Billing Contract Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Billing Contract object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only in all contexts; C – Only used on contracts of type Change Request on the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page; D – Not available on the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page.

The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field Name






Lookup to the Salesforce Account to which this contract belongs.

Active Contract     Lookup to the active contract if this is a change request.
Analysis Item 1-4     Used to sub-analyze contracts for reporting purposes. Analysis items can be used to represent a number of different business concepts, for example, Region, Group or Project. For more information, see Using Analysis Items in Billing Central.
Annual Recurring Revenue D   Monthly Recurring Revenue Multiplied by 12. Contract line items with the billing type "One-off" are excluded from this calculation. This includes discounts.
Approval Status C   Contains the approval status if this contract is a contract change request.




Company to which this contract relates.

Contract Name



Name of the contract.

Contract Number


Number of the Contract.


Currency of the contract. If the contract contains contract line items and you change the currency using the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page, that change is applied to the contract line items, but the prices and discounts are not updated to reflect the change. If you select a price book using the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page, the prices in that price book for the selected currency are listed when you choose a product to add to the contract. The Discount popup on the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page lists the discounts for the selected currency.


This field is only displayed if multiple currencies are enabled in your Salesforce OrgClosedSalesforce organization.

If the contract contains line items you cannot change the currency using the Salesforce Billing Contracts tab.




Description of the contract.

Dynamic TCV     Roll-up of the contract's Total Contract Line Values (TCLV). This field is used internally to ensure that Total Contract Value is always up to date. By default this field is not added to page layouts.

End Contract Notes


Additional information about the reason for ending the contract. This field is shown as Notes when ending a contract.

End Date


End date of the contract. The end date of new contract line items are initially set to this date. Entering an End Date sets the Renewal Reminder automatically if your administrator has entered a value in the Renew Reminder Days Before Contract End field in the Billing Central Settings custom setting:

  • If the value is positive, the Renewal Reminder is set before the End Date.
  • If the value is negative, the Renewal Reminder is set after the End Date.
  • If the value is zero, the Renewal Reminder is the End Date.
  • If the field does not contain a value, the Renewal Reminder is not set automatically.

When the Renewal Reminder is set, changing the End Date of the contract has no effect on the Renewal Reminder. See Renew Reminder Days Before Contract End. If you edit the Renewal Reminder while creating the contract, the value you enter is retained and the reminder is not set using the custom setting.

On the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page, the Renewal Reminder is automatically set when you enter an End Date for the first time. If you edit the End Date after the Renewal Reminder is set, the Renewal Reminder does not change.

On the Salesforce Billing Contract Detail page, the Renewal Reminder is not automatically set until you save the contract.


If a contract has ended early this is indicated by next to the End Date field in the Contract Details panel on the enhanced detail page. Click to open a popup displaying more information about why the contract was ended early. If the contract has not yet expired, you can edit the reason for ending the contract early, add notes, and change the end date.

First Bill Date



First date on which the contract is to be billed. The first bill date of new contract line items are initially set to this date. If the contract includes lines with amounts that have been billed externally, their first bill date must be set to the date they were first billed in the external system.

Major Version D  

Indicates the major version of the contract. This field is set to 1 when the contract is created. When you create a renewal the value of this field is incremented by 1.


A draft contract with a major version greater than 1 is a renewal. When you activate a renewal, it becomes an active contract. For more information, see Renewals.

Monthly Recurring Revenue D   Total monthly recurring revenue for all contract line items that do not have the billing type "One-off". This includes discounts.
Original End Date    

Original date on which the contract was due to end. If this field contains a date, the duration of a renewal is calculated using this date instead of the contract end date. In this scenario, the contract end date is still used to calculate start date of the new contract.

Previous Contract     Lookup to the previous contract to which this contract relates.
Proration Policy    

Lookup to the proration policy that defines proration for this contract.

