Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class EndpointKey

The four part identifier for a Publication or Subscription. In the simplest case a publication or subscription is uniquely identified by the product that it is associated with and the message type that it publishes or subscribes to. A Product Proxy enables one product to provide integrations on behalf of another. If no proxy is specified then the value of MANAGED_PROXY_DEVELOPER_NAME is assumed. User defined endpoints use the value of USER_PROXY_DEVELOPER_NAME. An optional identifier allows more than one endpoint to exist for a given combination of type, product, proxy and message type.


Name Type Description
MANAGED_PROXY_DEVELOPER_NAME String The default Product Proxy Developer Name for managed publications and subscriptions.
USER_PROXY_DEVELOPER_NAME String The Product Proxy Developer Name used to denote declarative publications and subscriptions.



global EndpointKey(String productDeveloperName, String proxyDeveloperName, String messageTypeDeveloperName, String identifier)

Constructs an fferpcore.EndpointKey using its four constituent parts.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
productDeveloperName String The name of the publishing or subscribing product.
proxyDeveloperName String The name of the proxy where one product publishes or subscribes on behalf of another. If this value is left null, it defaults to the MANAGED_PROXY_DEVELOPER_NAME.
messageTypeDeveloperName String The name of the message type.
identifier String The publication or subscription identifier.


global EndpointKey(fferpcore.MessagingSystemService.Sender sender, fferpcore.MessagingSystemService.MessageTypeSpecifier specifier)

Constructs an fferpcore.EndpointKey from a Sender and Specifier.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sender fferpcore.MessagingSystemService.Sender The Product and Proxy that owns the endpoint.
specifier fferpcore.MessagingSystemService.MessageTypeSpecifier The MessageType and Identifier for the endpoint.


global EndpointKey(String productDeveloperName, String messageTypeDeveloperName)

Constructs an fferpcore.EndpointKey using default values for Proxy and Identifier. This assumes the default Managed proxy and no identifier.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
productDeveloperName String The name of the publishing or subscribing product.
messageTypeDeveloperName String The name of the message type.


global String getOwnerProductDeveloperName()

Return Value

The product developer name.


global String getProductProxyDeveloperName()

Return Value

The proxy developer name.


global String getMessageTypeDeveloperName()

Return Value

The message type developer name.


global String getIdentifier()

Return Value

The identifier.


global fferpcore.MessagingSystemService.Sender getSender()

Return Value

A Sender used by the MessagingSystemService.


global fferpcore.MessagingSystemService.MessageTypeSpecifier getMessageTypeSpecifier()

Return Value

A MessageTypeSpecifier used by the MessagingSystemService.


global Integer hashCode()


global Boolean equals(Object other)

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