Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class ElectronicInvoicingConnectionService

Common functionality available for reading and saving E-Invoicing connection settings.



global static fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingConnectionService.SaveStorecoveSettingsResponse saveStorecoveSettings(fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingConnectionService.StorecoveConnectionSettings settings)

Saves the given Storecove connection settings. If the API Key is not set, the existing API Key is not overwritten. If the Enable Sending flag is true, the given settings are also tested externally for validity.

Return Value

Response relating to the attempt to save. The response will be marked as unsuccessful if:
- the user is not authorised
- the user does not have the correct object access or permissions
- the Connection URL is not provided
- the API Key field is not provided and there is no currently saved Storecove connection setting


global static fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingConnectionService.ReadStorecoveSettingsResponse readStorecoveSettings()

Retrieves the current Storecove connection settings.

Return Value

Response containing a Storecove connection settings DTO excluding the API key. The response will be marked as unsuccessful if:
- the user is not authorised
- the user does not have the correct object access or permissions


global with sharing class StorecoveConnectionSettings

Represents the Storecove connection settings used during Electronic Invoicing.


Name Type Description
APIKey String A string that contains the API key which cannot be displayed on the user interface. This value is masked when returned from the readStorecoveSettings method. Changing this field will automatically set APIKeySpecified to `true`.
APIKeySpecified Boolean Indicates whether the API key was provided. The value is true if an API key was provided and is false otherwise.
ConnectionUrl String Represents the URL used by Electronic Invoicing to connect to Storecove's API. For example, this may be See Storecove's documentation for more details.
EnableSending Boolean Represents whether Electronic Invoicing should connect to Storecove when sending invoices. When saveStorecoveSettings method is trying to save Storecove connection settings with `EnableSending = true`, it will also externally test those settings for validity.



global StorecoveConnectionSettings()

Constructs a new settings object that is disabled by default.


global with sharing class SaveStorecoveSettingsResponse extends Response

Data concerning an attempt to save Storecove connection settings.

This class extends fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingConnectionService.Response


Name Type Description
VerifiedExternally Boolean True if the settings have been verified externally to be valid, false otherwise.


global with sharing class ReadStorecoveSettingsResponse extends Response

Data concerning an attempt to read Storecove connection settings.

This class extends fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingConnectionService.Response


Name Type Description
Settings fferpcore.ElectronicInvoicingConnectionService.StorecoveConnectionSettings Contains the settings if reading was successful.


global virtual with sharing class Response

Data relating to responses of the Electronic Invoicing Connection Service.


Name Type Description
Success Boolean True if the request was successful, false otherwise.
Messages List<String> A list of any associated messages.
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