  • When creating a new contract, the default proration policyClosedThe proration policy that has the Automatically Assign to New Contracts checkbox set. is assigned unless you select an alternative. Similarly if a new contract is created automatically from an opportunity and there is no field mapping for the Proration Policy field, or there is a field mapping but it is left blank on the opportunity, the default policy is assigned.
  • When creating a renewal or change request, the proration policy on the existing contract is copied to the new contract. The default is not assigned.
  • When editing a contract, if you change or delete the value in this field your edit persists. The default is not assigned.


This field is only displayed if proration policies exist in your org.

Reason for Ending Contract    

Reason that the contract was ended. The default options are:

  • Terminated
  • Did not renew
  • Renewed

Your administrator can change these options.

Renewal of Previous Contract R   Indicates whether this contract is a renewal of the previous contract.
Renewal Reminder    

Date on which to report that the contract is due for renewal. When you create a contract, this date is set automatically using the End Date depending on the value in the Renew Reminder Days Before Contract End field of the Billing Central Settings custom setting:

  • If the value is positive, the Renewal Reminder is set before the End Date.
  • If the value is negative, the Renewal Reminder is set after the End Date.
  • If the value is zero, the Renewal Reminder is the End Date.
  • If the field does not contain a value, the Renewal Reminder is not set automatically.

See Renew Reminder Days Before Contract End.


If you edit the Renewal Reminder while creating the contract, the value you enter is retained and the reminder is not set using the custom setting.

On the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page, the Renewal Reminder is automatically set when you enter an End Date for the first time. If you edit the End Date after the Renewal Reminder is set, the Renewal Reminder does not change.

On the Salesforce Billing Contract Detail page, the Renewal Reminder is not automatically set until you save the contract.

Start Date



Date on which the contract commences. The start date of new contract line items are initially set to this date.



Status of the contract. The status can be:

  • Active – When a contract is active, you may need to create a change request to edit the contract depending on the options your administrator has chosen. See FinancialForce Billing Central Settings and Contract.
  • Draft – You can edit, delete and add lines to the contract. You can also edit and delete the contract.
  • Expired – The end date of the contract has been reached and the contract is not continuous or the contract was ended.
  • Superseded – This is contract has been replaced by another contract. You cannot edit a contract with this status.


To activate the contract and generate billing schedules, use the Activate button. To generate billing schedules for an active contract, use the Create Billing Schedules button on the Salesforce Billing Contract Detail page.

Total Contract Value   16.2

Total value of all "Recurring Fixed" and "One-off" contract lines over the entire life of the contract if the contract is not continuous. “Recurring Variable” lines are billed based on customer usage so they are not included unless they have a quantity set as estimated usage. See How Total Contract Value is Calculated for more information. When you make changes to the contract, this field updates automatically based on the Dynamic TCV field.

Type R   The Type of contract. This determines whether the record is a contract or a change request.

Related Contracts

When you apply a change request to a contract, the changes on that change request are applied to the active contract. The change request then becomes a superseded contract and contains the contract as it was before the change request was applied. The Related Contracts related list on the Salesforce Billing Contract Detail page shows related superseded contracts.

Next Contract

If the contract has been superseded or renewed, the Next Contract related list on the Salesforce Billing Contract Detail page contains the next related contract.

Quick Actions

Key: L - Only available on the Lightning version of the page.

Quick Action



Create Billing Schedules L Creates billing schedules for the contract.
Create Renewal L Create a renewal for this contract.
Apply to Contract L Applies this change request to the contract.
Create Billing Document L Creates the billing document from the contract.
End Contract L Ends the Contract.

Revenue Management

Here is a description of the fields that Revenue Management adds to the Billing Contract object. They are only available if you are using the integration between Billing Central and Revenue Management.

Fields Added by Revenue Management

Field Name


Include in Revenue Recognition Indicates whether or not the billing contract is included for revenue recognition. Selected automatically if the contract status is either "Active" or "Expired", and the contract type is "Contract".
Revenue Recognition Template Lookup to a template for recognizing revenue on the billing contract. This field is not automatically added to the Billing Contract page layout because the standard integration recognizes revenue at billing contract line level, not header level. If you want to recognize revenue at billing contract header level, manually add this field to the appropriate Billing Contract page layouts.

