Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class GenericMessageHandlerHelper

Delegate class to aid in processing messages within a MessageHandler. Implements the typical logic of constructing a fferpcore.LinkingMessageHelper2 using the fferpcore.LinkingMessageToTargetObjectMarshaller and fferpcore.DataTargetRoot from the subscription describer. Also sends resulting link control messages on the provided link control publications.



global GenericMessageHandlerHelper(String productDeveloperName, String messageTypeDeveloperName)

Construct a GenericMessageHandlerHelper.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
productDeveloperName String Developer name of the subscription's owner product.
messageTypeDeveloperName String Developer name of the subscription's message type.


global fferpcore.GenericMessageHandlerHelper withProxyDeveloperName(String productProxyDeveloperName)

Provide the developer name of the subscription's product proxy.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
productProxyDeveloperName String Developer name of the product proxy.

Return Value

The original instance to allow fluent method calls.


global fferpcore.GenericMessageHandlerHelper withIdentifier(String identifier)

Provide the identifier of the subscription.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
identifier String Identifier of the subscription.

Return Value

The original instance to allow fluent method calls.


global fferpcore.GenericMessageHandlerHelper withLinkControlDeveloperName(String linkControlDeveloperName)

Provide the link control developer name of the subscription.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
linkControlDeveloperName String Developer name to identify the product during linking.

Return Value

The original instance to allow fluent method calls.


global fferpcore.GenericMessageHandlerHelper withRecordSearchKeys(List<fferpcore.Path2.Element> keys)

Specify multiple message keys that contain the data to use to locate existing target records.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
keys List<fferpcore.Path2.Element> A collection of path elements that correspond to the relevant message keys.

Return Value

The original instance to allow fluent method calls.


global void addLinkControlPublication(fferpcore.MessagingSystemService.Sender sender, fferpcore.MessagingSystemService.MessageTypeSpecifier specifier)

Add a link control publication that resulting link control messages will be sent with.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sender fferpcore.MessagingSystemService.Sender Sender of the publication.
specifier fferpcore.MessagingSystemService.MessageTypeSpecifier MessageTypeSpecifier of the publication.


global void onMessages(List<fferpcore.DeliveredMessage> messages)

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