for the country, taken from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard list.
PostalCode |
String |
ZIP / Postal code for the area.
global PostalAddress()
Constructs a postal address with no fields set.
global with sharing class Routing
Information used to deliver the document to the recipient. The EIdentifiers will be used by preference, to send the document across the electronic invoicing network. If the recipient cannot receive e-invoices in this way, the document will be sent to the specified emails.
global Routing()
Constructs a Routing with empty lists of EIdentifiers and Emails.
global with sharing class TaxSubtotal
Describes the total amount charged for a particular tax across an entire document.
TaxCode |
String |
Code identifying the tax being applied.
CountryIdentificationCode |
String |
Code for the country levying the tax, taken from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard list.
Percent |
Decimal |
Rate used to calculate the tax.
Amount |
Decimal |
Amount payable for this tax.
TaxableAmount |
Decimal |
The amount that is being taxed.
global TaxSubtotal()
Constructs a TaxSubtotal with no fields set.
global with sharing class DocumentLine
An individual line on an invoice or credit note, corresponding to a single charge or credit.
AccountingCostCentre |
String |
Text identifying the customer’s accounting cost centre for this document line.
AdditionalItemProperties |
List<fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.AdditionalItemProperty> |
Additional information about this document line that does not belong in any other field.
CustomerItemIdentification |
String |
ID used by the customer to identify the product or service.
Delivery |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.Delivery |
Delivery information for the product on this line.
DeliveryAddress |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.PostalAddress |
The address to which the supplied goods or services were delivered.
Description |
String |
Description providing additional information about the line.
DiscountAmount |
Decimal |
Total Amount of any discount applied to this line.
ItemName |
String |
Name of the product or service being charged for.
LineId |
String |
Identifier for the line. Must be unique within the document.
NetValue |
Decimal |
Amount being charged, net of tax.
OrderLineReferenceLineId |
String |
A reference to the order line to which this document line relates.
Period |
fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.InvoicePeriod |
Period of time over which the product or service being charged for was supplied.
Quantity |
Decimal |
How many units (see UnitCode) are being charged for.
SellersItemIdentification |
String |
ID used by the seller to identify the product or service.
StandardItemIdentification |
String |
A code identifying the product or service, taken from a standardized code as specified in StandardItemIdentificationSchemeId.
StandardItemIdentificationSchemeAgencyId |
String |
ID of the agency that issues the StandardItemIdentification.
StandardItemIdentificationSchemeId |
String |
The scheme that the StandardItemIdentification conforms to, e.g. GTIN.
TaxBreakdown |
List<fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingService.Tax> |
Taxes applicable to this line.
UnitCode |
String |
Code describing the unit by which quantity is measured, e.g. kg or cm Codes can be taken from UN/ECE Recommendation 20, or an 'X' followed by a code from UN/ECE Recommendation 21.
UnitPrice |
Decimal |
The price charged per unit of this product (unit defined in the UnitCode field).
global DocumentLine()
Constructs a document line. List properties are initialised to an empty list, all other properties begin as null.
global with sharing class AdditionalItemProperty
An additional property for a document line that isn't already specified elsewhere.
name |
String |
The name identifying the property.
value |
String |
The value of this property.
global AdditionalItemProperty(String name, String value)
Constructs an AdditionalItemProperty
Input Parameters
name |
String |
The name identifying the property. |
value |
String |
The value of this property. |
global with sharing class InvoicePeriod
The period for which a document or line is being charged.
EndDate |
Date |
The end of the period.
StartDate |
Date |
The start of the period.
global InvoicePeriod(Date startDate, Date endDate)
Constructs an invoice period. The start date must be less than or equal to the end date.
Input Parameters
startDate |
Date |
The start of the period. |
endDate |
Date |
The end of the period. |
global with sharing class Tax
Describes a tax charged on a document line.
Amount |
Decimal |
Amount payable for this tax.
Percent |
Decimal |
Rate used to calculate the tax.
TaxCode |
String |
Tax Category code
LineItemTaxCode |
String |
Code identifying the tax being applied.
CountryIdentificationCode |
String |
Code for the country levying the tax, taken from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard list.
global Tax()
Constructs a tax with no fields set.
global with sharing class ValidationResponse
Describes the validity of the connector.
Errors |
List<String> |
A list of errors associated with the validation process.
IsValid |
Boolean |
A boolean describing if the connector is valid.
global ValidationResponse(List<String> errors)
Constructs a ValidationResponse from the provided list of errors
Input Parameters
errors |
List<String> |
A list of errors to be included in the response. If this parameter is null, then an empty list of errors will be added to the response. |
global with sharing class SendResponse
Response to a request to the send method. This contains information about what has happened when executing send .
global SendResponse(Map<String, fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingDelivery.DeliveryUpdate> results)
Constructs a SendResponse with a map of delivery results.
global SendResponse()
Constructs a SendResponse with nothing set.
global with sharing class SendAsyncResponse
Response to a request to the sendAsync method. This contains information about what has happened when executing sendAsync .
AsyncApexJobId |
Id |
Id of the AsyncApexJob that has been created to send the e-invoice. This can be used to track the progress of the job.
global SendAsyncResponse(Id asyncApexJobId)
Constructs a successful SendAsyncResponse.
Input Parameters
asyncApexJobId |
Id |
Id of the AsyncApexJob that has been created to send the e-invoice. |
global with sharing class TestConnectionRequest
Contains the credentials of the connector.
JsonSettings |
String |
Json blob containing settings provided for testing the connection.
global TestConnectionRequest()
Constructs a TestConnectionRequest with nothing set.