Contract Line Items

Products, services, and plans are applied to contracts as contract line items. Here is a description of the fields on a contract line item.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only in all contexts; D – Not available on the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page.

The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field Name



Active Contract Line Item       Lookup to the active contract line item if this is a change request line item for a contract line item on an active contract.
Amount Billed Externally       The amount billed for this contract line item outside of Billing Central. This field is cleared on renewals.
Analysis Item 1-4       Used to sub-analyze contract line items for reporting purposes. Analysis items can be used to represent a number of different business concepts, for example, Region, Group or Project. For more information, see Using Analysis Items in Billing Central.
Annual Recurring Revenue D     Monthly Recurring Revenue Multiplied by 12. The Annual Recurring Revenue for Contract line items with the billing type "One-off" is zero. This includes discounts.

Bill In Arrears




Indicates whether the contract line is to be billed in arrears. This is used for reporting purposes only. You should select this option if the contract line item is being billed on usage.

Billed Externally To       Date up to which the contract line item has been billed outside of Billing Central. Billing schedules are not created for periods before this date. This field must be populated if the Amount Billed Externally is a value other than zero. This field is cleared on renewals.
Billed To   R  

Date up to which the contract line item has been billed. This is the Billing Period End Date of the related billing document line item, which belongs to the last completed billing document associated with this contract line item.

This field is updated when the related billing document is complete and Foundations messaging has run successfully. The Message Delivery job is usually scheduled to run at regular intervals (via the Foundations Setup tab) or can be run immediately using the Run Job Now action. See Scheduled Jobs.


If a change request line item is related to a contract line item that has been billed and the Billed To field of the change request line item contains a date, you can only change the End Date of that line. In this situation, you can only enter an End Date that is on or after the Billed To date of that line.

Billing Term




Defines the frequency in which billing schedules are created for the contract line item. This is a lookup to a soft date. For more information, see Soft Dates.

Billing Term Definition       The formula that represents the billing term soft date. For more information, see Soft Dates.

Billing Type

      The way in which a bill is to be generated. You can choose from:
  • Recurring Fixed – a fixed fee is billed at a regular interval.
  • Recurring Variable – a fee is billed at a regular interval based on the quantity and usage data associated with the contract line item.
  • One-off – a fee is billed once.

The default value is None.


You can only activate contracts with a billing type other than "None".

If a proration policy is applied to the contract, only contract lines with the "Recurring Fixed" billing type are prorationed.



Contract to which this contract line item belongs.

Contract End Date   R   End date of the contract to which this contract line item belongs.
Contract First Bill Date   R   First bill date of the contract to which this contract line item belongs.
Contract Start Date   R   Start date of the contract to which this contract line item belongs.

Contract Status


Status of the contract to which this contract line item belongs.

Contract Type   R   Type of contract to which this contract line item belongs.



Currency of this contract line item.




Textual description of the contract line item.

Discount       Lookup to the discount applied to the contract line item.
End Date *     End date of the contract line item. When a new contract line item is created, this is initially set to the end date of the contract.

If a change request line item is related to a contract line item that has been billed and the Billed To field of the change request line item contains a date, you can only change the End Date of that line. In this situation, you can only enter an End Date that is on or after the Billed To date of that line.

First Bill Date




First date on which the contract line item is to be billed. When a new contract line item is created, this is initially set to the first bill date of the contract.


If the line includes an amount that was billed externally, set this to the date when the line was first billed in the external system. Do not set it to the first date the line will be billed in Billing Central because that will result in billing schedules being generated incorrectly.

