Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global interface CustomizableWithMappings2 extends CustomizableWithMappings

An object that can have multiple fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping added to it.

This class extends fferpcore.CustomizableWithMappings



AddMappingsResult addMappings(String targetChildType, List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> mappings)

Add the given mappings to the object.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
targetChildType String The name of a type of target child object, which enables you to create multiple target child objects from a single source child object. For example, Default, Debit Line, or Admin Fee.
mappings List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> The list of SubscriptionMapping to add.

Return Value

A result object that states whether the addition was successful, and any associoated errors.

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