Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class ChildSubscriptionMapping implements SubscriptionMapping, CustomizableWithMappings, CustomizableWithMappings2, VirtualDataObjectTargetMapping, ClientChildMapping

Implementation of fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping that creates and updates child targets based on a list node in the message.

This class implements the following interfaces:



global ChildSubscriptionMapping(String childKey, List<String> messageKey, fferpcore.ChildCorrelationStrategy childCorrelationStrategy)

Constructs a ChildSubscriptionMapping.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
childKey String The key of the children in the TargetObject.
messageKey List<String> The location of the list node in the message.
childCorrelationStrategy fferpcore.ChildCorrelationStrategy The strategy used to determine how existing child targets should be dealt with.


global ChildSubscriptionMapping(String childKey, List<String> messageKey)

Constructs a ChildSubscriptionMapping.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
childKey String The key of the children in the TargetObject.
messageKey List<String> The location of the list node in the message.


global fferpcore.AddMappingsResult addMappings(List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> mappings)

Add child mappings with the default target child type.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
mappings List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> The child mappings to be added.

Return Value

An instance of AddMappingsResult containing the status and any errors.


global fferpcore.AddMappingsResult addMappings(String targetChildType, List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> mappings)

Add multiple child mappings for a given target child type.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
targetChildType String The name of a type of target child object, which enables you to create multiple target child objects from a single source child object. For example, Default, Debit Line, or Admin Fee.
mappings List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> The child mappings to be added.

Return Value

An instance of AddMappingsResult containing the status and any errors.


global List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> getMappings()

Return Value

The child mappings with the default target child type.


global List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> getMappings(String targetChildType)

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
targetChildType String The name of a type of target child object, which enables you to create multiple target child objects from a single source child object. For example, Default, Debit Line, or Admin Fee.

Return Value

The child mappings with the specified target child type.


global fferpcore.ChildSubscriptionMapping withMapping(String targetChildType, fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping mapping)

Add a single child mapping for a given target child type.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
targetChildType String The name of a type of target child object, which enables you to create multiple target child objects from a single source child object. For example, Default, Debit Line, or Admin Fee.
mapping fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping The new mapping.

Return Value

The child subscription mapping.


global fferpcore.ChildSubscriptionMapping withMappings(String targetChildType, List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> mappings)

Add multiple child mappings for a given target child type.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
targetChildType String The name of a type of target child object, which enables you to create multiple target child objects from a single source child object. For example, Default, Debit Line, or Admin Fee.
mappings List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> The new mappings.

Return Value

The child subscription mapping.


global void prepare(fferpcore.DataTarget dataTarget)


global void performImmediateActions(fferpcore.ApplyMappingRequest2 request)


global fferpcore.ChildSubscriptionMapping withFilter(fferpcore.ChildMappingMatcher filter)

Provides a fferpcore.ChildMappingMatcher that is used to filter the child records within a child mapping.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
filter fferpcore.ChildMappingMatcher An instance of ChildMappingMatcher defining the filter.

Return Value

The child subscription mapping.


global fferpcore.ChildSubscriptionMapping withFilter(fferpcore.TransformFilter filter)

Provides a fferpcore.TransformFilter that is used to filter the child records within a child mapping.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
filter fferpcore.TransformFilter An instance of TransformFilter defining the filter.

Return Value

The child subscription mapping.


global void performBulkActions()


global Set<String> getTargetFields()


global List<List<String>> getMessageKeys()


global String getTransformTableId()


global Boolean isDeclarative()


global void setDeclarative(Boolean value)


global void disableOutputTo(Set<String> output)


global Boolean isDisabled()


global List<fferpcore.SubscriptionMapping> getChildren()


global Boolean canHaveChildren()

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