Monthly Recurring Revenue D     Monthly recurring revenue for the contract line item including discounts. This is calculated by multiplying the Sales Price by the Monthly Recurring Revenue Multiplier of the Billing Term associated with the contract line item. The Monthly Recurring Revenue for contract line items with the billing type "One-off" is zero. For more information, see Monthly Recurring Revenue Multiplier and Billing Term.
Monthly Recurring Revenue Multiplier D    

Multiplier used to calculate monthly recurring revenue. This is copied from the Monthly Recurring Revenue Multiplier on the Billing Term associated with the contract line item. This is set to zero for contract line items with the billing type "One-off". For information, see Monthly Recurring Revenue Multiplier.

Plan Name




Lookup to the plan from which the contract line item was created.

Previous Contract Line Item       Lookup to the previous contract line item to which this contract line item relates.
Pricing Structure       Lookup to the pricing structure that determines the Unit Price for different quantities on this contract line item.
Pricing Type      

Pricing type of the contract line item. You can choose from:

  • Fixed – The Unit Price is fixed.
  • Volume – The Unit Price varies depending on the quantity purchased.
  • Tiered – The Unit Price varies depending on the quantity purchased and the quantity breaks in the pricing structure. Each quantity break is only applied to the units that exceed its quantity. See Tiered Pricing Structure.

When the Billing Type is "Recurring Variable" and the Pricing Type is "Volume", a pricing structure must be specified in the Unit Price field. In this scenario, you can click the Unit Price field to set quantity breaks or change the existing quantity breaks for the contract line item when editing a contract.

On the Salesforce Billing Contract Line Item Detail page, this field is calculated automatically based on whether you have entered a pricing structure for the line.

Product or Service



Lookup to the Salesforce Product to which the contract relates. This can be a product or service.




Quantity of the product or service being purchased to six decimal places. The default value is zero. You must enter a value greater than zero if a fixed Billing Type is selected such as "One-off" or "Recurring Fixed".

Revenue Category      

The type of revenue from which the contract line item originates. You can choose from:

  • Churn
  • Downgrade
  • Net New Booking
  • Upgrade

Sales Price


Total price for the contract line including discounts. This is either calculated using the formula Quantity x Unit Price or it is equal to the Sales Price Override if that field contains a value.

Sales Price Override      

Contains a value that overrides the Sales Price. This value is calculated when complex pricing rules apply, such as when the contract line item has a pricing structure.

Start Date


First date from which billing can commence for this contract line item. This must be on or after the Start Date of the contract.

Total Billed   R 16.2

Total amount billed for the contract line item. When a draft contract is saved, any Amount Billed Externally is included in this total.

Once the contract is activated, this field is updated when the related billing document is complete and Foundations messaging has run successfully. The Message Delivery job is usually scheduled to run at regular intervals (via the Foundations Setup tab) or can be run immediately using the Run Job Now action. See Scheduled Jobs.

When you set a billing document to "Complete", the Total Billed field on related contract line items is updated:

  • If the billing document is of type "Invoice", the value of the related billing document line item is added
  • If the billing document is of type "Credit Note", the value of the related billing document line item is subtracted

This enables you to create reports to analyze the revenue on each contract.

When you convert a billing document of type "Invoice" to "Credit Note", a process is started to update this field.

Total Contract Line Value   R  

Total value of the contract line item over its lifetime including discounts. See How Total Contract Value is Calculated for more information about how Total Contract Value and Total Contract Line Value are calculated.

Unit of Measure


Lookup to the unit of measure used for reporting.

Unit Price


Price of one item to nine decimal places. This is used to calculate the Sales Price. If a variable Billing Type and volume or tiered Pricing Type is selected, selecting this field in the enhanced Contracts Detail page displays the Unit Price popup that enables you to set quantity breaks or change the existing quantity breaks for the contract line item. If a pricing structure is set for the contract line item, this field shows the minimum and maximum unit prices of the quantity breaks in that pricing structure.


When you use the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page to create a contract line item for a product that is in a price book with a price book structure entry, a copy of the related pricing structure is applied to the contract line item. Editing the pricing structure on a contract line item does not change the pricing structure applied to a price book.

On the Salesforce Billing Contract Line Item Detail page, we recommend that you create a copy of the pricing structure and apply it to the contract line item manually.

