Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class ConditionalTransformMapping implements TransformMapping

A transparent mapping that wraps an alternate fferpcore.TransformMapping instance, which makes the application of the internal mapping dependent on a condition key.

This class implements the following interfaces:



global ConditionalTransformMapping(List<String> conditionKey, fferpcore.TransformMapping mapping)

Create a ConditionalTransformMapping.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
conditionKey List<String> The condition key for this mapping. When specified, the source data value must evaluate to true for the mapping to be applied.
mapping fferpcore.TransformMapping An alternate mapping instance that provides the mapping behaviour.


global ConditionalTransformMapping(String conditionKey, fferpcore.TransformMapping mapping)

Create a ConditionalTransformMapping.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
conditionKey String The condition key for this mapping. When specified, the source data value must evaluate to true for the mapping to be applied.
mapping fferpcore.TransformMapping An alternate mapping instance that provides the mapping behaviour.


global fferpcore.ConditionalTransformMapping withNegation()

Inverts the boolean value of the condition. When specified the source data value must evaluate to false for the mapping to be applied.


global fferpcore.TransformMapping getMapping()

Return Value

The alternate mapping instance that provides the mapping behaviour.

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