About Task Dependency Relationships and Lag

In Project Task Gantt you can create a task dependency relationshipA relationship between two tasks. If a task is completed early or late, this has an effect on the start and end date of the task that succeeds it. between two tasks using dependency types. You can also specify a lagThis term is either a delay or an overlap between tasks in a dependency relationship. According to the dependency type, lag is added (or subtracted when a negative value) to the start or end time of the successor task. time on a task dependency relationship.

Note: Note
When you create a task dependency relationship in Project Task Gantt, the default lagThis term is either a delay or an overlap between tasks in a dependency relationship. According to the dependency type, lag is added (or subtracted when a negative value) to the start or end time of the successor task. time of 0 is applied. When you change the dates of a dependent task, for example by dragging the task bar on the Schedule pane, the preceding task's dates are not updated in accordance with dependency rules.
To re-apply dependency rules:
When you save changes dependency rules are not re-applied.
You cannot create a dependency relationship between a parent task and any other task.

Task Dependency Relationship Types

There are several types of dependency relationships that you can apply between two tasks. The first task in the relationship is known as the predecessor and the second called the successor. Dependency types and descriptions are provided here:

Dependency Type Relationship Description

Default Value

Finish to Start (FS)A type of dependency relationship between two project tasks. When a finish to start dependency relationship exists between two project tasks, the second project task in the relationship cannot start until the first project task is complete. The successor project task cannot start until the predecessor project task is complete. Yes
Start to Finish (SF)A type of dependency relationship between two project tasks. When a start to finish dependency relationship exists between two project tasks, the second project task in the relationship cannot finish before the first project task starts. The successor project task cannot finish before the predecessor project task starts. No
Start to Start (SS)A type of dependency relationship between two project tasks. When a start to start dependency relationship exists between two project tasks, the second project task in the relationship cannot start until the first project task starts. The successor project task cannot start until the predecessor project task starts. No
Finish to Finish (FF)A type of dependency relationship between two project tasks. When a finish to finish dependency relationship exists between two project tasks, the second project task in the relationship cannot finish until the first project task is complete. The successor project task cannot finish until the predecessor project task is complete. No

When a dependency is created between two tasks, the successor task's details are recalculated according to the dependency type you apply. The recalculation is also influenced by which duration unit each task is set to. The predecessor task does not move unless you manually change its details. When there are more than two tasks in a dependency, the predecessor task's details are recalculated appropriately when it is also a successor to another predecessor task.

About Lag Time on Task Dependency Relationships

Lag can be applied when there is a dependency relationship between two project tasks. The lag is the time gap added or subtracted from the end of a predecessor task before the successor task can start. The default lag is 0. Lag time can be a positive or negative value. For more information, see the description for the Lag field.

Formulas recalculate project task start or end dates and times accordingly in dependencies when you update the dependency’s lag time.

Dependency Type


Lag Formula Used

Finish to Start

Start of the successor task. Finish of the predecessor task plus or minus any applied lag time.
Start to Finish Finish of the successor task. Start of the predecessor task plus or minus any applied lag time.
Start to Start Start of the successor task. Start of the predecessor task plus or minus any applied lag time.
Finish to Finish Finish of the successor task. Finish of the predecessor task plus or minus any applied lag time.

Related Concepts

Project Task Gantt (Task Manager)

About Tasks

Related Tasks

Managing Projects

Viewing Tasks

Viewing Task Details

Changing Start and End Dates

Adding a Task or Checkpoint

Adding a Task Dependency Relationship

Deleting a Task Dependency Relationship

Editing a Task Dependency Relationship

Assigning Resources or Roles to a Project Task

Closing Project Task Gantt

Deleting Tasks

Editing Project Task Details

Moving Tasks

Printing the Project Plan

Saving Changes


Undoing and Redoing Changes

Viewing the Critical Path


Creating Resource Demands from Project Task Gantt

Associating Project Tasks with Milestones

Configuring Alerts and Restricted Editing of Project Task Constraints

Using Task Notes in Project Task Gantt

Setting up Work Calendars


Project Task Gantt Fields

Project Task Gantt Settings and Preferences

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