If the same pricing structure is applied to several contract line items and the quantity breaks on one of the contract lines is changed using the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page, a new pricing structure is created for that contract line item.

Value Calculation Warning       If the Total Contract Line Value cannot be calculated, the information in this field explains why.

Revenue Management

Here is a description of the fields that Revenue Management adds to the Billing Contract Line Item object. They are only available if you are using the integration between Billing Central and Revenue Management.

Fields Added by Revenue Management

Field Name


Include in Revenue Recognition Indicates whether or not the billing contract line item is included for revenue recognition. Selected automatically if the corresponding field on the parent contract is selected, and the line's billing type is not "Recurring Variable".
Recognized To Date Stores the amount that has been recognized to date for the billing contract line item. The value updates each time revenue recognition transactions are committed for the contract line item.
Remaining Revenue Stores the amount that remains to be recognized on the billing contract line item.
Revenue Recognition Complete A checkbox that is automatically set by the revenue recognition process when the billing contract line item is fully recognized (and fully amortized). The contract line item is then ignored by future revenue recognition processes.
Revenue Recognition Template Lookup to the template used to recognize revenue for this billing contract line item.

Quick Actions

Key: L - Only available on the Lightning version of the page.

Quick Action



Create Billing Schedules L Creates billing schedules for the contract line item.


Key: C – Only available for a change request on the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page; E – Only available on the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page; N – Not available on a change request; R – Not available on a renewal; S – Only available on the Salesforce Billing Contract Detail page.

When the  icon is shown, click it to access buttons that cannot fit in the current window size.


Custom JavaScript buttons and Quick Action buttons are not supported on the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page.

Button Name     Description



Activates the contract and creates the billing schedules for it. If the button is not displayed, you cannot activate the contract.

Apply to Contract     Enables you to apply a change request to the active contract to which it relates.

Add Plan


Adds a plan to a contract.

Back to List


Returns to the contract list.

Gray shop ticket icon used to represent that no discount is applied to the contract line item. Discount   E

Indicates that the contract line item does not have a discount applied. Hover over the icon to see a prompt to apply a discount.

  • In Edit mode, click the icon to open the field. You can then select a discount to apply or select text to copy.
  • In View mode, this icon does not appear.
Blue shop ticket icon used to represent that a discount is applied to the contract line item. Discount   E

Indicates that the contract line item has a discount applied. Hover over the icon to see the current discount.

  • In Edit mode, click the icon to open the field. You can then select a different discount to apply or select text to copy.
  • In View mode, click the icon to open the field to select text to copy.

Create Billing Document


Enables you to create billing documents for active contracts from the contracts list or detail page. Displays the Create Billing Documents page, where you can choose a range of billing dates for which to process billing schedules. You can also enter the dates to appear on the billing document. If the button is not displayed, you cannot create billing documents. Clicking Create Billing Documents on the list view of the Billing Contracts tab without selecting any contracts creates billing documents for all active contracts that are due to be billed.

Generate Billing Schedules N   Displays the Create Billing Schedules page, which enables you to create billing schedules for the contract.
Create Change Request N   Creates a change request. This enables you to make changes to an active contract and submit them for approval before applying them to the contract.
Create N   Creates the contract.
Create Renewal N   Creates a renewal for an active or expired contract.
Create Renewals N R Creates renewals for selected active contracts on the contracts list view.



Cancels the action.


Enables you to delete contracts that are not active. This deletes a single contract or the selected contracts depending on whether you are viewing the list of contracts or the Billing Contract Detail page. If the button is not displayed, you cannot delete the contract.



Enables the fields for editing on the current contract.

Edit with Enhanced Page   S Displays the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page in edit mode.
End Contract     Enables you to end an active contract before its end date has been reached.
New Pricing Structure     Enables you to create a new pricing structure for a contract line item from the Billing Contract Line Item Detail page.



Saves the contract.

Submit for Approval C  

Displays the Approvals page where you can submit a change request for approval and view approval history for that change request.


