Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global abstract class Criterion extends PluginTool.Plugin implements PublicationMatcher, SubscriptionMatcher, ChildMappingMatcher, TransformFilter

Contains a condition that must be matched when filtering.

This class implements the following interfaces:



global abstract void prepare(fferpcore.DataSource dataSource)

Prepares the given fferpcore.DataSource for the criterion to be used in the comparison. For instance, one way in which this is used is to require a field with a value that is to be compared.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
dataSource fferpcore.DataSource The DataSource to be prepared for the criterion.


global abstract Boolean matches(fferpcore.DataSource.Row dataSourceRow)

Determines whether the given fferpcore.DataSource row matches the criterion.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
dataSourceRow fferpcore.DataSource.Row The DataSource row to be compared against the criterion.

Return Value

A Boolean value indicating whether the row is a match.


global abstract Boolean matches(fferpcore.DeliveredMessage message)

Determines whether the given fferpcore.DeliveredMessage matches the criterion.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
message fferpcore.DeliveredMessage The DeliveredMessage to be compared against the criterion.

Return Value

A Boolean value indicating whether the message is a match.


global virtual Boolean matches(Map<String, Object> data)

Determines whether map data matches the criterion.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
data Map<String, Object> The map data to be compared against the criterion.

Return Value

A Boolean value indicating whether the map data is a match.


global virtual Boolean matches(fferpcore.TransformFilterRequest data)

Determines whether the transform filter request matches the criterion.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
data fferpcore.TransformFilterRequest The transform filter data to be compared against the criterion.

Return Value

A Boolean value indicating whether the data is a match.


global virtual Boolean matches(fferpcore.Navigable data)

Determines whether the navigable data matches the criterion.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
data fferpcore.Navigable The navigable data to be compared against the criterion.

Return Value

A Boolean value indicating whether the data is a match.


global virtual fferpcore.TransformFilterSourceFields getRequiredSourceFields()

Return Value

The source fields that are required by the criterion.


global abstract String getName()

Return Value

The name of the criterion.


global static fferpcore.Criterion Equal(fferpcore.Path path, Object value)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the data at the specified path is equal to the specified value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The fixed value to compare against.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion Equal(fferpcore.Path path, Object value, Boolean coerce, Boolean coerceToFixedValue)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the data at the specified path is equal to the specified value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The fixed value to compare against.
coerce Boolean True if one of the values should be coerced to the same type as the other.
coerceToFixedValue Boolean True if the value at the given path should be coerced to the type of the fixed value. False if the fixed value should be coerced to the type of the value at the given path.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion NotEqual(fferpcore.Path path, Object value)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the data at the specified path is not equal to the specified value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The second value to compare against.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion GreaterThan(fferpcore.Path path, Object value)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the data at the specified path is greater than the specified value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The second value to compare against.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion LessThan(fferpcore.Path path, Object value)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the data at the specified path is less than the specified value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The second value to compare against.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion GreaterThanEqual(fferpcore.Path path, Object value)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the data at the specified path is greater than or equal to the specified value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The second value to compare against.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion LessThanEqual(fferpcore.Path path, Object value)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the data at the specified path is less than or equal to the specified value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The second value to compare against.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion Contains(fferpcore.Path path, Object value)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the data at the specified path contains the specified value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The second value to compare against.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion NotContains(fferpcore.Path path, Object value)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the data at the specified path does not contain the specified value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The second value to compare against.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion StartsWith(fferpcore.Path path, Object value)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the data at the specified path starts with the specified value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The second value to compare against.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion EndsWith(fferpcore.Path path, Object value)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the data at the specified path ends with the specified value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The second value to compare against.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion Invert(fferpcore.Criterion criterion)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the specified fferpcore.Criterion does not match.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
criterion fferpcore.Criterion The criterion to test does not match.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion All(List<fferpcore.Criterion> criteria)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when the criteria specified in the given fferpcore.Criterion list matches.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
criteria List<fferpcore.Criterion> A list of Criterion that must match.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global static fferpcore.Criterion Some(List<fferpcore.Criterion> criteria)

Creates a fferpcore.Criterion object to be matched when any of the fferpcore.Criterion specified in the list matches.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
criteria List<fferpcore.Criterion> A list of Criterion of which one must match.

Return Value

A Criterion object.


global abstract class Simple extends Criterion

An abstract fferpcore.Criterion to provide a simple template to compare two values.

This class extends fferpcore.Criterion



global Simple(fferpcore.Path path, Object value)

Constructs a Simple Criterion.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
path fferpcore.Path The location of the first value.
value Object The second value to compare against.


global fferpcore.Path getPath()

Return Value

The location of the first value.


global Object getValue()

Return Value

The second value to compare against.


global abstract Boolean matches(Object sourceValue, Object fixedValue)

Determines whether the given fixed value matches the source value.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sourceValue Object The data obtained from the DataSource.Row or DeliveredMessage.
fixedValue Object The fixed value to compare against.


global abstract String getLabel()

Return Value

A label for the Criterion operation. For example, 'greater than'.


global abstract class Composite extends Criterion

An abstract fferpcore.Criterion to provide a template to match based on many alternate Criteria.

This class extends fferpcore.Criterion



global Composite(List<fferpcore.Criterion> criteria)

Constructs a Composite Criterion.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
criteria List<fferpcore.Criterion> One or more Criterion to be processed.


global List<fferpcore.Criterion> getCriteria()

Return Value

The associated Criteria.


global abstract String getConnector()

Return Value

The connector to describe the link between the Criteria. For example, 'AND'.


global abstract class Single extends Criterion

An abstract fferpcore.Criterion to provide a template to match based on a single alternate Criterion.

This class extends fferpcore.Criterion



global Single(fferpcore.Criterion criterion)

Constructs a Single Criterion.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
criterion fferpcore.Criterion The associated Criterion.


global fferpcore.Criterion getCriterion()

Return Value

The associated Criterion.


global abstract String getKeyword()

Return Value

The keyword to utilise the Criterion. For example, 'NOT'.

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