When the change request is submitted for approval, the label of this button changes to View Approval History.

Related Change Request View related document icon. Square with a diagonal arrow pointing up from the top right corner.   E Enables you to view a change request for an active contract. This link appears on an active contract when a change request is in progress for that contract. Clicking the link opens the related change request in the same tab. Clicking the icon opens the related change request in a new tab.
Related Contract View related document icon. Square with a diagonal arrow pointing up from the top right corner.   E

Enables you to view the contract to which change requests, renewals, and superseded contracts relate. This link appears on change requests, renewals, and superseded contracts. Clicking the link opens the related contract in the same tab. Clicking the icon opens the related contract in a new tab.

Related Renewal View related document icon. Square with a diagonal arrow pointing up from the top right corner.   E Enables you to view a renewal for an active or expired contract. This link appears on an active or expired contract when a renewal is in progress for that contract. Clicking the link opens the related renewal in the same tab. Clicking the icon opens the related renewal in a new tab.

You cannot renew a contract that has a related renewal.

Related Opportunities     Enables you to view the opportunities to which the contract relates. You can see this link if you have permission to view opportunities and the Opportunity to Contract Integration feature is enabled in Feature Console.
View Approval History C  

Displays the Approvals page where you can view the approval history for a contract change request and submit a contract change request for approval.


The label of this button is Submit for Approval until the change request is submitted for approval.

Settings Icon Columns: Reset Layout   E Enables you to reset the columns on the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page to the default layout.

Settings Icon Tips: Show / Hide


Enables you to show or hide the field tips on the Edit Contract page.

Settings Icon Switch to Salesforce Detail page   E Enables you to display the contract using the Salesforce Detail page. To switch back to the enhanced page, click Edit with Enhanced Page or View on Enhanced Page.
View on Enhanced Page   S Displays the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page in view mode.

Maximize Icon

Restore Icon

  E Maximizes / Restores the page in your browser window.
Help Icon     Opens the related help topic.
Delete Icon   E Removes the product or plan line item from the contract.
Expand Details Pane Icon Collapse Details Pane Icon   E Expands / Collapses the Contract Detail panel.
Information icon indicating that there is no description for the liine. This is used to edit and view the description. Description   E

Indicates that the contract line item does not have a description. Hover over the icon to see a prompt to add a description.

  • In Edit mode, click the icon to open the field to add a description or select text to copy.
  • In View mode, this icon does not appear.
Information icon used to edit and view the description. Description   E

Indicates that the contract line item has a description. Hover over the icon to see the current description.

  • In Edit mode, click the icon to open the field to edit the description or select text to copy.
  • In View mode, click the icon to open the field to select text to copy.
Add Product drop-down list on the Plans tab.

Screenshot showing Add Product drop-down with Price Book drop-down


Enables you to choose products to add to the contract and enter a product name to filter the list of products. The Add Product drop-down list might be filtered at org-level if a custom filter has been applied as described in Filtering the Product List in the Enhanced Detail Pages.

The Price Book drop-down list is shown if one or more price books are active on your Salesforce orgClosedSalesforce organization. If a price book is selected, a price is shown for each product in the drop-down list if there is one for the selected price book.


If you select a different price book, this has no effect on contract line items that already exist on the contract.


If you cannot see the product or plan you want to add, type the first few characters of the product or plan to filter the list.

If you are adding a product and a Price Book is selected, the drop-down list shows the default price for each product in that price book for the selected currency. The selected Price Book provides a default Unit Price. Unit Prices for existing contract line items are not updated if you select a different Price Book after adding them.

If a product shows –, this indicates that the price book does not contain a price for the product in the selected currency.

If a product shows a range of values for the Unit Price such as USD 70.00 - ..., this indicates that a pricing structure applies to that product. You can edit the quantity breaks applied to a contract line. See Applying a Pricing Structure.

When you add a product to a contract, the Billing Type of that product is added to the contract line item if there is one.

Long product names are truncated. To view the full product name, hover over that product in the list.